
International Organisations-Political Science

International Organisations-Political Science Part-A Unit-6

1. What is the importance of international Organizations? OR What is the Need Of International Organizations?
1.Maintaining International Peace and Security :- International Organizations help with matters of war and peace.Countries have Conflicts and differences with each other.They Find Contentious issues & find peaceful solutions.
2.Taking Collective Action against Global Challenges:- There are issues which are so challenging,that they can be only dealt with when everyone works together.No country can solve these problems alone.
3.Laying down common rules and procedures for Global Cooperation:- An International organization can help to produce information and ideas about how to cooperate.It can provide mechanism,rules and a bureaucracy, to help members.
4. Balancing US Hegemony :- With the end of the cold war,  the Unites States and its allies emerged victorious. There was concern amongst many governments and peoples, that the western countries led by the US would be so powerful that there would be no check against their wishes and desires. In Such a situation, the UN can serve as a platform to promote dialogue and discussion with the US so that arguments against specific US attitudes and policies are heard and compromise and concessions shaped.

2. When was United Nations formed & where is its headquarters ?
Ans:-The UN was founded as a successor to the League of Nations. It was established in 1945 immediately after the Second World War. The organization was set up through the signing of the United Nations Charter by 51 states on 24th October 1945.The headquarters of the UN is at Newyork.

3. What are the Objectives Of UN ?
Ans:- The UN’s objective is to prevent international conflicts and to facilitate cooperation among states. It was founded with the hope that it would act to stop the conflicts between states escalating into war and, if war broke out, to limit the extent of hostilities

4. What are the two kinds of reforms the UN face ?
Ans:- Reforms and improvement are fundamental to any organization to serve the needs of a changing environment & the UN is no exception. The UN requires reforms due to its certain limitations :
• The UN remained unrepresented for a long time by several countries including china.
• There seems to be no valid reason why the Security Council Should have same 5 members on permanent basis.
• The Veto power of the permanent members of the Security Council creates hindrances in its working.
Thus, two basic kinds of reforms faced by UN.
(a) Reforms of the organizations structure and processes
(b) A review of the issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the organization.

5. What changes have occurred in the functioning of the UN after the cold war ?
Ans:- (a) The Soviet Union has collapsed &  US emerged as the strongest power.
(b) The relationship between Russia, the successor to the Soviet Union, and the US is much more cooperative.
(c) China is fast emerging as a great power, and India also is growing rapidly.
(d) The economies of Asia are growing at an unprecedented rate.
(e) Many new countries have joined the UN (as they became independent from the Soviet Union or former communist states in eastern Europe).
(f) A whole new set of challenges confronts the world (genocide, civil war, ethnic conflict, terrorism, nuclear proliferation, climate change, environmental degradation, epidemics).

6. Discuss the resolution adopted by the General Assembly over the reforms of the UN.
Ans:- In 1992,the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution over the reform of the UN.The resolution reflected 3 main Complaints:
(a) The Security Council no longer represents contemporary political realities.
(b) Its decisions reflect only Western values and interests and are dominated by a few powers.
(c) It lacks equitable representation.
        In view of these growing demands for the restructuring of the UN, on 1 January 1997, the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan initiated an inquiry into how the UN should be reformed

7. What criteria have been proposed by for new permanent and non-permanent members of the security council ?
Ans:-After the 1992 resolution over the reform in UN the following are some of the criteria that have been proposed for new and non-permanent members of the security council.Thus a new member should be :
•    A major economic power
•    A major military power
•    A substantial contributor to the UN budget
•    A big nation in terms of its population
•    A nation that respects democracy and human rights
•    A country that would make the Council more representative of the world’s diversity in terms of geography, economic systems, and culture.

8. On the completion of 60 years of UN,What are the steps taken by UN to make it more relevant organization ?
Ans:- The UN completed 60 years of its existence, the heads of all the member-states met in September 2005 to celebrate the anniversary and review the situation. The leaders in this meeting decided that the following steps should be taken to make the UN more relevant in the changing context :
(a) Creation of a Peace building Commission
(b) Acceptance of the responsibility of the international community in case of failures of national governments to protect their own citizens from atrocities
(c) Establishment of a Human Rights Council (operational since 19 June 2006)
(d) Agreements to achieve the Millennium Development Goals
(e) Condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations
(f) Creation of a Democracy Fund
(g) An agreement to wind up the Trusteeship Council

9. Define the term VETO Power?
Ans:- In taking decisions,the Security Council proceeds by voting. All members have one vote. However,the permanent members can vote in a negative manner so that even if all other permanent and non-permanent members vote for a particular decision, any permanent member's negative vote can stop the decision. This negative vote is the veto.

10. Being an Indian, How would you support india’s claim to be a Permanent Member Of Security Council ?
Ans:-(a) India is the second most populous country in the world comprising almost one-fifth of the world population.
(b) India is also the world’s largest democracy.
(c) India has participated in virtually all of the initiatives of the UN. Its role in the UN’s peacekeeping efforts is a long and substantial one.
(d) The country’s economic emergence on the world stage is another factor that perhaps justifies India’s claim to a permanent seat in the Security Council.
(e) India has also made regular financial contributions to the UN and never faltered on its payments.

11. Does UN can put a stop to the hegemony of US ?
Ans:- 1. US power cannot be easily checked. First of all, with the disappearance of the Soviet Union, the US stands as the only superpower. Its military and economic power allow it to ignore the UN or any other international organization.
2. Secondly, within the UN, the influence of the US is considerable. As the single largest contributor to the UN, the US has unmatched financial power. The fact that the UN is physically located within the US territory gives Washington additional sources of influence. The US also has many nationals in the UN bureaucracy.
3. With its veto power the US can stop any moves that it finds annoying or damaging to its interests


Dr. Ratanlal Brahma, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email : brahmaratan@gmail.com
Whatsapp : 7020477396
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