
Letter Writing by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami, PGT (English)

Letter Writing by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami, PGT (English)

1. The increasing number of road accidents is taking alarming proportions and it has become a matter of grave concern for the public. You are also worried over the number of road accidents occupying the headlines of newspapers every morning. Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily newspaper drawing the attention of the authorities to the rising number of road accidents. You are XYZ.

The Editor,
The Assam Tribune, Guwahati
Dated: _/_/__.
Subject : Increasing number of road accidents

    Through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the serious attention of the concerned authorities and the masses to the increasing number of road accidents. The ever-increasing number of road accidents raises serious safety concerns for the public. The people who embrace premature deaths every day and the instances of those who become physically handicapped bear witness to the unmitigated nature of the problem.
    It goes without saying that reckless driving is the pivotal factor that aggravates the problem of road accidents. There are people who show a total indifference to the traffic signals and make a mockery of rules and restrictions. The pedestrians don't know how to cross the road and in consequence hit by the speeding vehicles. The arrogant and intoxicated truck drivers, the youths addicted to bike stunt and the pathetic condition of roads, -all add to the rising number of road accidents.
    What matters most under such circumstance is enforcement of strict legal measures to minimize the number of road accidents. The government has already brought some stringent Acts to stop the progress of the problem. However its practical implementation is not so satisfactory. Driving license should be issued to those who are physically and mentally sound and stable.
    Finally, I call upon the concerned authorities and the general public to realize the gravity of the problem so that a mass awareness is generated to face this challenge.

Yours sincerely

2. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the bad condition of roads in your city. (100-120 words)

The Editor
The Sentinel, Guwahati
Dated : _/_/_ _.
Subject : Deteriorating Condition of roads

    I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a space to highlight the bad condition of roads in our area so that it attracts the attention of the concerned minister and department. The government collects various types of taxes for the sake of its smooth running and it should be their sincere duty to provide basic amenities like good, clean roads favourable for all weathers and a safe surrounding for the citizens. It is quite surprising that the roads in our locality have not been adequately repaired for the past 5 years. Accidents have become a common, day-to-day occurrence due to pitfall and breakages Sometimes, repair works are undertaken by government agencies under immense pressure from the media and the public. But these repair works are more for appeasement of the public and for misappropriation of funds and hence, it does not last for more than a few months. The situation takes an alarming proportions during monsoon when water stagnates in the holes and ditches on the roads. Many people sustain mild to critical injury due to difficulty in tracing the hazardous parts of roads.

    Sir, as regards what has been stated above, I cordially request the concerned authority to address the problem before the beginning of monsoon.

Yours sincerely

3. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper about the non-availability of essential commodities at the fair-price shop of your locality.

The Editor
The Times of India New Delhi.
Dated:_/_/_ _.
Sub: Nonavailability of essential commodities at fair price shop.


    I shall be much obliged if you give me an opportunity to lay bare the unfair and dishonest practices of fair price shop owners in our locality. I expect the concerned authority to take drastic measures for eliminating the loopholes in the public distribution system.
    The fair-price shop in our area is being run for mere profit and it is making a mockery of the objectives and principles of the government schemes for the poor. There is no use establishing and running a fair price shop if it can't provide the essential commodity for the poor and economically disadvantaged people of the society. The owner of the shop is suspected to be involved in black marketing of the goods and services coming in the name of the enrolled beneficiaries. He is a rude and dishonest person who doesn't deserve to continue the fair price shop. Every time the ration-card holders approach him for wheat, sugar or oil, he shows the pretext of not receiving the stock. People have to go back grumbling as there is no way to ascertain if he has told the truth or not. It is quite mysterious why the essential commodities are not available at his fair-price shop whereas these are easily accessible in the black market. In spite of lodging public complaint, no departmental officer has visited the area for investigation Officials from top to bottom seem to be involved in this scandal.

    In the bigger interest of ensuring transparency in the management of fair price shops, I request the appropriate authority to order an immediate inquiry into this issue.
Thanking you
Yours truly

4. You have noticed many stray animals on the road during the busy hours of the day. These animals have caused traffic jams as well as accidents. You have already written to the concerned authorities but no action has been taken so far. So write a letter to the editor of a leading newspaper telling him about the nuisance created by the stray animals. Sign your name as Preety.

The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Dated:_/_/_ _.
Sub : Obstacles created by stray animals

    Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the immediate attention of the appropriate authorities to the terrific problems created by stray animals. It is seen everywhere in Assam that a large number of stray animals keep roaming on the national highways and other major roads. They become an unpleasant cause of traffic jams and road mishaps. Most of these animals that roam on the roads are cows goats and buffaloes. The owners let them loose on the road without paying any attention to the hazards they invite to other people. The entire area remains littered with the excrement of these animals. There should be necessary legal and infrastructural arrangements for impounding all such stray animals and charging a heavy penalty on their owners. If this step is taken, there is a huge possibility that road accidents and number of deaths will decrease.
    Sir, as regards what has been stated above I call upon all those concerned to take the matter into their serious perspective and restrict the unwanted movement of animals on the highways.

Yours truly

5. You are a resident of Gauripur, Assam. Your area faces the frequent breakdown of electricity. Even the voltage is so low that it causes extensive damage to the electronic devices and appliances. You are a student and face a lot of inconveniences due to this frequent breakdown. Using all these hints together with your own ideas on the issue, write a letter to the editor of a national daily showing your anxiety and deep concern at the erratic supply of electricity. Also, suggest some ways and means ease this critical situation.

The Editor
The Sentinel, Guwahati
Dated:_/_/_ _.
Sub: Low voltage and erratic power supply

    I shall consider it my special privilege and fortune, if you kindly allow me a space to highlight the problem faced by the residents of Gauripur, Assam, due to low voltage and frequent breakdown of electricity.
    The pathetic situation caused by frequent power cut and low voltage in our area, really beggars all description. There is a widespread resentment and grievance among the residents that electricity department does not want to solve their problems on the slightest pretext. They don't understand how harassed their consumers are due to an eccentric supply of power. The problem becomes all the more alarming during summer, when unbearable heat and mosquitoes continue to plague them. The residents have to spend sleepless and troublesome nights without fans and adequate light. The fluctuations of voltage causes havoc with electronic devices and appliances and the damage is difficult to estimate. The worst affected section of the public are the students who are preparing for their board and university examinations. For students who have got used to electric light it is very difficult to study in candlelight or kerosene lamp. Those having inverter facilities also suffer when the supply of electricity remains interrupted for several days. Thus frequent power cut and low voltage badly affect the normal life of the people. People can get rid of this chronic problem if the Electricity Board install powerful transformers in the area. Those who are in unlawful possession of electric connection or those who have unauthorized access to commercial use of electricity, should immediately be brought to book.
    As regards what has been stated so far, l request the concerned authority to consider the genuine nature of our problem and take drastic measures for redressal of our grievance.
With regards
Yours sincerely

1. Click here for Report Writing by Rupjyoti Goswami

2. Click here for Letter writing by Rupjyoti Goswami

3. Click here for Poster writing

4. Click here for A few important Letter writing

5. Click here for Degree of comparison by Rupjyoti Goswami

6. Rules for Transforming Sentences

7. Click here for fully solved HS Correct Tenses

8. Click here for fully solved Hs Narration

9. Click here for fully solved HS Voice Change

10. Click here for fully solved HS Preposition

11. Click here for fully solved HS transformation of sentences.

12. Click here for Notice Writing by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami.

13. Click here for Unseen Passage

14. Click here for Usage Present Indefinite Tense

15. Click here for Simple Complex and compound sentence.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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September 4, 2022 at 10:16 AM ×

Good job. Continue your work. You are a helping hand to many needy ones.

Mini S
September 4, 2022 at 10:27 AM ×

Sir, Because of you definitely We'll able to carry good marks in our upcoming English examination.

December 23, 2022 at 12:56 PM ×

Very good and unique writing style.

July 27, 2023 at 2:38 PM ×

Helpful content sir
