
Notice Writing by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami


Notice Writing


                      Prepared by Sri Rupjyoti Goswami

    Subject Teacher (English), Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.



A notice is generally a written or printed statement which is official, institutional, informative and it is sometimes indicative of a warning in special circumstance. It is used to convey message or information to the public in general or to a special class of people.

Notice serves the purpose of spreading information on various issues or occasions. The language of a notice should be simple, straightforward, formal, brief and to the point. Newspapers, magazines and the notice board of an institution are some of the most widely used tools for displaying notices.

Points to remember while drafting a notice:

1. It should preferably be written in a box.

2. Dates should be mentioned either at the extreme bottom (left) or at the extreme top (left).

3. The title of a notice should have a meaningful phrase instead of a complete sentence.

4. It should always have the name, the designation and the signature of the authority issuing the notice. However during examination, the name and address of the authority should be written only if these are mentioned in the question. Otherwise letters (ABC,PQR..etc.) should be written in the place of name and address.]



1. The Art Club of your school is going to organize a drawing and painting competition. Write a notice, to be displayed on the school notice board, inviting students to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Sharmistha/Rahul, Secretary, Arts Club, Rajdhani Public School, Guwahati. (Word Limit: 50)


                   Rajdhani Public School, Guwahati


                 Drawing and Painting Competition


Dear Public/Citizens

      This is for information of all concerned that the Art Club of our school is going to organize a competition on drawing and painting from the 25th April, 2021. Those who are willing to participate in the competition are hereby requested to display their drawings and paintings in the exhibition Hall of the School. The interested students may submit their names to the undersigned on or before March 18, 2021.

Rahul (Secretary)

Art Club



2. The Prime Minister of the country is visiting your city. As the Police Commissioner of the city draft a notice to be printed in the newspaper, informing the citizens about various traffic detours, and diversions on the given day.



Office of the Police Commissioner, Guwahati


                         Traffic detours and diversions


Dear Public/Citizens

    This is for the information of public in general that the Honourable Prime Minister of our country will visit Assam tomorrow for inauguration of several projects in Kamrup (Metro). Hence the route from Khanapara to Jalukbari via Dispur will remain closed for the public on the 10th December, 2021. No vehicles will be allowed on this route from 5 AM to 4.PM

   The National Highway to Jalukbari via ISBT will, however remain open for the commuters.


Police Commissioner

Kamrup (Metro)





3. You have found a small plastic bag containing some documents and some cash while walking in a park. Write a notice for the park notice board asking the owner to identify and collect it from you. You are Rimjhim/Alokesh.



Nehru Park, Jorhat


                          FOUND! FOUND!


Dear visitors

    This is for the information of all concerned that a small black plastic bag containing some documents and cash was found lying on a bench of the park. The genuine owner is hereby requested to contact the undersigned and collect the bag after identifying the documents and details of the cash.



(A concerned citizen)




4. You are the Deputy Commissioner of Golaghat. You are worried over the soaring positivity rate of COVID 19 in your district. Draft a Public Notice asking citizens to follow the COVID appropriate behaviour.


Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Golaghat


                     Follow COVID 19 Protocols


Dear Citizens

     In the wake of the rising cases of COVID 19 in Golaghat, the undersigned hereby requests the citizens to take all the precautionary measures prescribed by the medical department. If the citizens do not comply with the COVID-19 protocols and cases go on rising, a strict lockdown may be enforced. Hence you are requested to refrain from making redundant movements. Everyone must wear masks in public places and sanitize their hands frequently.

 Deputy Commissioner,




5. You are the General Secretary of B.N.College, Dhubri. Draft a notice to be put up on the notice board inviting volunteers and donors for a one-day Blood Donation Camp organized by the Red Cross society of India at your college. (Word limit:50)


                           B.N.College, Dhubri


                        One-day Blood Donation Camp


Dear friends and well-wishers 

      The undersigned requests your active involvement in a Blood Donation Camp organized by the Red Cross Society of India on 5 August 20XX from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in our college. The interested donors are requested to contact the undersigned. Some volunteers are also urgently required to help the donors and doctors. Those willing to volunteer on this great occasion are hereby requested to confirm their services latest by 26th July 20XX.

General Secretary

B.N.College, Dhubri



6. You are the Officer-In-Charge of XYZ Police Station. A robber has absconded from Police Custody taking advantage of darkness. Draft a notice for the newspaper giving all his details, promising a reward for anyone who can give clue to his hideout. (Word limit:50)


          XYZ Police Station      


                           Person Absconded      


Respected Citizens

This is for general information of the public that a person under trial of robbery has absconded from the Police Custody taking advantage of heavy rain and power cut. The missing person is 5 ft 6inches tall and there is a horizontal black mark on his forehead and this is clearly visible on the photograph given below. Anybody who can find a clue to his hideout, is requested to contact the undersigned. The finder will be rewarded with Rs 50000 in cash and his identity will be kept a secret.



XYZ Police Station



7. You are the editor of your school magazine. Write a notice in your school notice board inviting articles for the magazine. (Word Limit: 50)


:.                             ABC School


                        Articles for School Magazine


Dear students

              It is hereby informed that we are going to publish our school magazine within a couple of months and hence your articles, stories, poems and creative writing are required. Articles should be written on A4 size papers in legible handwriting. The class and name of students should be mentioned. The write-ups complete in all respects, should be submitted to the undersigned on or before 25th July, 20XX.



Editor, School magazine.



8. You are Mohini/Abhijit, General Secretary of Sivasagar Govt Higher Secondary school. Draft a notice for your school notice board requesting students to take part in the cultural programme organized in aid of the victims of the recent Assam floods.


           Sivasagar Govt Higher Secondary school


                            Relief for Assam Flood Victims


Dear friends

This is to inform all the students of our school that we are organising a cultural programme to raise funds for the victims of the recent devastating flood in Assam.The programme will include a wide variety of events like singing, dance, skits and extempore speech.Those willing to take part in this programme for a noble cause,are requested to submit their names to the undersigned along with a sum of Rs 50.


General Secretary


9. You are Anuradha/Amrit, Cultural Secretary of Cotton Collegiate HS School, Guwahati. You are planning to organise a cultural programme. Write a notice for the school notice board inviting names of students willing to participate. (Word Limit:50)


                    Cotton Collegiate HS School


                                A Cultural Programme


Dear friends

       This is to inform you that a day-long cultural programme is proposed to be held at the auditorium of our school on the 28th August, 20XX. The events planned for the programme are: Group Songs, One Act Play, Recitation of poems and Folk dances. The best performing artists will be awarded with attractive prizes. Those willing to take part in the programme are hereby requested to submit their names to the undersigned on or before 20th August, 20XX.


Cultural Secretary




10. You are Nikhil/Nishita, Secretary AVM Housing Society. You are going to organize a blood donation camp. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, urging the members of your society to come in large numbers for this noble cause. Invent all the necessary details.


                       AVM Housing Society


                                 Blood Donation Camp


Dear citizens,

     Our society is going to organize a blood donation camp in the Community Hall on the 2nd October, 20xx, from 9 AM to 4 PM. Arrangements are being made to provide refreshments for all donors. The doctors and nurses of the Red Cross Society have promised to render their selfless service to make it a success. All the citizens are hereby requested to come forward and encourage their friends and relatives to respond to this noble cause, apart from donating blood themselves.


AVM Housing Society





11. You are Jupitora, Cultural Secretary of Gauripur Higher Secondary school. Your school has organized a Science Exhibition in connection with the death anniversary of Ramanujam. Write a notice inviting students to participate in it.


                    Gauripur Higher Secondary school


                                   Science Exhibition    


Dear students        

It gives me immense pleasure to inform you that we are going to organize a Science Exhibition in commemoration of the great mathematician Ramanujam on his death anniversary, on the 12th of March, 20xx in the school playground. Students are requested to participate in this exhibition and make it a success.


Cultural Secretary




12. Water supply will be suspended for ten hours (10am to 6 pm) the 25th of July for cleaning of the water tank. Write a notice in about 50 words advising the residents to store water for a day. You are Dilip Paul, Secretary, Urban Housing Society, Sixmile, Guwahati.

Ans:.                  Urban Housing Society, Sixmile, Guwahati


                         Suspension of Water Supply


Dear citizens

     You are hereby informed that water supply in your locality will be suspended for ten hours (8am to 6 pm) on 25th of July for cleaning of the water tank. All the residents are advised to make necessary arrangements to store water for a day. Inconvenience is deeply regretted.

Dilip Paul, Secretary

Urban Housing Society


13. You are the Principal of Barkanda People's Academy. Your school has newly introduced the and Science Streams and admission process is going to start from the 1st August, 2021. Write an 'Admission Notice' inventing the necessary details.


                      O/o Barkanda People's Academy

                             ADMISSION NOTICE

                   Introduction of Science and Commerce streams


Dear students

        This is for information of all concerned that the Science and Commerce streams have been newly introduced in our school with necessary infrastructure and teaching staff, by the education department. It is my special privilege to inform you that the process of admission in all the three streams will start from the 1st August, 20XX. Students are requested to collect the admission forms along with the prospectus from the 1st August. Duly filled in forms with testimonials must be submitted at this office latest by 12th August,20XX.List of candidates selected for admission will be hung on the college notice board on the 17th August.


Barkanda People's Academy



14. Agia Grid Sub Station, Goalpara, is going to shut down supply of electricity on the 31st July, 20XX from 8AM to 4 PM. Draft a notice informing the consumers of the intended loadshedding.

Ans:                      Agia Grid Sub Station, Goalpara


                             Powercut for repair work


Dear Consumers

      This is for information of those concerned that supply of electricity under this Sub Station, is going to be shut down on the 31st July,20XX for eight hours, from 8AM to 4PM,due to some much-needed repair work. Consumers are requested to be mentally prepared for the power cut. Any inconvenience is deeply regretted.


Agia Grid Sub Station.




Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami

Post Graduate Teacher (English)

Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.

Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com

Mobile: 9864425896.

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Mini S
July 31, 2022 at 10:37 AM ×

Thank you is not enough to express my gratitude,sir.

July 31, 2022 at 12:08 PM ×

Awesome everything keep it up

July 31, 2022 at 1:50 PM ×

Very helpful to us

July 31, 2022 at 5:21 PM ×

Very helpful, really appreciable....

August 1, 2022 at 7:18 AM ×

very useful post for students

January 16, 2023 at 11:02 AM ×

Nice sir. Thank you so much.
