
Making of the Constitution


Indian constitution at work
Making of the Constitution
Constitution: why and how

1. Which article of the Indian constitution states that India is a 'Union of States'?     HS-2020, 2016
Ans:- Article-1.

2. Who moved the 'Objective Resolution' in the constituent Assembly?     HS-2020
Ans:- Jawaharlal Nehru

3. Who was the chairman of drafting committee of Indian constitution?    HS-2018, 2016, 2011
Ans:- Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

4. Who was the chairman of constituent assembly of Indian constitution?    HS-2017
Ans:- Dr. Rajendra Prasad

5. Is there any provision of dual citizenship in India.     HS-2015
Ans:- No.

6. When was the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly for undivided India held? HS-2019
Ans:- In 9 December, 1946.

7. A constitution is a fundamental identity of a people. (Write true or false) HS-2019
Ans:- True

8. Mention a name of justice incorporated in the preamble of Indian constitution. HS-2013
Ans:- Social justice

9. What is constitution?        HS-2014
Ans:- A constitution is a body of fundamental principles according to which a state is constituted or governed.

10. What is the function of constitution.        HS-2012
Ans:- (a) Constitution allows co-ordination and assurance.
(b) Limitation on the power of the government.

11. In which year did the Cabinet Mission come to India?
Ans:- 1946

12. Mention a source of Indian Constitution.  HS-2018, 2011
Ans:- (a) Government of India Acts.
(b) British Constitution.

13. Who framed the constitution of India?     HS-2012
Ans:- Constituent Assembly.

14. Write the name of member of drafting committee who hailed from Assam.
Ans:- Sayed Md. Sadullah

15. India is a seclar State.  (Write True or False)      HS-2017
Ans:- True

16. Indian constitution is dynamic. (Write true or false)
Ans:- True

17. What was the total number of members of the Constituent Assembly?
Ans:- 389

18. Mention an ideal incorporated in the preamble of Indian constitution.
Ans:- Socialism, Secularism

19. How many articles are there in Indian Constitution?
Ans:- 395

20. Is Indian constitution supreme law of the land?
Ans:- Yes.

21. When was the constitution of India accepted?
Ans:-In 26 November, 1949.

22. When did the constitution of India come into force?
Ans:-In 26 January, 1950.

23. What is Preamble?          HS-2011
Ans:- A preamble is a concise introductory statement in a document which describes the document's principles and aims

24. What did the framers of Indian constitution borrow from U.K. and U.S.A.

25. How many Articles and Schedules are there in our constitution?
Ans:- There are 395 articles and 12 schedules in our constitution.

26. Write the name of two members of Constituent Assembly.     HS-2014
Ans:- KM Munshi and Syed Md. Sadullah

27. Mention two main dimension of Nehru's objective Resolution. HS-2018
Ans:- (a) India is an independent, sovereign, republic.
(b) India shall consists of the British Indian states, princely states and whichever
areas willing to join with India.

28. Write two functions of the constitution. HS-2017
Ans:- Every country of the world has a constitution. The various functions of the constitution are discussed below:
(a) Constitution allows co-ordination & assurance:- The first function of the constitution is to specify some fundamental values which will maintain a minimum equality among people of all elections.
(b) Specification of decision making power:- The second important function of the constitution is to clearly specify who will take decisions about what kinf of work.

29. Mention two limitations of Indian constitution. HS-2017
Ans:- (a) More importance has been given to the central government which also provides the chance to arbitrate.
(b) Though the constitution of India provided the fundamental rights to its citizen but these rights are removable.

30. Write a note on the preamble of Indian Constitution. HS-2014 marks-4
The constitution of India begins with a Preamble which specifies the nature of the Indian state and the objectives it is committed to secure. KM Munshi describes the preamble as the Political horoscope of the constitution which lists the basic features of the constitution, its basic philosophy and the nature of the state. The Preamble is the most precious part of the constitution, it soul of the constitution, it is the key to the constitution. It is the key to open the mind of the makers of the constitution. It is as jewel set in the constitution.

31. Discuss any four sources of Indian Constitution.
Ans:- The framers of the constitution have prepared the best possible document for our country. Its sources are given below:-
(a) Government of India Acts:- The British Parliament passed several Acts for India. The make of constitution borrowed some materials from these acts, particularly from the act of 1935.
(b) British Parliamentary system:- The leaders of India adopted many British constitutional Practices in our constitution. They were very familiar with the working of the British constitution.
(c) Impact of other constitution:- The Constituent Assembly wanted to give us a Constitution which possessed the best features of all the democratic constitutions. So, the framers of the Indian Constitution were influenced by the constitutions of the UK, USA, Canada etc.   
(d) Debates of the Constituent Assembly:- Debates in the Constituent Assembly were also very important. It was a very useful sources of our constitution.

32. Mention two characteristics of Indian constitution. HS-2014
(or) Discuss any four features of Indian constitution. HS-2013
Ans:- Every country has a Constitution of its own. The following are some of the most important features of the Constitution of India:
1. An enacted Constitution : The Constitution of India is not an evolved institution. It is not the result of growth or continuous development. Ours is an enacted Constitution. It has been framed by a Constituent Assembly which was duly constituted for the purpose.
2. The Lengthiest Written Constitution : India is the largest democracy and its Constitution is the lengthiest in the world. Moreover, it is written. It is very lengthy because, the provisions in the Constitution have been supported with clauses, sub-clauses and explanations so as to make the meaning to every article very clear.
3. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic:- The Preamble to the Constitution declares India to be a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic. It implies that India is al independent country. So, it is sovereign.
4. Independent Judiciary:- The constitution makes the judiciary totally independent. This is evident from provisions such as impartial method of appointment, long-term of the office, removal of judges etc.

33. What is constitution? HS-2014
Ans:- A constitution is a written set of laws and fundamental principles to develop a relationship between the people and the government which comprises a number of articles about the state.

34. Write the name of two countries who have unwritten constitution.
Ans:- UK, New Zealand, Israel.


Textual Questions' Answers:

1. Explain the various sources of the Indian Constitution.
Ans:- The framers of the constitution have prepared the best possible document for our country. Its sources are given below:-
(a) Government of India Acts:- The British Parliament passed several Acts for India. The make of constitution borrowed some materials from these acts, particularly from the act of 1935.
(b) British Parliamentary system:- The leaders of India adopted many British constitutional Practices in our constitution. They were very familiar with the working of the British constitution.
(c) Impact of other constitution:- The Constituent Assembly wanted to give us a Constitution which possessed the best features of all the democratic constitutions. So, the framers of the Indian Constitution were influenced by the constitutions of the UK, USA, Canada etc.   
(d) Debates of the Constituent Assembly:- Debates in the Constituent Assembly were also very important. It was a very useful sources of our constitution.

2. Explain the main features of the Constitution of India.
3. Mention five main features of the Constitution of India.
Ans:- Every country has a Constitution of its own. The following are some of the most important features of the Constitution of India:
a. Two sets of governments:- India has a dual polity. It has two sets of government, one is the federal or national government and others are the government of the States. They exist of their own constitutional right.
b. The Lengthiest Written Constitution:- India is the largest democracy and its Constitution is the lengthiest in the world. Moreover, it is written. It is very lengthy because, the provisions in the Constitution have been supported with clauses, sub-clauses and explanations so as to make the meaning to every article very clear.
c. Division of power:- The Indian Constitution has made a clear division of powers into three lists—the Union list, the State list and the Concurrent list. So, each government performs its allotted duties.
d. Independent Judiciary:- The constitution makes the judiciary totally independent. This is evident from provisions such as impartial method of appointment, long-term of the office, removal of judges etc.
(e) Single Constitution:- The Constitution of India is also the Constitution of the States. Only Jammu and Kashmir has a Constitution of its own. But it is also under the Constitution of India.

4. How far is it true that the Constitution of India is a borrowed document?
Ans:- It is true that the Constitution of India is a borrowed document to some extent. But the framer of the Constitution adopted the features of other constitutions of world only when it is suitable for India.

5. How far the Constitution of India is democratic? Give reasons
Ans:- The Constitution of India is democratic because there is election in every five years. The head of the country is elected by the people of India directly or Indirectly.

6. "The Constitution of India is a mixture of rigidity and flexibility." Discus

7. Define Constitution. Explain its characteristics
Ans:-A constitution is a written set of laws and fundamental principles to develop a relationship between the people and the government which comprises a number of articles about the state.

B. Short Answer Type:
1. Write a short note on India's secularism.
2. Write a short note on Single citizenship in India.
Ans:- As in Canada and Burma, there is only one set of citizenship, that is the Indian citizenship. The constitution of India has provided sinle citizenship to curb provicialism and to promote the feeling of oneness among the people. It guarantees equal opportunities to all citizens.  

3. What is meant by Republic?
Ans:- The head of the country should be elected by the people directly or indirectly.

4. Is the Constitution of India rigid? Give reasons.
5. In the Constitution of India based on the theory of Separation of Powers? Explain
6. Why has the Indian federation been described as a quasi-federation? Give four reasons
7. Write two ideals enshrined in the Preamble to the constitution of India. HS-2015
Ans:- Secularism, republic
8. What is meant by constitution?
9. What are the perverted forms of government according to Aristotle?
Ans:- Tyranny, Oligarchy and Democracy.
C. Short Answer Type: Write two functions of the Constitution
1. Write two functions of the Constitution.     HS-2012, 2019
Ans:- (a) Constitution allows co-ordination and assurance.
(b) Limitation on the power of the government.
2. Write any three sources of the Constitution of India
Ans:- The framers of the constitution have prepared the best possible document for our country. Its sources are given below:-
(a) Government of India Acts:- The British Parliament passed several Acts for India. The make of constitution borrowed some materials from these acts, particularly from the act of 1935.
(b) British Parliamentary system:- The leaders of India adopted many British constitutional Practices in our constitution. They were very familiar with the working of the British constitution.
(c) Impact of other constitution:- The Constituent Assembly wanted to give us a Constitution which possessed the best features of all the democratic constitutions. So, the framers of the Indian Constitution were influenced by the constitutions of the UK, USA, Canada etc.   
(d) Debates of the Constituent Assembly:- Debates in the Constituent Assembly were also very important. It was a very useful sources of our constitution.

3. Mention three Acts passed by the British Parliament for the Government of India before independence.
Ans:- Rowlatt Act, 1919, Government of India Act of 1935 and Indian Independence Act, 1947

4. Mention three independent agencies created under the Constitution of India.
Ans:- Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Election Commission of India (ECI) and Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)

5. Write any three salient features of the Constitution of India.
Ans:- Every country has a Constitution of its own. The following are some of the most important features of the Constitution of India:
a. An enacted Constitution : The Constitution of India is not an evolved institution. It is not the result of growth or continuous development. Ours is an enacted Constitution. It has been framed by a Constituent Assembly which was duly constituted for the purpose.
b. The Lengthiest Written Constitution : India is the largest democracy and its Constitution is the lengthiest in the world. Moreover, it is written. It is very lengthy because, the provisions in the Constitution have been supported with clauses, sub-clauses and explanations so as to make the meaning to every article very clear.
c. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic:- The Preamble to the Constitution declares India to be a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic. It implies that India is al independent country. So, it is sovereign.
d. Independent Judiciary:- The constitution makes the judiciary totally independent. This is evident from provisions such as impartial method of appointment, long-term of the office, removal of judges etc.

6. Point out three features of secularism in India.
Ans:- (a) No state religion in India.
(b) No discrimination on the basis of religion.
(c) Equal recognition and respect to all religion.

7. Mention four main features of the Constitution of India.
Ans:- See question answer no-5
8. Mention three important characteristics of Constitution.
Ans:- See question answer no-5

9. Give one definition of a Constitution.
Ans:- A constitution is a written set of laws and fundamental principles to develop a relationship between the people and the government which comprises a number of articles about the state.

10. Mention Aristotle's three Normal Governments.
Ans:- Monarchy, Aristocracy and Polity

11. What, according to Aristotle, are the Perverted Governments?
Ans:-Tyranny, Oligarchy and Democracy.

12. Write any four characteristics of an ideal Constitution.
Ans:- See question answer no-5
13 Write five unitary characteristics of Indian Constitution.            HS-2015

D. Short Answer Type:
1. Name two Constitutions which influenced the framers of the Indian Constitution.
Ans:- Constitution of UK, Constitution of USA
2. Write two sources of the Indian Constitution.    HS-2018
Ans:- (a) Government of India Acts.
(b) Impact of other constitution

3. Write Two limitations of the Constitution of India.    HS-2016
Ans:- (a) More importance has been given to the central government which also provides the chance to arbitrate.
(b) Though the constitution of India provided the fundamental rights to its citizen but these rights are removable.

4. When was the Constitution of India approved and enforced.
Ans:- The Constitution of India was approved on 29th November 1949 and it was enforced on 26th January 1950.

5. Name two Constitutions which influenced the fundamental rights.
Ans:- The constitution of USA, The constitution of France, The constitution of UK

6. Write two features of independence of Indian Judiciary.
Ans:- (a) Appointment of judges (b) Security of tenure

7. Mention the subject-matter of any two schedules of the Constitution of India.
Ans:-The president of India, The speaker of Lok Sabha

8. Write two federal and two unfederal characteristic of the Constitution of India.
Ans:- Two federal characteristic of the Constitution of India are (a) written constitution and (b) Two sets of Governments
Two un-federal characteristic of the Constitution of India are (a) Proclamation of emergency and (b) Single citizenship

9. Mention two unitary features of the Indian Constitution.
Ans:- Single citizenship and appointment of governors
10. How many parts and how many schedules are there in the Indian Constitution?
Ans:- There are 24 parts and 12 schedules in the Indian Constitution.
11. Mention two characteristics of a Constitution.
Ans:- (a) Written Constitution
(b) Single citizenship
12. Write any two contents of a Constitution.
Ans:- Citizenship and fundamental right
13. Mention any two types of State as classified by Plato.
14. Should an Ideal Constitution be precise?
Ans:- Yes, an Ideal Constitution should be precise.
15. Which kind of constitution is suitable for a federation, rigid or fexible?
Ans:- Rigid Constitution

E. Objective Type:
(a) Answer the following:
1. Who was the chairman of the drafting committee of the constitution of India? HS-2016, 2018
Ans:- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
2. Name two sources of the India Constitution.
Ans:- (a) Government of India Acts.
(b) Impact of other constitution
3. When the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly for undivided India was held? HS-2019
Ans:- 9 December 1946
4. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly of India? HS-2017
Ans:- Dr. Rajendra Prasad
5. Mention two foreign countries as source for Indian constitution.
Ans:- USA and UK
6. Name a feature of Indian Constitution drawn from the British Constitution.
Ans:- Parliamentary form of government
7. What is meant by Rigidity and flexibility of the constitution?
8. Which Article of the Constitution declares India as ‘Union of States'? HS-2016
Ans:- Article-1

9. Write false or true :
(a) India is a secular State. HS-2017
Ans:- True
(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the chairman of the Drafting committee of the Constituent Assembly.
Ans:- True
(c) Constituent Assembly was directly elected.
(d) A Constitution is a fundamental identity of a people.    HS-2019
Ans:- True
(e) The constitution of India has drawn features from many sources.
(f) Constituent Assembly comprised representatives of all sections.

10. Who drafted the constitution of India?
Ans:- Drafting Committe led by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

11. Is the Constitution a limitation on governments powers?
Ans:- yes

12. Find out the wrong answers :
(a) The constitution is a body of fundamental principles.
(b) The constitution safeguards the rights and liberties of citizens.
(c) The constitution ensures that good people come to power.
(d) It upholds the objectives of the state.
Ans:-(c) The constitution ensures that good people come to power.

13. Under which plan the constituent Assembly was set up?
Ans:- Under the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946.

14. Is the constitution of India a supreme law of the land?
Ans:- yes
15. Explain the authority of the constitution of India.
16. Does India constitution enable the government to take positive welfare measures?
Ans:- Yes
17. Comment on ‘The Indian constitution is a borrowed constitution’.
18. Describe Drafting committee of the constituent Assembly.
19. When did the Constituent Assembly adopt the contribution of India? When did it come into force?
Ans:- The Constituent Assembly adopted the contribution of India on 26th November 1949 and enforced it on 26th November 1950.

20. Explain the composition of the constituent Assembly.
21. Name two functions of the constitution.
Ans:- (a) Constitution allows co-ordination and assurance:- The first function of the Constitution is to specify some fundamental values which will maintain a minimum equality among people of all sections.
b) Specification of decision making power:- The second important function of the Constitution is to clearly specify who will take decisions about what kind of work.
(c) Limitation on the powers of the government:
    The third function of the Constitution is to limit the powers of the government. This is important as the government cannot cross this limit and interfere in the lives of the citizens.
(d) Aspiration and goals of a society:- The fourth function of the Constitution is to fulfill the aspirations of the society and work towards establishing a just society.
(e) Vests Power on the Government:- The Constitution not only limits the powers of the government but vests in it many powers to work for the welfare of the people.

22. Is India a Secular State?
Ans:- Yes
23. Does India has a State Religion?
Ans:- No.
24. When was the Constitution of India adopted?
Ans:- on 26th November 1949.
25. How many schedules are there in the Indian Constitution?
Ans:- original 8 Schedules (now 12 schedules)
26. Who elected the first President of India?
Ans:- Dr. Rejendra Prasad
27. Is the Indian judiciary independent?
Ans:- Yes
28. Which Article of the Constitution declares India as a “Union of States'?
Ans:- Article-1.
29. In which year Mahatma Gandhi started the Quit India Movement?
Ans:- in 1942
30. How many Articles does the Constitution of India contain?    HS-201
Ans:- Originally 396 articles (now 470 articles)
31. According to which Article of the Indian Constitution, India is a 'Union of State'?
(i) Article-1 (ii) Article-2 (iii) Article-3
Ans:- (i) Article-1
32. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of Indian Constitution.
Ans:- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
33. Who was the elected chairman of the Constituent Assembly?
Ans:- Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Textual Question:
1. Which of these is not a function of the Constitution?

(a) It gives a guarantee of the rights of the citizen
(b) It marks out different spheres of power for different branches of government
(c) It ensures that good people come to power
(d) It gives expression to some shared values.
Ans:- (c) It ensures that good people come to power

2. Which of the following is a good reason to conclude that the authority of the Constitution than that of the parliament.
(a) The Constitution was framed before the parliament came into being
(b) The Constitution makers were more eminent leaders than the members of the Parliament
(c) The Constitution specifies how parliament is to be formed and what are its powers
(d) The Constitution cannot be amended by the Parliament.
Ans:- (c) The Constitution specifies how parliament is to be formed and what are its powers

3. Stare whether the following statements about a Constitution are True or False
(a) Constitutions are written documents about formation and power of the government.
Ans:- False
(b) Constitutions exist and are required only in democratic countries.
Ans:- False
(c) Constitution is a legal document that does not deal with ideals and values.
Ans:- False
(d) A Constitution gives its citizens a new identity.
Ans:- True

4. State whether the following inferences about the making of the Indian Constitution are correct or Incorrect. Give reasons to support your answer.
(a) The Constituent Assembly did not represent the Indian people since it was not elected by all citizens.
Ans:- incorrect
(b) Constitution making did not involve any major decision since there was a general consensus among the leaders at that time about its basic framework
Ans:- correct
(c) There was little originality in the Constitution for much of it was borrowed from other countries.
Ans:- incorrect

5. Give two examples each to support the following conclusions about the Indian Constitution
(a) The Constitution was made by credible leaders who commanded peoples' respect.
(b) The Constitution his distributed power in such a way as to make it difficult to subvert.
(c) The Constitution is the locus of people's hopes and aspirations.

6. Why is it necessary for a country to have a clear demarcation of powers and responsibilities in the Constitution? What would happen in the absence of such a demarcation?

7. Why is it necessary for a Constitution to place limitations on the rulers? Can there be a Constitution that gives no power at all to the citizens?

8. The Japanese Constitution was made when the US occupation army was still in control of Japan after its defeat in the Second World War. The Japanese Constitution could not have had any provision that the US government did not like. Do you see any problem in this way of making the constitution? In which way was the Indian experience different from this?

9. Rajat asked his teacher this question: "The constitution is a fifty year old and therefore outdated book. No one took my consent for implementing it. It is written in such tough language that I cannot understand it. Tell me why should I obey this document?" If you were the teacher how would you answer Rajat?

10. In a discussion on the experience of the working of our Constitution three speakers took three different positions
(a) Harbans: The Indian Constitution has succeeded in giving us a framework of democratic government
(b) Neha: The Constitution made solemn promises of ensuring liberty, equality and fraternity. Since this has not happened, the Constitution has failed.
(c) Nazima: The Constitution has not failed us. We have failed the Constitution.
Do you agree with any of these positions? If yes, why? If not what is your own position?

Dr. Ratanlal Brahma, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email : brahmaratan@gmail.com
Mobile : 7020477396
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