
A few Rules of Affirmative- Negative Sentences by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami

 A Few Rules of transforming Affirmative into Negative Sentences prepared by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami, PGT (English),

HN Seminary Model HS School Bagribari, Dhubri.


This topic has already been published in "Shikhya Jyoti", an annual mouthpiece of Dhubri District Higher Secondary Teacher & Employees Association on 6th November, 2022.

The use of negative words is a familiar method of making a sentence negative in structure. However there are certain techniques which can keep the meaning unchanged while making the sentences negative. The words which are most commonly seen in Negative Sentences are: no, not, never, nothing, none, no one, nobody, nowhere, neither...nor, not only... but also etc. The rules of transforming Affirmative into Negative Sentences are mentioned below for the convenience of learners.

1. An Affirmative sentence is transformed into a Negative Sentence by using a Negative word along with the opposite form of the Main word. The main word can be a verb, an adjective or a noun (in rare situation). (āĻāĻŸা Affirmative Sentence āĻ• NegativeāĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ Main word ā§° āĻŦিāĻĒā§°ীāĻ¤াā§°্āĻĨāĻ• āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻā§° āĻ˛āĻ—āĻ¤ Negative Word āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। Main word āĻŸো āĻ•্ā§°িā§ŸাāĻĒāĻĻ, āĻŦিāĻļেāĻˇāĻŖ āĻŦা āĻŦিāĻļেāĻˇ্āĻ¯ āĻĒāĻĻো āĻš'āĻŦ āĻĒাā§°ে। āĻ‰āĻĻাāĻšā§°āĻŖāĻ¸্āĻŦā§°ূāĻĒে-) For example,
(a) She is intelligent. = She is not dull.
(b) He is a strong man. = He is not a weak man.
(c) He is doubtful. = He is not sure.
(d) He is an honest person = He is not a dishonest person.
(e) England won the World Cup Cricket in 2019. = England did not lose the World Cup Cricket in 2019.
(f) He agreed to my proposal. = He did not disagree to my proposal.

2. There are some words which do not have proper and matching antonyms. The sentences appear to be awkward if some words are forcefully brought as 'antonyms'. The best alternative of making such sentences Negative, is by using the structure "do/does/did + not fail to + 1st form of the verb "For example, (āĻāĻ¨ে āĻ•িāĻ›ুāĻŽাāĻ¨ āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻ†āĻ›ে āĻ¯িāĻŦোā§°ā§° āĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻ‰āĻĒāĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ āĻ†ā§°ু āĻ–াāĻĒāĻ–োā§ąা āĻŦিāĻĒā§°ীāĻ¤াā§°্āĻĨāĻ• āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻ¨াāĻĨাāĻ•ে। āĻŦāĻ˛āĻĒূā§°্āĻŦāĻ•āĻ­াāĻŦে āĻŦিāĻĒā§°ীāĻ¤াā§°্āĻĨāĻ• āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°িāĻ˛েāĻ“ āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŸো āĻŦিāĻ•ৃāĻ¤ āĻŦা āĻ…āĻĻ্āĻ­ুāĻ¤ āĻšোā§ąা āĻ¯েāĻ¨ āĻ˛াāĻ—ে। āĻāĻ¨েāĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্ā§°āĻ¤ āĻ†āĻŸাāĻ‡āĻ¤āĻ•ৈ āĻ‰āĻ¤্āĻ¤āĻŽ āĻŦিāĻ•āĻ˛্āĻĒāĻŸো āĻš'āĻ˛ do/does/did + not fail to + Verb1 āĻ—āĻ āĻ¨āĻŸো āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া। āĻ‰āĻĻাāĻšā§°āĻŖāĻ¸্āĻŦā§°ূāĻĒে-)
(a) He visited the Taj Mahal. = He did not fail to visit the Taj Mahal.
(b) I saw a snake crawling on the floor. = I did not fail to see a snake crawling on the floor.
(c) Mr Das  reads newspapers regularly. = Mr Das does not fail to read newspapers regularly.
(d) Be sincere and punctual. = Don't fail to be sincere and punctual.

3. Affirmative sentences having "only" or "alone" anywhere in the structure, are transformed into Negative by replacing these two words with "None but" (if it denotes persons) and "Nothing but" (if it denotes things, objects). For example, (āĻ•োāĻ¨ো Affirmative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯ā§° āĻ¯িāĻ•োāĻ¨ো āĻ…ংāĻļāĻ¤ only/alone āĻĨাāĻ•িāĻ˛ে āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িā§° āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্ā§°āĻ¤ None but āĻ†ā§°ু āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ুā§° āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্ā§°āĻ¤ Nothing but āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°ি Negative Sentence āĻ˛ৈ ā§°ূāĻĒাāĻ¨্āĻ¤ā§° āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦ āĻĒাā§°ি। āĻ‰āĻĻাāĻšā§°āĻŖāĻ¸্āĻŦā§°ূāĻĒে-)
(a) God alone can save him. = None but God can save him.
(b) He plays only chess. = He plays nothing but chess.
(c) Only Niharika can solve this problem. = None but Niharika can solve this problem.

4. If the word "only" used in an affirmative sentence refers to number, quantity and age, then it is replaced by "not more than" or "not less than" to make it Negative. For example, (āĻ¯āĻĻিāĻšে Affirmative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ¤ āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻšোā§ąা ONLY āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻāĻŸোā§ąে āĻ¸ংāĻ–্āĻ¯া, āĻĒā§°িāĻŽাāĻŖ āĻŦা āĻŦā§ŸāĻ¸āĻ• āĻŦুāĻœাā§Ÿ, āĻ¤েāĻ¤িā§Ÿা Only ā§° āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻ¨āĻ¤ Not more than/Not less than āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°ি āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŸো NegativeāĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ‰āĻĻাāĻšā§°āĻŖāĻ¸্āĻŦā§°ূāĻĒে-)
(a) She is only fourteen. = She is not more than fourteen/She is not less than fourteen.
(b) They have only two cars. = They have not more than two cars/They have not less than two cars.
(c) He bought only two umbrellas. = He bought not more than two umbrellas.

5. Sentences that have "Both...and" in their structures, are made Negative by replacing these with "Not only... but also" and vice versa. For example, (Both...And āĻĨāĻ•া āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŦোā§°āĻ• Negative āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ "Not only...but also" ā§° āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) She is both beautiful and intelligent. = She is not only beautiful but also intelligent.
(b) Both Dhoni and Ganguly are great captains. = Not only Dhoni but also Ganguly is a great captain.
(c) He can speak both Greek and Spanish. = He can not only speak Greek but also Spanish.

6. Affirmative sentences that have "too + adjective + to + Verb1" or "too + adjective + for + pronoun/noun (me, her, him, them, Ram etc.) + Verb1 expression are turned into Negative Sentences by replacing it with "so + adjective + that + subject + auxiliary + not + Verb1" and vice versa. For example ("Too + adjective + to + V1 āĻŦা  too + adjective + for + pronoun/noun(me, her, him, them, Ram) + V1 āĻ—াāĻ āĻ¨িā§° āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŦোā§°āĻ• Negative āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ So + adjective + that āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) The box is too heavy for me to lift. = The box is so heavy that I can not lift it.
(b) The ceiling is too high for him to touch. = The ceiling is so high that he can not touch it.
(b) The old man is too weak to walk. = The old man is so weak that he can not walk.

7. There are some affirmative sentences that use "so + adjective + that" structure without adding any Negative word. These are transformed into Negative Sentences by using "too + adjective + not to + Verb1" structure. For example (āĻ•িāĻ›ুāĻŽাāĻ¨ Affirmative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯ āĻ†āĻ›ে āĻ¯িāĻŦোā§°āĻ¤ so + adjective + that āĻ—াāĻ āĻ¨ি āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻ¸্āĻŦāĻ¤্āĻ¤েāĻ“ āĻ•োāĻ¨ো Negative āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻ āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻ¨āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻāĻ‡āĻŦিāĻ˛াāĻ• āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ• Negative āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ "too + adjective + not to + V1 āĻŸো āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) The milk in the pot is so hot that it can burn your fingers. = The milk in the pot is too hot not to burn your fingers.
(b) The potato is so hot  that it will burn your mouth. = The potato is too hot not to burn your mouth.
(c) The viper is so poisonous that it can kill anyone. = The viper is too poisonous not to kill anyone.

8. Affirmative sentences beginning with "What if" are turned into Negative by replacing it with "It does not matter if" expression. For example, (What if ā§°ে āĻ†ā§°āĻŽ্āĻ­ āĻšোā§ąা āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ• Negative āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ It doesn't matter if āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) What if I am late. = It does not matter if I am late.
(b) What if I fail in the examination. = It does not matter if I fail in the examination.
(c) What if he loses all the money in gambling. = It does not matter if he loses all the money in gambling.

9. If an affirmative sentence begins with "As soon as", it is made Negative by replacing it with "No sooner did/does/do/had..... than" according to tense of the verb and number of the person and vice versa. For example: (As soon as ā§°ে āĻ†ā§°āĻŽ্āĻ­ āĻšোā§ąা āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ• Negative āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ No sooner than āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°ি Tense āĻ†ā§°ু person (āĻŦāĻšāĻ¨) āĻ…āĻ¨ুāĻ¸ā§°ি do/did/does/had ā§° āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) As soon as he saw me he began to weep. (Affirmative)
Ans:- No sooner did he see me than he began to weep. (Negative)
(b) As soon as he had reached the station, the  train left. (Affirmative)
Ans:-No sooner had he reached the station than the train left. (Negative)
(c) As soon as he reaches office,he starts shaking  hands with everyone. (Affirmative)
Ans:- No sooner does he reach his office, he starts shaking hands with everyone. (Negative)

10. Unless + Affirmative = If + negative
Affirmative sentences in which "Unless" is used in the subordinate clause, are transformed into Negative Sentences by replacing it with "If" and adding a negative word with the verb. Other necessary changes will also be made. For example: (Unless āĻ¯ুāĻ•্āĻ¤ Affirmative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŦোā§°āĻ• Negative āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ If ā§° āĻ¸ৈāĻ¤ে Verb ā§° Negative ā§°ূāĻĒ āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻāĻ‡āĻ•্āĻˇেāĻ¤্ā§°āĻ¤ Unless ā§° āĻ াāĻ‡āĻ¤ If āĻŦāĻšুā§ąাāĻ‡ āĻ…āĻ¨্āĻ¯াāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻ†ā§ąāĻļ্āĻ¯āĻ•ীā§Ÿ āĻĒā§°িāĻŦā§°্āĻ¤āĻ¨āĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) Unless you work hard, you will fail. = If you do not work hard, you will fail.
(b) Unless you walk fast, you will miss the train. = If you do not walk fast you will miss the train.

11. Sometimes, affirmative sentences are turned into Negative Sentences by changing the Degrees of Comparison. Several processes are involved in it. (āĻ•েāĻ¤িā§ŸাāĻŦা Affirmative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŦোā§°āĻ• Negative āĻ•ā§°িāĻŦāĻ˛ৈ Degrees of Comparison ā§° āĻĒā§°িāĻŦā§°্āĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ‡ā§ŸাāĻ¤ āĻ•েāĻ‡āĻŦাāĻŸাāĻ“ āĻĒ্ā§°āĻ•্ā§°িā§Ÿা āĻ¨িāĻšিāĻ¤ āĻšৈ āĻ†āĻ›ে।)
(i) By changing the Superlative Degree into Positive Degree beginning with "No other".  For examples: (āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯ā§° āĻ†ā§°āĻŽ্āĻ­āĻŖিāĻ¤ No other āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°ি Positive Degree āĻ˛ৈ āĻĒā§°িāĻŦā§°্āĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ•ā§°িāĻ˛েāĻ‡ āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŸো Negative āĻšৈ āĻ¯াā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)

(a) Mount Everest is the highest mountain peak in the world. (Superlative)
Ans:- No other mountain peak in the world is as high as Mount Everest. (Positive)
(b) Sachin Tendulkar is the greatest of all batsmen in world cricket. (Superlative)
Ans:- No other batsman in world cricket is as great as Sachin Tendulkar. (Positive)

(ii) By changing into Comparative Degree when the structure in the Positive Degree is "as  + adjective + as". Examples:
(a) Rita is as beautiful as Sita. (Positive)
Ans:- Sita is not more beautiful than Rita. (Comparative)
(b) He is as intelligent as I am. (Positive)
Ans:- I am not more intelligent than he. (Comparative)

(iii) When comparison is made between two persons or objects in Comparative Degree, then the part succeeding "than" is brought forward and placed in front of the structure "not so/as + adjective in the Positive Degree + as + Subject of the sentence". For example, (āĻ¯েāĻ¤িā§Ÿা āĻĻুāĻŸা āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ু āĻŦা āĻĻুāĻœāĻ¨ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤িā§° āĻŽাāĻœāĻ¤ āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ, āĻ¤েāĻ¤িā§Ÿা THAN ā§° āĻĒাāĻ›ā§° āĻ…ংāĻļāĻŸো āĻ†āĻ—āĻ˛ৈ āĻ…āĻ¨া āĻšā§Ÿ āĻ†ā§°ু āĻ¤াā§° āĻ িāĻ• āĻĒিāĻ›āĻ¤েāĻ‡ Not so/a + Adjective in Positive Degree + as + Subject of the sentence-āĻāĻ‡ āĻ—াāĻ āĻ¨িāĻŸো āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) He is taller than I am. (Comp) = I am not as/so  tall as he. (Negative)
(b) Gold is more valuable than silver. (Comp) = Silver is not so/as valuable as gold. (Negative)
(c) Easier said than done. (Comp) = Doing is not so/as easy as saying. (Negative)

(iv) When comparison is made among many persons or objects in Comparative Degree, using the expression "than any other/all", the sentence is transformed into Negative by using "No other" in the Positive Degree. For example: (Comparative Degree āĻ¤ āĻ¯āĻĻি āĻŦāĻšুāĻ¤ āĻŦ্āĻ¯āĻ•্āĻ¤ি āĻŦা āĻŦāĻšুāĻ¤ āĻŦāĻ¸্āĻ¤ুā§° āĻŽাāĻœāĻ¤ āĻ¤ুāĻ˛āĻ¨া āĻ•ā§°ি than any other/all ā§° āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ, āĻ¤েāĻ¤িā§Ÿা āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻŸোā§° āĻ†āĻ—āĻ¤ NO OTHER āĻŦāĻšুā§ąাāĻ‡ Positive Degree āĻ˛ৈ ā§°ূāĻĒাāĻ¨্āĻ¤ā§° āĻ•ā§°িāĻ˛েāĻ‡ Negative āĻšৈ āĻ¯াā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে--)
(a) He is taller than any other boy in the class. (Comp) = No other boy in the class is as tall as he is. (Negative)
(b) The Ganga is longer than any other river in India. (Comp) = No other river in India is as long as the Ganga. (Negative)

(v) Some sentences in the Comparative Degree are written using the structure "less + adjective in the Positive Degree + than". Such types of sentences are transformed into Negative Sentences by replacing "LESS" with "NOT AS" and "THAN" with "AS. For example, (Comparative Degree ā§° āĻ•িāĻ›ুāĻŽাāĻ¨ āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ¤ LESS+ADJECTIVE+THAN ā§° āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻšোā§ąা āĻĻেāĻ–া āĻ¯াā§Ÿ। āĻāĻ‡āĻŦিāĻ˛াāĻ• āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ¤ LESS ā§° āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻ¨āĻ¤ NOT AS āĻ†ā§°ু THANā§° āĻ াāĻ‡āĻ¤ AS āĻŦāĻšুā§ąাāĻ‡ Negative āĻ˛ৈ āĻĒā§°িāĻŦā§°্āĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে--)
(a) He is less intelligent than you said.(Comparative)
Ans:- He is not as intelligent as you said. (Negative)
(b) She is less beautiful than you described.(Comparative)
Ans:- She is not as beautiful as you described.(Negative)

12. Some affirmative sentences are made negative by replacing "EVERY/ALL" with "NO" and adding the "UN" prefix to Verbs. For example, (āĻ•িāĻ›ুāĻŽাāĻ¨ āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ¤ āĻĨāĻ•া every āĻŦা all ā§° āĻ¸্āĻĨাāĻ¨āĻ¤ no āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°ি āĻāĻ•ে āĻ¸āĻŽā§ŸāĻ¤ে verb āĻŸোā§° āĻ†āĻ—āĻ¤  un āĻŦāĻšুā§ąাāĻ‡ Negative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ˛ৈ āĻĒā§°িāĻŦā§°্āĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) He tried every plan. (Affirmative) = He left no plan untried. (Negative)
(b) He answered all questions. (Affirmative) = He left no question unanswered.(Negative)
(c) The CID solved every mystery. (Affirmative) = The CID left no mystery unsolved. (Negative)

13. There are some affirmative sentences in which "Double Negatives" are used to transform them into Negative Sentences. The structure generally followed in such situations, is: "Helping Verb + Not without + noun". For examples: (āĻ•িāĻ›ুāĻŽাāĻ¨ āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯ āĻ†āĻ›ে āĻ¯'āĻ¤ double negative ā§° āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°ি Negative sentence āĻ˛ৈ āĻĒā§°িāĻŦā§°্āĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) I love Jane. (Affirmative) = I am not without love for Jane. (Negative)
(b) Jane loved him. (Affirmative) = Jane was not without love for him. (Negative)
(c) He has money and wealth. (Affirmative) = He is not without money and wealth. (Negative)
(d) The students respect the Principal. (Affirmative) = The students are not without respect for the Principal.

14. Affirmative sentences beginning with "EVERY" are transformed into Negative by using the structure "There is no + noun + without". For example: (EVERY ā§°ে āĻ†ā§°āĻŽ্āĻ­ āĻšোā§ąা Affirmative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ¤ "There is no + noun + without" āĻŦ্āĻ¯ā§ąāĻšাā§° āĻ•ā§°ি Negative āĻ˛ৈ ā§°ূāĻĒাāĻ¨্āĻ¤ā§° āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) Every Rose has a thorn. (Affirmative) = There is no Rose without a thorn. (Negative)
(b) Every cloud has a silver lining. (Affirmative) = There is no cloud without a silver lining. (Negative)
(c) Every fire has smoke. (Affirmative) = There is no fire without smoke. (Negative)

15. When a universal truth is expressed in an Affirmative Sentence, it can be transformed into a Negative-Interrogative sentence. For example (Affirmative āĻŦাāĻ•্āĻ¯āĻ¤ āĻšিā§°āĻ¨্āĻ¤āĻ¨ āĻ¸āĻ¤্āĻ¯ āĻ˜āĻŸāĻ¨াā§° āĻĒ্ā§°āĻ•াāĻļ āĻĒাāĻ˛ে āĻ¸িāĻšঁāĻ¤āĻ• āĻāĻ•েāĻ¸āĻŽā§ŸāĻ¤ে Negative āĻ†ā§°ু Interrogative sentence āĻ˛ৈ ā§°ূāĻĒাāĻ¨্āĻ¤ā§° āĻ•ā§°ি Negative āĻ•ā§°া āĻšā§Ÿ। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
(a) The Earth moves round the Sun. = Doesn't the Earth move round the Sun? / Does the Earth not move round the Sun?
(b) Everyone wishes to be happy. = Who does not wish to be happy?
(d) Everyone has heard of Shakespeare. = Who has not heard of Shakespeare?

16. Miscellaneous changes in words in Affirmative - Negative Sentences. (Affirmative ā§° āĻĒā§°া Negative āĻ˛ৈ āĻ¨িāĻ“āĻ¤ে āĻšোā§ąা āĻļāĻŦ্āĻĻā§° āĻ…āĻ¨্āĻ¯াāĻ¨্āĻ¯ āĻĒā§°িāĻŦā§°্āĻ¤āĻ¨āĻ¸āĻŽূāĻš। āĻ¯েāĻ¨ে-)
Sometimes--Not always, always--never, All--No, Many--Not a few, Much--Not a little, A few--Not many, For good/forever--Never, A little--Not much, Must/have to/has to---Cannot but (OR) Cannot help +V1> ing
Examples for better understanding:
(a) He is sometimes unhappy. = He is not always happy.
(b) He has many friends. = He has not a few friends.
(c) She is much /very tired. = She is not a little tired.
(d) There is a little milk in the glass. = There is not much milk in the glass.
(e) We must respect our elders. = We cannot but respect our elders.

Question Answers for Quick Reference:-
Negative into Affirmative:-

1. No sooner did the train stop than I got into it.
Ans:- As soon as the train stopped, I got into it.
2. She was so ill that she could not attend college yesterday,
Ans:- She was too ill to attend college yesterday.
3. I am not taller than you.
Ans:- You are as tall as I am.
4. No man in the street came forward to help the blind man.
Ans:- Every man in the street hesitated to help the blind man.
5. He did not fail to see the Taj Mahal.
Ans:- He saw the Taj Mahal.
6. The knife is not sharp.
Ans:- The knife is blunt.
7. This young lady is not incompetent for the post.
Ans:- This young lady is competent for the post.
8. None but a fool can act thus.
Ans:- Only a fool can act thus.
9. No one can deny that Zubeen is a good musician.
Ans:- Everyone must admit that Zubeen is a good musician.
10. My mother is not a little tired.
Ans:- My mother is very tired.
11. My grandfather never fails to get up early in the morning.
Ans:- My grandfather always gets up early in the morning.
12. Bandana is not always wise.
Ans:- Bandana is sometimes unwise.
13. No one can escape his destiny.
Ans:- Everyone must face his destiny.
14. I saw nothing in the bag but husks and dust.
Ans:- I saw only husks and dust in the bag.
15. There is nobody but believes in his honesty.
Ans:- Everybody believes in his honesty.
16. There is nothing wrong with me.
Ans:- Is there anything wrong with me?
17. Who does not know that the Sun rises in the east?
Ans:- Everyone knows that the Sun rises in the east.
18. No sooner did she see me than she began to weep.
Ans:- As soon as she saw me, she began to weep.
19. Is there any nation in the world that is not taking notice of India today?
Ans:- Every nation in the world is taking notice of India today.
20. No one found the play uninteresting.
Ans:- Everyone found the play interesting.
21. Every mother cannot but love her child.
Ans:- Every mother must love her child.
22. None of them were bad. > Each of them was good.
23. No other boxer in India is as great as Mary Kom.
Ans:- Mary Kom is the greatest boxer in India.
24. No one can deny that Tendulkar is a great cricketer.
Ans:- Everyone must admit that Tendulkar is a great cricketer.
25. I am not as/so rich as you are.
Ans:- You are richer than I am.

Affirmative into Negative:-
1. You are the only person fit for the post.
Ans:- None but you are the person fit for the post.
2. Can their glory ever fade?
Ans:- Their glory can never fade
3. He is sometimes careless.
Ans:- He is not always careful.
4. Where there is smoke there is fire.
Ans:- There is no smoke without fire.
5. I came here for the last time.
Ans:- I shall never come here again.
6. The brave alone deserve the fair.
Ans:- None but the brave deserve the fair.
7. Only students are allowed to enter the hall.
Ans:- None but the students are allowed to enter the hall.
8. Chennai is hotter than Mumbai.
Ans:- Mumbai is not so/as hot as Chennai.

1. Click here for Report Writing by Rupjyoti Goswami

2. Click here for Letter writing by Rupjyoti Goswami

3. Click here for Poster writing

4. Click here for A few important Letter writing

5. Click here for Degree of comparison by Rupjyoti Goswami

6. Rules for Transforming Sentences

7. Click here for fully solved HS Correct Tenses

8. Click here for fully solved Hs Narration

9. Click here for fully solved HS Voice Change

10. Click here for fully solved HS Preposition

11. Click here for fully solved HS transformation of sentences.

12. Click here for Notice Writing by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami.

13. Click here for Unseen Passage

14. Click here for Usage Present Indefinite Tense

15. Click here for Simple Complex and compound sentence.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
Contact us (whatsapp no-7020477396) for free notes on English, Political Science, Logic & Philosophy, MIL Assamese, Advanced Assamese, Swadesh Adhyayan, Economics, Education, History.
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January 30, 2022 at 12:16 PM ×

Thank you so much sir ❤️😊

Mini S
January 30, 2022 at 12:38 PM ×

We really appreciate all of your hard work and effort.Keep it up sir...

January 30, 2022 at 1:02 PM ×

Your inspiring words are of immense value.It will encourage me to write more.Always keep inspiring

January 31, 2022 at 1:29 PM ×

Really helpful post..sir

February 7, 2022 at 4:23 PM ×

Keep it up sir 💛

February 9, 2022 at 4:03 PM ×

I'll surely give my best . Thank you very much

May 3, 2022 at 7:27 AM ×

Very good. Your good effort is helping us.

December 23, 2022 at 12:51 PM ×

We can understand the effort to prepare this article.
