
Weathering the storm in Ersama

 Weathering the storm in Ersama
Harsh Mander

1. How was Prashant looked at long after the super cyclone was over?

Ans:- Prashant took the lead to help the cyclone- hit people of his village. So he had become a kind of saviour for the village people. Six months passed. The widows and children of his village sought out his face in their hours of grief. They looked at him as their leader.

2. What role did the women play in the Relief Camp? 

Ans:- The people of the community helped one another in the hour of distress. The women also came forward and extended their full cooperation in the Relief Camp. People built shelter for the little children where the women used to look after them. Women worked in the food-for-work programme organized by the N.G.O. 

3. How did Prashant help to arrange food for am is village people? 

Ans:- After two days Prashant arrived his own village Kilakuda. His heart went cold seeing no sign of any house there. Only roofs were seen. Prashant took the lead to help the village people. He organised the youth and elders into a task force. They together went to the merchant of the village. They put pressure on him to give rice to the victims. In four days they ate food of boiled rotting rice to their fill.


4. How have the people of the community helped one another?

Ans:- The people of the community had helped one another by working together. Everyone cooperated to get rid of their problem and obstacles. They built shelter for the little children where the women used to look after them. While men worked for collecting food and material for all. They even joined the ‘food for work programme. This is how they helped one another. 

5. Why do Prashant and other volunteers resist the plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows? What alternatives do they consider?

Ans:- Prashant and other volunteers felt that children would grow without love in that circumstance. That would not be good for their proper growth. Women would suffer from stigma and loneliness. Those were not favourable for normal growth.

Prashant's group organised youth and elders into a task force. They went to the village merchant and collected rice. In a few days, they ate food of boiled rotting rice to their fill.

Prashant requested the women to start working in food-for-work programme. It had been started by a Non Govt. Organization. He organized sports and games for the children. 

6. Briefly describe Prasant's Journey through the flood water from Ersama to his village.

(Or) How did Prashant spend two days on the roof top of his friends house? Describe Prasant's return journey to his village through the flood water.

(Or) Describe how Prashant reached his village after the super cyclone. 

Ans:- In the evening when Prashant was at his friend's house, a dark and dangerous storm gathered in Ersama. Strong winds began to blow it the speed of 350 km per hour. It began to rain cats and dogs. It was a super cyclone. It was really difficult for Prashant to travel back to his village. There was water everywhere. It went up to their necks. The roads were under the water. Dead bodies of human beings and animals floated. So, it was difficult to find the road or path for him. Prashant was away from his village when the super cyclone hit it. After two days he arrived his own village Kilakuda. His heart went cold seeing no sign of any house there. Only roofs were seen. 

7. How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village? 

Ans:- A teenager Prashant was away from his village when the super cyclone hit it. After two days he arrived. He took the lead to help the victims of the cyclone. He found that a large number of children had been orphaned He brought them together. He organised the youth and elders and compelled the merchant to give rice. He has even took the orphan children to a shelter made of polythene and engaged women to look after them. He motivated the grief stricken women to join the food for work’ programme. He arranged cricket matches for the children. He engaged volunteers to clean the camp and to look after the sick. He did everything to lessen the grief of the cyclone victims. 

8. What havoc has the super cyclone wreaked in the life of the people of Orissa?

Ans:- In the evening a dark and dangerous storm gathered in Orissa. Strong winds began to blow. People cried in sorrow. The devastating super cyclone wreaked the life of the people of coastal Orissa severely. It massacred many villages, uprooted many trees, destroyed buildings and killed people and animals. Heavy rainfall caused flood which did a great damage. It entered the houses. Strong wind blew in fury. It rain and rained continuously. Water was everywhere. Dead animals and people were seen floating on water. Those who survived had spent four days without food. Little children lost their parents, women became widows and parents lost their children.  

9. Describe the super cyclone that came in the evening when Prashant was at his friend's house in Ersama. 

Ans:- In the evening when Prashant was at his friend's house, a dark and dangerous storm gathered in Ersama. Strong winds began to blow at the speed of 350 km per hour. It began to rain cats and dogs. It was a super cyclone. People cried in sorrow. Trees were uprooted. Buildings had fallen down. People cried in sorrow. The angry waters, entered the houses and destroyed everything. The uprooted trees had fallen on the house and had damaged the roof and walls. Mud houses were swept away by the water. It had taken everything with it leaving the people in hunger, sorrow and misery. Children were crying for their parents and the parents were crying for their children. People died and many were injured in that cyclone. Everywhere there were dead bodies of human beings and animals. A deadly sheet of water covered everything. There was hardly any scene of life.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.

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