
Legislature, Part-A unit-5


Legislature, Class XI

Political Science, Part-A unit-5

1. What is the name of central legislative of India?
Ans:- Parliament.

2. Does Assam have bi-cameral legislative?
Ans:- No, Assam has unicameral legislative.
3. Which house of Parliament is more powerful?
Ans:- Lok sabha or lower house.

4. How many members are there in Lok sabha from Assam?     HS-2011
Ans:- 14 members.

5. Who is the ex-officio chairman of Rajya Sabha?     HS-2018
Ans:- The vice President of India.

6. Who elect the members of Lok sabha?
Ans:- The common peoples or voters of India.

7. Name the upper house of the Parliament.     HS-2013
Ans:- Rajya sabha.

8. How many members are there is Lok Sabha?
Ans:- 545 members.

9. Can Lok Sabha dissolve?
Ans:- Yes

10. Who can elect the members of Rajya sabha?
Ans:- The elected members of all legislative assembly of India.

11. What is the total number of members of Rajya Sabha?
Ans:- 250 members

12. What is the tenure of the members of Rajya Sabha?
Ans:- 6 years.

13. Name a committee of parliament.
Ans:- Public accounts committee.

14. Write a name of a state which has legislative council.
Ans:- Maharashtra

15. Write a means of parliamentary control over executive.
Ans:- No confidence motion.

16. How many members can be nominated by the president to Rajya sabha?
Ans:- 12 members.

17. Write the name of states who have bi cameral legislature.
Ans:- Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh.

18. Name the state which has the highest number of members in Rajya sabha?
Ans:- Uttar Pradesh.
19. Write two qualifications of the members of legislature.     HS-2013
Ans:- (i) He must be a citizen of India.
(ii) The person cannot be holding any other office of profit under central and state government.

20. Mention two special power of Rajya sabha.     HS-2018
Ans:- (i) The Rajya Sabha alone can initiate the proposal fro removing the Vice-president of India.
(ii) The Rajya Sabha may pass a resolution by 2/3 majority to shift an item of the state list to the Concurrent list or the Union List on the plea of national interest. (Article 249)

21. Discuss four functions of Indian parliament.         HS-2017
(or) Describe the functions and power of Indian Parliament. (2011)

Ans:- (i) Legislative powers:- the Indian parliament legislate to maintain and control the administration for the whole country.
(ii) Constitutional amendment power:- Parliament can amend or modify the constitutional provisions when it is necessary.
(iii) Control over the executive:- Parliament control over the executive through various means when the government does not work constitutionally.
(iv) Electoral power:- the members of parliament take part in the elections of President and Vice president of India.

22. Discuss the power and functions of Rajya Sabha.      HS-2018
Ans:-  Article 80 of the Constitution provides for the composition of the Rajya Sabha. It consists of 250 members at the most. The term of office of members of the Rajya Sabha is 6 years. The Rajya Sabha has important powers and functions. They are discussed below:-
1. Legislative Powers:- Non-money bills can originate in the Rajya Sabha. A non-money bill cannot become a law unless it is passed by the Rajya Sabha. It has equal powers with the Lok Sabha so far as non-money bills are concerned.
2. Financial Powers:- Money bill cannot be introduced in the Rajya Sabha. It has no power over money bills. A money bill passed by the Lok Sabha is sent to it for consideration. The Rajya Sabha must give its opinion on the bill within 14 days. The Lok Sabha may or may not accept its opinion.
3. Executive Powers:- The Rajya Sabha has also control over the government. It may ask questions, table adjournment motions, introduce resolutions and call attention motions and demand half-hour discussions. It can criticize the policies and activities of the government.

4. Constitutional Amendment powers:- An amendment bill to amend the Constitution may originate in this House. Without its consent no amendment bill can passed by the Parliament. An amendment bill must be passed by both the houses sitting separately.

5. Miscellaneous Powers:- The elected members of the Rajya Sabha take part in the election of the President and Vice-President of India. They also take part in the removal of the President, Vice-President, Chief Justice and judges of the Supreme Court and the High Courts.

22. Describe four methods to parliamentary control over executive.     HS-2017, 2018
Ans:- The legislature in parliamentary system ensures executive accountability at various stages: policy making, implementation of law or policy and during and post-implementation state.
    The legislature exercises a system of effective over the administration through its committee. Several Legislative committees exercise a good degree of control over administration. Public Accounts Committee, Estimates Committee, Committee on Public Undertakings, Committee on Subordinate Legislation and Committee on Government Assurances, are important tools of legislative control over administration. These examine and scrutinise the working of administration. These Committees have the responsibility of performing their assigned tasks and reporting their findings to the Legislature.
    In India, the audit report of the Comptroller and Auditor General, which is presented to the Parliament, is forwarded to a special committee of Parliament, known as the Public Accounts Committee. This Committee scrutinises the appropriation of accounts of all the departments of the Government of India. 

23. Discuss the power and functions of the speaker of Lok Sabha.  HS-2016
Ans:- The Speaker 's office is of great dignity and high authority. His power and functions are discussed below:-
1. Regulatory Power: He has the responsibility of conducting the business of the Houses. He maintains order and decorum in the House and allocates time for different kinds of business in the house.
2. Supervisory power:- Along with the Regulatory powers, the Speaker has Supervisory and censuring powers. He is the Head of some Parliamentary Committees. He may issue directions to the Chairman of Parliamentary Committees.
3. Administrative powers:- The Speaker has some administrative powers. He keeps control over the Secretariat of the Parliament. He is responsible for making provisions for the accommodation and other amenities of life granted to the members of the house.
4. Special Powers: The Speaker certifies a bill after it is passed by the House. He decides whether a bill is a money bill or not. He presides over the joint session of Parliament. The Speaker acts as the channel of communication between the President and the House.

24. Mention four special circumstances under which parliament can legislate over state list. HS-2016
Ans:- Parliament can legislate over state list when circumstances arise-
(i) To protect and fulfill national interest, Rajya sabha can legislate in the subject of state list.
(ii) When state emergency is in operation in a particular state.
(iii) If two or more state request to legislate to their states.
iv) To implement international treaty, agreement in a particular state.

25. Discuss the formation, power and functions of state legislative assembly. HS-2015

26. Discuss the law making procedure of Indian parliament.  HS-2015

27. Discuss the power and functions of the speaker of Lok Sabha. HS-2016
Ans:- The Speaker's office is of great dignity and high authority. His power and functions are discussed below:-
1. Regulatory Power: He has the responsibility of conducting the business of the Houses. He maintains order and decorum in the House and allocates time for different kinds of business in the house.
2. Supervisory power:- Along with the Regulatory powers, the Speaker has Supervisory and censuring powers. He is the Head of some Parliamentary Committees. He may issue directions to the Chairman of Parliamentary Committees.
3. Administrative powers:- The Speaker has some administrative powers. He keeps control over the Secretariat of the Parliament. He is responsible for making provisions for the accommodation and other amenities of life granted to the members of the house.
4. Special Powers: The Speaker certifies a bill after it is passed by the House. He decides whether a bill is a money bill or not. He presides over the joint session of Parliament. The Speaker acts as the channel of communication between the President and the House.

28. Discuss the relation between the two houses of Parliament. HS-2016
Ans:- Between the two houses of Parliament, the Lok Sabha represents the people directly. The member of Rajya Sabha are indirectly elected. The relationship between the two houses of parliament is discussed below:-
1. Both the houses have equal powers in matters of constitutional amendment. It required that such a bill must be passed by both the houses by a special majority.
2. The two houses enjoy equal powers in matters like setting up Special Law court during national emergency.
3. Every order issued by the President suspending the enforcement of Fundamental Rights is to be approved by each houses of parliament.
4. The delegated legislation made and the rules frames thereunder by various departments must be approved by both the houses.
5. They enjoy equal authority in the election and removal of the President and Vice-president of India.
6. If the President issues an ordinance, it must be approved by both the Houses.

 29. How many numbers of members are there in Rajya sabha from Sikkim?
Ans:- One member. 

Dr. Ratanlal Brahma, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email : brahmaratan@gmail.com
Whatsapp : 7020477396
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