
Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

Long Walk to Freedom
Nelson Mandela

1. Choose the correct answer:

(i) Apartheid is a political system that separate people according to their ____ hslc-2023

(a) religion

(b) language

(c) race

(d) gender

Ans: (c) race

(ii) In life, every man has twin obligations. What is another word for obligation? hslc-2023

(a) duty

(b) hobbies

(c) wealth

(d) livelihood

Ans: (a) duty

(iii) Mandela's country is rich in: hslc-2023

(a) forest and lakes

(b) agriculture

(c) gems and minerals 

(d) hills and rivers

Ans: (c) gems and minerals 

(v) ... not just my freedom that was curtailed. hslc-2019

(a) increased 

(b) reduced

Ans:- (b) reduced

(vi) All of us will spend many years, if not generations, recovering from that profound hurt. hslc-2020

(a) light and vain 

(b) abnormal 

(c) deep and strong

Ans:- (c) deep and strong

(vii) ... confer glory and hope to new born liberty. 

(a) take 

(b) give 

(c) insult 

(d) sympathy 

Ans:-(b) give 

(viii) Achieve our political emancipation 

(a) curtailment 

(b) freedom from restriction

Ans:-(b) freedom from restriction

(ix) The name of the autobiography of Mandela is:

(a) Long Walk to Freedom

(b) My Experiments with Truth 

(c) Wings of Fire

(d) Dreams From My Father

Ans:-(a) Long Walk to Freedom

(x) What was the result of decades of op- pression and brutality?

(a) It produced some men of extraordinary courage and wisdom

(b) It created a deep lasting wound to the country.

(c) It created a difference between blacks and whites.

Ans:-(a) It produced some men of extraordinary courage and wisdom.

(xi) According to Mandela, Freedom is: 

(a) divisible 

(b) reversible

(c) indivisible 

(d) irreversible

Ans:-(c) indivisible 

(xii) A man who takes away another man's freedom, is a prisoner of:

(a) hatred

(b) greed

(c) jealousy 

(d) misery

Ans:-(a) hatred

(xiii) I began to learn that my boyhood freedom was an.....

(a) Illusion

(b) Intuition

(c) Inspiration

(d) All of the above

Ans:- (a) Illusion

(xiv) According to Mandela, what is a country's greatest wealth?

(a) Natural resources 

(b) Armed forces

(c) People

(d) Power

Ans:-(c) People

(xv) Depths of oppression create:

(a) heights of character

(b) heights of success

(c) heights of ignorance

Ans:-(a) heights of character

(xvi) dawned bright and clear.

(a) Tenth July

(b) Tenth May

(c) Fourth July

(d) Fourth May

Ans:-(b) Tenth May

(xvii) Who was sworn in as the second deputy president?

(a) Nelson Mandela

(b) Thabo Mbeki

(c) Oliver Tambo

(d) Mr de Klerk

Ans:-(d) Mr de Klerk

(xviii) Which is the old national national anthem of the Republic of South Africa?

(a) Die Stem

(b) Nkosi Sikelel-I Afrika

(c) God save the King 

(d) La Marseillaise 

Ans:-(a) Die Stem

(xix) According to Mandela, what comes more naturally to heart?

(a) Love

(b) Hate

(c) Freedom 

(d) Patriotism

Ans:-(a) Love

2. State whether the following are true or false: 

(i) Nelson Mandela spent twenty years in prison.  hslc-2015

Ans:- False

(ii) On the day of the inauguration, two national anthems were sung. hslc-2015

Ans:- True 

(iii) On the day of inauguration Mandela was accompanid by his daughter Zenani. hslc-2016 

Ans:- True 

(iv) Thabo Mbki was sworn in as the second deputy president.  hslc-2016, 2019

Ans:- False

(v) The policy of apartheid created lasting peace in Mandela's Country. hslc-2017 

Ans:- False

(vi) On the podium, Mr. de Klerk was first sworn in as first Deputy President. hslc-2019

Ans:- False

(vii) On the day of inauguration, Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of freedom. hslc-2020 

Ans:- False

(viii) On the day of inauguration, Mandela was overwhelmed with a sense of history. hslc-2020. 

Ans:- True 

(ix) The colours of the new South African flag white are black, red, green, blue and white.

Ans:- False

(x) The policy of apartheid created a deep lasting wound in South Africa. 

Ans:- True 

3. Fill in the blanks:

(i) The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid....... 

Ans:- but he who conquer that fear.

(ii) If people can learn to hate...... 

Ans:- they can be taught to love.

4. Who was Nelson Mandela?

Ans:- Nelson Mandela was the first Black President of South Africa.

5. What is the full name of Nelson Mandela?

Ans- The full name of Nelson Mandela is Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

6. What do you mean by apartheid? 

Ans:- Apartheid is a political system that separates people according to their race.

7. What did courage mean to Mandela?
Ans:- To Mandela,courage meant a triumph over fear which is all pervasive. It meant the strength and resilience to overcome pain and hardship. The brave man is one who defeats his fear.

3. According to Mandela, between love and hate which comes more naturally to human heart?    hslc-2016
Ans:- According to Mandela, love comes more naturally to human heart than hate.

4. Who is a brave man, according to Mandela?
Ans:- According to Mandela, the brave man is one who defeats his fear. A brave man need not necessarily be free from fear.

5. "The oppressed and the oppressor alike are robbed of their humanity". What makes Mandela say this?
Ans:- The oppressor is a person who forcefully deprives another person of his freedom. Thus he becomes a prisoner of his own prejudice, hatred and narrow mindedness. Similarly, the oppressed is made to suffer immensely due to the prohibitions imposed on him. A man is who is made to hate and torture his fellow human beings,can never be happy. So,both of these category of people are badly affected.

6. What 'twin obligations' does Mandela mention?    hslc-2017
Ans:- Mandela mentions the twin obligations of fulfilling the duties and responsibilities towards parents, family, wife and children on one side and serving the interests of the people,community and the country on the other side.

7. Why was it difficult for a black South African to fulfill both of the twin obligations?
Ans:- It was because a black South African was not supposed to live as a human being rendering service to his family. He was sure to be punished and isolated. On the other hand, if he tried to fulfill his duty to the country, people and community, he had to sacrifice his familial duties and obligations.

8. What freedom did Mandela want as a student?
Ans:- As a student Mandela wanted to enjoy the temporary freedom of staying out at night, reading the books that pleased him and going where he chose.

9. What did Mandela find when he attempted to serve his people?
Ans:- When Mandela attempted to serve his people, he found himself incapable of fulfilling his obligations as a son, a brother, a father and a husband.

10. What did Mandela say about the wealth of his country?
Ans:- Mandela's country is famous for the minerals, gems and diamonds that lie beneath its soil. However, according to Mandela the greatest wealth of his country was its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds.

11. What is courage according to Mandela? hslc-2023, 2017, 2015

Ans: According to Mandela, courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. 

Q: What did the smoke trail of Impala jets symbolize?

Ans- The smoke trail of the Impala jets symbolized the new national flag of South Africa.

Q: When did Nelson Mandela become the President of South Africa?

Ans- Nelson Mandela became the President of South Africa on 10th May, 1994.

Q: What was the colour of the new South African flag?

Ans- The colours of the new South African flag were- black, red, green, blue and gold. 

Q: What was the author's age at the time of his inauguration ceremony?

Ans:- The author's age was 80 years at the time of his inauguration ceremony.

Q: Who accompanied Nelson Mandela to the oath-taking ceremony?

Ans:- Zenani, the daughter of Nelson Mandela accompanied him to the oath-taking ceremony.

Q: When was the first democratic election held in South Africa?

Ans- The first democratic election in South Africa was held in the year 1994.

Q: What created a deep and lasting wound in Mandela's country?

Ans:- The policy of apartheid created a deep and lasting wound in Mandela's country and his people.

Q: How did Mandela define man's goodness?

Ans:- Mandela defined man's goodness as that flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.

Q: Can you say how 10th May is an 'autumn day' in South Africa?

Ans:- 10th May is an 'autumn day' in South Africa because of its weather and the dawning of freedom after about 300 years of white rule.

Q: What missions would Mandela like to achieve for the future of South Africa and her people on securing the political emancipation? hslc-2018

Ans:- Nelson Mandela, the Gandhi of South Africa, wanted to achieve some missions in his life which was not only for him but also for the people of South Africa. He wanted to liberate all the people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.

He tried his level best to achieve his missions and became successful with his resilience and dedication.

Syllabus of Class X English

1. A Letter to God

2. Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

3. A Tiger in the zoo by Leslie Norris

4. Amanda by Robin Klein

5. Animals by Walt Whitman

6. Coorg by Lokesh Abrol

7. Tea from Assam by Arup Kumar Datta

8. Madam Rides the Bus by Vallikkannan

9. The Tale of Custard the Dragon by Ogden Nash

Momemts Supplimentary Reader in Class X English

10. The Midnight visitor

11. A Question of Trust

12. Footprint without feet

13. The Hack Driver

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.

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