
Globalization - Political Science

 Globalization, Political Science-A Unit-9

1. Define Globalisation.
Ans:- Globalisation means integrating the economy of a country with the economies of other countries in the process of free flow of trade and capital. It also includes the movement of persons i.e. Brain Drain across borders.

2. What are the Positive and Negative impacts of Globalisation?
i) There is increase in the volume of trade in goods & services
ii) Inflow of Private Foreign Capital & export orientation of the economy.
iii) New jobs are created in industries set up by MNCs
i) Globalisation has led to the exploitation of natural resources and labour force.
ii) It promotes the concentration of wealth in fewer hands and market policy is governed  purely  by market force i.e. income inequality.
iii) Globalisation leads to Cultural Pollution

3. Examine the factors responsible for emergence of the process of globalization.
Ans:-The main causes or factors are as follows
• HISTORICAL BASIS :Globalization has a strong basis and it is important to view contemporary flow against this backdrop.
• TECHNOLOGICAL FACTOR :There is no doubt that invention of telegraph, the telephone and the microchip in more recent times has revolutionized communication in different parts of the world.
In this way Globalization is the result of
• Rapid improvements in technology
• Liberalisation of Foreign Trade
• Pressure from international organizations such as WTO

3. What are the Political Consequences of Globalization?
i) Globalization results in reduction of state capacity i.e. the ability of government to do what they do. All over the world, the old ‘welfare state’ is now giving way to a more minimalist state that performs certain core functions such as the maintenance of law and order and the security of its citizens.
ii) In place of the welfare state, it is the market that becomes the prime determinant of economic and social priorities.
iii) The entry and the increased role of multinational companies all over the world leads to a reduction in the capacity of governments to take decisions on their own.
iv) At the same time, globalization does not always reduce state capacity. The primacy of the state continues to be the unchallenged.
v) The state continues to discharge its essential functions (law and order, national security) and consciously withdraws from certain domains from which it wishes to.States continue to be important
vi) State capacity has received a boost as a consequence of globalization, with enhanced technologies available at the disposal of the state to collect information about its citizens.
vii) With this information, the state is better able to rule, not less able. Thus, states become more powerful than they were earlier as an outcome of the new technology.
viii) It has helped in expansion of liberal democracy by strengthening accountability & transparency of power.

4. What are the economic implications of Globalization?
Positive Consequences:-
Globalization involves free flow of goods and services
* There is greater trade in commodities across the globe. The Restrictions imposed by different countries on allowing the  imports of other countries have been reduced.
* Similarly, the restrictions on movement of capital across countries have also been reduced. In operational terms, it means that investors in the rich countries can invest their money in countries other than their own, including developing countries, where they might get better returns.
* Globalization has also led to the flow of ideas across national boundaries. The spread of internet and computer related services are an example of that.
* Globalisation has led to an increase of movement of people across the globe. Eg. There are 3lakh working in the silicon Valley in the USAns:-
2. It generates greater economic growth and well-being for larger sections of the population when there is de-regulation.
• Greater trade among countries allows each economy to do what it does best. This would benefit the whole world.
• It has also been an important mechanism for a country to upgrade its technology and get access to global markets. Competition among companies has enabled consumers to buy cheaper and better quality goods.
• It has released huge underutilized resources and has led to a great economic recovery.
• The greater interdependence and integration between governments, businesses, and ordinary people in different parts of the world will facilitate greater cooperation on political, social and economic issues. It reduces the dependence of the country on bilateral and multilateral agencies such as the IMF, World Bank etc.
Negative Consequences:-
• Inequalities in terms of movement of people: Globalization has not led to the same degree of increase in the movement of people across the globe. Developed countries have carefully guarded their borders with visa policies to ensure that citizens of other countries cannot take away the jobs of their own citizens.
• Inequalities in terms of outcomes: Globalization has led to similar economic policies adopted by governments in different parts of the world; this has generated vastly different outcomes in different parts of the world. There is growing disparity within developed nations, between developed and developing nations, and within developing nations themselves.
• Benefits only a few: Those who are concerned about social justice are worried about the extent of state withdrawal caused by processes of economic globalisation. It benefits only a small section of the population while impoverishing those who were dependent on the government for jobs and welfare (education, health, sanitation, etc.). They have emphasized the need to create ‘social safety nets’ i.e Institutional safeguards or to minimize the negative effects of globalization on those who are economically weak.

5. Write a short note on Cultural Consequences Of Globalization?
Ans:- The cultural effect of globalization leads to the fear that this process poses a threat to cultures in the world. The rise of a uniform culture is not the emergence of a global culture. What we have in the name of a global culture is the imposition of Western culture on the rest of the world.

6. What is WSF?
Ans:-The word WSF signifies "The world social forum" the global platform tries to bring together a wide coalition composed of human rights activists,labour youth and women youth opposed to neo-liberal globalization.
    The first WSF meeting was organized in Porto Alegra,Brazil in 2001. The fourth WSF meeting was held in Mumbai 2004
    The Seventh WSF meeting was held in Nairobi, Kenya in January 2007.


Dr. Ratanlal Brahma, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email : brahmaratan@gmail.com
Whatsapp : 7020477396
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