
On the Face of It by Susan Hill

On the Face of It by Susan Hill answers prepared by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami (PGT, English)

1. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr. Lamb in spite of himself?
Ans:- Derry is a young boy who remains alienated due to his facial disfigurement caused by acid. He feels heartbroken at the negative remarks on his ugliness. In order to pass some moments of solitude, he comes to Lamb's garden, but meets him unexpectedly. However Lamb does not seem to be horrified at his appearance. Being a disabled person himself, Lamb understands the pain, anguish and mental turbulence of Derry's mind. His inspiring words boost Derry's morale and make him appreciate differences. Derry is replenished with confidence and he is drawn towards Lamb.

2. How do people comment so painfully about Derry's face?
Ans:- Derry suffers from inferiority complex and keeps himself segregated from society due to his facial distortion caused by acid. He is disappointed with people calling his face “a terrible thing" and "the ugliest thing" they have ever seen. He also heard some women saying that only a mother could love such a face as his.

3. Why does Derry go back to Mr. Lamb in the end? HS-2022
Ans:- Derry lives a secluded life due to a facial distortion caused by acid and negative remarks of people.He unexpectedly comes across Mr. Lamb who replenishes him with optimism and positivity. He makes Derry accept and appreciate physical differences. Derry has begun to feel that he is like other normal people. Lamb's inspiring words boost his morale and he decides to start a new life regardless of negative remarks. So, he goes back to Mr. Lamb in the end.

4. Who should be "friends" according to both Derry and Mr Lamb?
Ans:- According to Derry, people should be friends if they have some acquaintance and understanding of each others. So, the people one comes across in streets can't be friends if they do not speak. But for Mr. Lamb all those people one meets, can be friends as they are not enemies.

5. Why did Derry come into Mr. Lamb's garden? Why was he startled? HS-2022
Ans:- Derry came into Mr Lamb's garden probably to pass some time in solitude. He assumed the place to be empty and climbed the garden wall to reach the place. He was startled to find Mr. lamb coming near and speaking to him. Mr Lamb however, didn't mind this encroachment and advised him to stay.

6. Why doesn't Derry stay to help Mr Lamb to get crab-apples?
Ans:- Derry had been out of doors for a long time and his home was at a distance of three miles. His mother must have been worried over his prolonged absence. So,he can't stay to help Mr. Lamb to get crab-apples.

7. 'Though both Mr. Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical disability, their attitude to life is very different'. Justify the relevance of this statement with reference to the story 'On the Face of It'.

(OR)  What are the different ways in which Mr. Lamb tries to change Derry's attitude to life?        HS-2023
Ans:- Derry is a teenage boy who suffers from an inferiority complex due to his facial disfigurement caused by acid. He is always obsessed with a fear that people are scared of his burnt face. He is worried over negative comments on his face which is ‘terrible' and 'the ugliest thing' to some people. In an attempt to escape from people, he becomes alienated from society. On the other hand Mr. Lamb is not at all bothered about is physical disability. He learns to compromise with his fate. His positive attitude towards life, things and people help him accept life as it comes. He doesn't mind children calling him "Lamey-Lamb''. He wears a tin leg as one of his legs was blown off in the war. Instead of living a secluded life away from people, he enjoys sitting in the sun, reading books and growing weeds and flowers.
         Derry is very sensitive, withdrawn and defiant. He doesn't trust people and hates people looking at him. Mr Lamb is frank, inspiring and open-minded. He loves everybody and inspires everybody. He teaches Derry to appreciate physical differences regardless of negative comments and Derry decides to start his life afresh.

8. Both Derry and Lamb are victims of physical impairment, but much more painful for them is the feeling of loneliness. Explain.
Ans:- Derry and Lamb are two victims of physical impairment, both having different ways of responding to this. Derry has a facial distortion caused by acid and Mr. Lamb lost one of his legs during war. So, he wears a tin leg. Derry becomes alienated from society due his deep rooted inferiority complex. The negative comments of the people about his burnt face are beyond his level of tolerance and this makes him live a secluded life. Derry gets afraid and ashamed of himself when he sees his face in the mirror. He cannot entertain the idea that anybody can love him except his mother. Both Derry and Lamb are victims of loneliness which is more painful than their impairment. Lamb however rises above his circumstance and finds a remedy for it while Derry struggles to give a meaning to his existence.
            Lamb always keeps himself engaged in activities and manages to overcome his loneliness. He never allows his physical disability to come in the way of his peace and happiness. He likes to mingle with anybody who meets him. He doesn't become an object of self pity like Derry. Derry's sensitivity and deep inferiority complex make him live a segregated life. He has a deep aversion to people and things. Towards the end of the play, Lamb replenishes him with optimism, enthusiasm and courage to face the world and its people.

9. Compare and contrast the characters of Mr. Lamb and Derry.

(OR)"Though both Mr Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical disability,their attitude to life is very different."Justify the relevance of this statement with reference to the story "On the Face of it".

Ans:- Though both Mr. Lamb and Derry are physically challenged persons,yet they are poles apart in facing the hurdles of life.Derry's facial disfigurement caused by acid ,gives him no peace of mind. He begins to isolate himself from society because people have always something to say about the ugliness of his face. Mr Lamb became crippled after losing his leg in the war.But he does not bother about children calling him 'Lamey Lamb'.Mr. Lamb is an old, experienced and wise person who does not have time to focus on one thing. He keeps himself busy in reading books, listening to songs, keeping a beehive and making jelly. He is a sociable , optimistic and hospitable person who always keeps his gate open for everyone. He doesn't have curtains at his windows. But Derry is a pessimistic person who can't go beyond his physical deformity.Mr Lamb is a very kind, considerate and patient person.But Derry is restless and defiant. However Derry has come to the right person at the right time because Mr Lamb is the only person who prepares him to look at life differently and positively.Derry learns the truth that actions are more important than looks.

10. What impression do you form of Derry, the small boy, in the play ‘On The Face Of It’ ?

(OR) Draw a character sketch of Derry in the light of his conversation with Mr Lamb.

(OR) Write a charactersketch of Derry. HS-2024

Ans:- Derry is a fourteen year old boy who remains alienated from people due to his burnt face. The acid affected side of his face forces him to suffer from an inferiority complex that does not leave him till his chance meeting with Mr Lamb. Derry is an emotionally weak and sensitive person and that is why he gets easily upset at the negative comments of people about his face. It does not matter much for him if the remark is made out of concern and care by his parents, friends and well-wishers. Their anxiety, concern, fear and revulsion makes him feel awkward about his half-burnt face. However, Derry is sympathetic to the sufferings of other people like him. He makes enquiries about Mr Lamb's leg, pain and the circumstances in which he lost his leg. He also wants to know how Lamb passes time all alone in the house. Though Derry has a defiant nature, yet he has developed a readiness to learn and change. He has come to the right person at the right time. By the end of his conversation with Mr Lamb, he has become a totally changed person, resolute enough to face the challenges of life in a positive manner. 

11.What impression do you form of Mr Lamb? How does he look at life? HS 2015

(OR) Draw a character sketch of Mr Lamb.

Ans. Mr Lamb appears in the limelight as the much-needed friend,philosopher and guide of Derry.It is evident from his conversation with Derry that he is kind,considerate, sympathetic and gentle person who nevers misses any opportunity to help Derry cope up with his emotional stress. He is a guest-loving person who always kees his gate open for everybody.As soon as he comes into contact with Derry ,he gets engaged in a conversation with him, without questioning anything about his burnt face.He is a keen observer of human behaviour,who gives Derry a chance to express his mind freely.Both Derry and Mr Lamb are physically challenged.But Mr Lamb never allows his physical deformity to come in the way of his social life.But Derry who suffers from an inferiority complex,likes to remain alienated from society.But Mr Lamb not only takes care of himself ,but also makes Derry mentally fit to live society.As a philosopher,Mr Lamb is unique and influential in his judgement and opinion of people and society. His extraordinary arguments leave such an indelible impression on Derry's mind that he is compelled to give up his fixed notions.Mr Lamb is a pure realist and optimist.He is not at all sensitive to the negative comment of children calling him 'Lamey Lamb'.His way of life is a lesson for everyone.A Christ-like grace is seen when he falls down from the ladder at the end.


12.Why does Mr Lamb leave his gate open ?

(OR) Why was there no curtain in Lamb's house?  HS-2024

(OR) Why aren't there any curtains at the windows of Mr Lamb's house?

Ans:- Mr Lamb is a friendly and sociable person who does not allow his physical deformity to come in the way of his social life.He is a large-hearted and open-minded person who  likes to be in the company of people and therefore keeps his gate and doors open for everyone.He is not protective about his house , garden and property.There are no curtains at the windows of his house because he does not want his house to be hidden from the view of people.

13. Why doesn't Derry stay to help Mr Lamb to get crab apples?

Ans:Derry has spent a lot of time away from home and this is sure to become a cause of worry for his mother who does not want him to mingle with people.His house is almost three miles away from Lamb's home and he will be very late if he does not go home early.His mother may become angry if he fails to answer her questions.

14.Why does Derry tell Mr Lamb that he is afraid of seeing himself in the mirror ?

Ans:- Derry suffers from an inferiority complex about his facial distortion and he is afraid of people who gaze at his acid-damaged face.People have always something to say about his facial disfigurement and this makes him alienated from society.This makes him emotionally weak and unstable.So,he is afraid of seeing himself in the mirror.

15.Describe how Mr Lamb and Derry's conversation bring about a change in the views of Derry towards life.

(OR) Lamb's meeting with Derry turns out to be a turning point in Derry's life.How?

Ans: The life-changing conversation between Derry and Mr Lamb takes place at a very crucial time when Derry's inferiority complex was at its peak.Derry enters Mr Lamb's garden in the belief that nobody has seen him.So he is shocked when Lamb asks him to be careful about the crab apples that have made the road slippery.Lamb tries to make him feel comfortable in his company and does not ask him any question about his facial distortion.Gradually Derry begins to open his mind and talks about the negative comments of people about his acid-damaged face.Lamb tells a story about a man who used to lock himself up in a room because he was afraid of everything in the world.Ultimately he got killed when a picture fell off the wall on his head.Lamb has already studied Derry's mind and started giving inspirational lessons on life.He advises him to make use of the opportunities offered by his two legs,two ears and his body instead of focusing too much on his facial deformity.He makes him believe that actions are more important than beauty. Thus,Derry gets transformed in character and becomes prepared to face the challenges of life.

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Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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