
A Tiger in the Zoo

 A Tiger in Zoo
 Leslee Norris

Word Meaning:-

Stalk- (v) খুূব গোপনে নিশব্দে কাৰোবাক অনুসৰণ কৰি খোজকঢ়া।

Vivid- (n) উজ্জ্বল বা স্পষ্ট

Stripe- (n) ভিন্ন ৰঙৰ দীঘল আঁচ বা পটি।

Cage- (n) সঁজা, পিঞ্জৰা।

Pad- (n) কিছুমান জন্তুৰ ঠেঙৰ তলৰ সোপোকা অংশ।

Velvet- (n) মখমল কাপোৰ।

Quiet- (adj) শান্ত, নিৰ্জু।

Rage- (n) প্ৰচণ্ড খং, ক্ৰোধ।

Lurking- (adj) খাপ পিটি থকা, জোপ লৈ থকা।

Sliding- (v) পিছলি গৈ, চুচৰি গৈ।

Water hole- (n) খোৱাপানী প্ৰাকৃতিকভাৱে জমা হৈ থকা ঠাই।

Plump- (adj) লোদোৰ-পোদোৰ, নেদোকা

Snarling- (v) গোঁজৰণি মাৰি

Edge- (n) দাঁতি, কাষ।

Baring- (v) (দাঁত) নিকটাই বা দেখুৱাই।

Fang- (n) (জীৱ-জন্তুৰ) দীঘল জোঙা দাঁত।

Claw- (n) চিকাৰী চৰাই বা জন্তুৰ চোকা আৰু জোঙা নখ, হাতোৰা।

Concrete- (n) শিল, বালি, চিমেণ্টোৰে নিৰ্মিত।

Cell- (n) সৰু কোঠা, কুঠৰি, কক্ষ।

Bar- (n) দণ্ড।

Locked- (adj) বন্দী।

Strength- (n) শক্তি।

Ignoring- (v) উপেক্ষা কৰি, আওকাণ কৰি।

Visitor- (n) দৰ্শনাৰ্থী, চাবলৈ অহা মানুহ।

Patrolling- (adj) টহলদাৰী।

1. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternatives given in brackets:

(i) The captured tiger is stalking in: hslc-2023

(a) the stable

(b) the cage 

(c) the zoo 

(d) the night street 

Ans:- (b) the cage 

(ii) He stalks in his vivid stripes. (glaring/dark/ pale) hslc-2015

Ans:- glaring 

(iii) In his quiet rage. (mood/violent anger/walk) hslc-2015, 2017 

Ans:- violent anger 

(iv)....and stares with his brilliant eyes. (very dull/very bright/angry) hslc-2017 

Ans:- very bright 

(v) In his quiet rage. (noisy/silent/worst) hslc-2019 

Ans:- Silent.

(vi) At the jungle's edge. (border/side/ centre) 

Ans:- Border.

(vii) Snarling around houses. (angry sound/ happy sound/ sad sound) 

Ans:- angry sound 

(viii) Baring his white fangs. (sharp teeth/ sharp claws/paw) 

Ans:- sharp teeth

(ix).....lurking in the shadows. (hiding/sleep- ing/growling)

Ans:- hiding

(x) How do the eyes of the tiger look? 

(a) dark 

(b) teary 

(c) brilliant

Ans:-(c) brilliant

(xi) What does the tiger stare at night?

(a) sky 

(b) patrolling cars 

(c) stars

Ans:-(c) stars

(xii) The peom draws a contrast between:

(a) tiger in a zoo & tiger in a forest

(b) humans & tigers

(c) tiger in a zoo & lion in a forest

Ans:-(a) tiger in a zoo & tiger in a forest

(xiii) What sound does the tiger hear at night? 

(a) patrolling cars 

(b) roar of lion

(c) hue and cry of villagers 

(d) crickets 

Ans:-(a) patrolling cars

(xiv) How do the tiger react to visitors in the zoo?

(a) smile at them

(b) ignores them

(c) attacks them

(d) scares them

Ans:-(b) ignores them

(xv) Which animal passes near the water hole? 

(a) plump ox

(b) plump deer

(c) plump buffalo

(d) giraffe

Ans:- (b) plump deer

(xvi) The tiger should have been terrorising villagers by its:

(a) striped body

(b) fangs and claws

(c) brilliant eyes 

(d) paw

Ans:-(b) fangs and claws

2. Give the rhyming words:

Ans:- Rage- cage, HSLC-2020

Edge- cage HSLC-2015
Cage-rage HSLC-2016
Cars- bars
Grass- pass
house- mouse
Feet- beat HSLC-2019 

 3. Explain the expression 'quiet rage' in the context of the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo'. hslc-2023

Ans:- 'Quite rage' refers to the intense anger of the tiger. Despite being strong and fierce, he is caged in the zoo. He walks in rage inside the cage.

4. How does the tiger stalk in the cage?

Ans:- Being imprisoned in the artificial surrounding of a cage in a zoo, the tiger feels totally helpless. His movements are restricted and he keeps on stalking inside his cage restlessly. He walks quietly in suppressed anger.

5. How does the tiger behave inside the cage?

Ans:- The tiger seems to be unhappy and frustrated at his confinement in a concrete cell of the cage. He walks quietly and restlessly inside the small enclosure of the zoo.He hates being the source of entertainment for the visitors and naturally he becomes indifferent to their presence. He spends sleepless nights, staring at the beautiful stars.

6.What would the tiger have done if he were in his natural habitat? hslc-2020 2016

Ans:- The tiger would have moved freely if he were in his natural habitat. He would have passed secretly through long grass in search of his favourite prey-the plump deer which come to drink water. He would have also encroached into human settlements near the forest, displaying his sharp teeth and claws, terrifying the villagers.

7. How does the tiger behave at night?

Ans:- The tiger feels very lonely at night and keeps awake to look through the bars at the shining stars.

8. How does the tiger prepare himself for hunting when he is in his natural habitat?

Ans:- The tiger roams freely in his natural habitat. He waits for his prey, lurking unseen in the shadow of trees. He slides through long grass quite unnoticed. He comes to the water hole where he can come upon his favourite prey-the plump deer.

9. How does the tiger terrorize the villagers?

Ans:- The tiger sometimes encroaches into human settlements bordering the forest. He terrorizes the villagers by showing his sharp white teeth and claws and making an angry sound. 

10. How does the tiger walk in the cage?

Ans:- The tiger walks in the cage stalking. He is quite angry due to his imprisonment.

11. What does the poet think where should the tiger be?

Ans:- The poet thinks that the tiger should be in the jungle.

12. How does the tiger act inside the cage? 

Ans:- The tiger inside the cage is very angry and powerless. He longs for his freedom. 

13. His strenght behind the bars', what is meant by this phrase?

Ans:- 'His strength behind the bars' means that the tiger is powerless and helpless as he is caged in the zoo.

14. Why does the tiger ignore the visitors? 

Ans:- The tiger considers the visitors to be emotionless. They never help him get free from his captivity. So, he ignores them.

15. What is a water hole? Why should the tiger be lurking near it? hslc-2018

Ans:- A water hole is a small source of water, generally found in tropical forests. 

The tiger should be lurking near it in order to catch plump deer.

16. What would the tiger have done if he were in his natural habitat, the forest? hslc-2020

Ans:- If the tiger were in his natural habitat, the forest, he would have, snarled around the houses at the jungle's edge and frightened the villagers by showing his fangs and claws.

17. "He stalks in his vivid stripes." 

Who is meant by 'He' in the above line? 

What is meant by 'vivid stripes'?  hslc-2022

Ans:- 'He' here refers to the captured tiger.

    'Vivid stripes' is a reference made to the bright yellow and black stripes of the tiger. 

18. What is meant by 'quiet rage'?  hslc-2022

Ans:- The phrase 'quiet rage' expresses the silent anger that the tiger feels on being restricted in his small cage. He does not express his anger by snarling or growling and instead silently walks in its cage in rage.

19. Where should the tiger be snarling around and how should it be terrorising the village? hslc-2022

Ans:- The tiger should be snarling around houses at the jungle edge.

The tiger terrorises the villagers by snarling around the houses and showing his white fangs and claws.

Syllabus of Class X English

1. A Letter to God

2. Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

3. A Tiger in the zoo by Leslie Norris

4. Amanda by Robin Klein

5. Animals by Walt Whitman

6. Coorg by Lokesh Abrol

7. Tea from Assam by Arup Kumar Datta

8. Madam Rides the Bus by Vallikkannan

9. The Tale of Custard the Dragon by Ogden Nash

Momemts Supplimentary Reader in Class X English

10. The Midnight visitor

11. A Question of Trust

12. Footprint without feet

13. The Hack Driver

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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