
The Road not taken by Robert Frost

The Road not taken by Robert Frost

1. Word-Meaning:
Diverged= seperated.
Yellow wood= old forest
Wood= forest.
Bent= form a curve (turned).
Undergrowth= bushes
Claim= right (correct in opinion or judgment)
Grassy= covered with grass.
Wear= be dressed.
Trodden black= the act of crushing.
Doubted= suspect.
Sigh= sorrow
Hence= from now; in the future.

2. Give the rhyming words:
Ans:- Wood - stood Hay — day/lay
Black — back
Same - Claim
Hence - difference

3. Name the poet of the poem "Road Not Taken".
Ans:- Robert Frost is the poet of the poem “Road Not Taken”.

4. Why could the poet Robert Frost not travel both the roads?
Ans:- The two roads looked similar. Both of them were covered with leaves. So the poet did not travel both the roads.

5. Where did the poet find the road?
Ans:- The poet found the roads in a wood.

6. What is the poem, “The road not taken” about?
Ans:- The poem is about making choices in our life. The choices shape our lives.

7. Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face?
Ans:- The traveler finds himself in a wood where the road is divided in two parts. The problem he faces is that it is not easy to decide which road he should take.

8. Discuss what these phrases mean to you.
(i) a yellow wood.
(Or) What does a "yellow wood" mean?
(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear (iii) the passing there
(iv) leaves no step had trodden black
(v) how way leads on to way

Ans:- (i) It indicates a forest at the time of Autumn.
(ii) It had grass grown on it and wanted the people to walk on it.
(iii) It means walking on the road.
(iv) The leaves which had not been walked over
(V) How one road leads to another road.

9. Where were the two roads? What was the author's difficulty?
Ans:- The poet while traveling, came across two diverging roads in a wood. His difficulty was that it was not easy to decide which road he should take as both the roads seemed equally good.

10. Where did the two roads diverge?
Ans:- The two roads were diverged in a wood.

11. How did the poet make his choice about the roads?
(Or) Why did the poet choose the other road?
(Or) Which of the two roads did the poet choose and why?

Ans:- The poet while traveling, came across two diverging roads. He could not decide which road he should take. He stood a long time watching them. Then he took the one which he considered to be better than the other. It seemed to him grassy and less worn.

12. What do these two roads signify?
Ans:- The two roads signify the crisis of choice. Sometimes in our life we need to make a difficult choice between two options. But if we fail to choose the correct one we will have to suffer which will affect our lives. So, very often people regret for their choice. So it is very important for us to choose the correct option in life. Hence, the two roads in the poem signify two options in life.

13. What was the condition of the two roads?
Ans:- On that morning the two roads looked similar. Both of them were covered with leaves. They had not yet been crushed by any feet.

14. How was the other road as mentioned in the poem "The Road not taken."
Ans:- The two roads were very similar to each other. Both of them were covered with leaves. They had not yet been crushed by any feet. The other road was less grassy and more worn than the first one.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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