
Executive part A Unit-4



Political Science, Class 11-A Unit-6

1. Who appoints the Prime minister of India? HS-2011
Ans:- The President of India.

2. Who appoints the Governor of a state? HS-2018
Ans:- The President of India.

3. What is the term of the office of the President of India? HS-2014
Ans:- 5 years.
4. Who forms the Union government of India?
Ans:- The political party which gets majority in Lok Sabha election.

5. Who appoints the Minister?
Ans:- President appoints the minister on the recommendation of Prime Minister.

6. What is the term of the Cabinet?
Ans:- 5 years.

7. Who is the Chief advisor of the President of India?
Ans:- Prime minister.

9. Who presides over the meeting of Union cabinet?
Ans:- Prime minister

10. Who is real Executive of India?
Ans:- Prime minister.

11. Who is the current Prime minister of India?
Ans:- Narendra Modi

12. Who was the first Prime minister of India?
Ans:- jawaharlal Nehru.

13. Which country of the world has plural executive?
Ans:- Switzerland.

14. Discuss the power and functions of Prime Minister of India. HS-2017 6
Ans:-The Prime Minister plays an important role in Indian political system. He is the real executive and the head of the government. The powers and functions of the Prime Minister of India have been discussed below:
(i) Formation of the Council of Ministers: President of India appoints the Prime Minister and with this formation of the ministry begins. The first and foremost duty of the Prime Minister is the formation of the Council of Ministers. According to Article 75, the President appoints other ministers on the advice of the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister prepares a list of ministers to be appointed and give it to the President.
(ii) Distribution of Portfolios: Prime Minister distributes portfolios among the other ministers. He has complete freedom in distributing portfolios. The Prime Minister decides which Minister will get which ministry. 
(iii) Reshuffling of Portfolios and Removal of Ministers: The Prime Minister can also remove ministers through the President. In the same way he can also reshuffle the ministries among the ministers.
(iv) Chairman of the Cabinet: The Prime Minister is the chairman of the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers. He heads the meetings of both. He decides the date, time and agenda of the meeting.
(v) Maintenance of Relation with the President: The Prime Minister is the chief adviser of the President. He gives advice to the President from time to time on different issues. 
(vi) Chief Co-ordinator: Prime Minister is the government's chief co-ordinator. He maintains co-ordination among the different ministries.
(vii) Leader of the Parliament: Prime Minister is the leader of the largest party and hence the leader of the Parliament as well. As the leader of the largest party he discusses the agenda of the Lok Sabha with the Speaker.
(viii) Leader of Party in Power: Prime Minister is the head of the Paris mentary Party of the party in power. He leads the members of his party in Lok Sabha.
(ix) Leader of the Nation: Apart from being the leader of the party in power and the Lok Sabha, he is also the leader of the nation.
(x) Appointment Power: The Prime Minister has a lot of power in case of appointments and all. He can make a person who is not a Member of Parliament a minister. 
(xi) Chief Spokesman in Foreign Relations: The Prime Minister of India plays an important role in international relations for being the actual head of the country.

15. Discuss the role of Prime Minister of India. HS-2014 4

16. Discuss the emergency powers of President of India. HS-2014, 2016, 2017 4
Ans:- The emergency powers of the President are mentioned in the 18 Chapter of the Indian Constitution. These powers are mentioned from Article 352 to Article 360. There are three types of emergency powers of the President. They are: a) National Emergency b) Emergency in a State c) Financial Emergency. These three powers are discussed below.
(a) National Emergency: According to Article 352 the President can declare national emergency in the country. In case of internal chaos and external attacks by any other country the President can declare national emergency. He can also declare this emergency if he feels that such problems are likely to arise.
1. During national emergency the central government directs the state government about how to rule the state.
2. During national emergency, the Parliament can make laws on any subject of the state list.
(b) Emergency in a State: According to Article 356, the President can declare emergency in a state. If the Governor of a state writes to the President that the administration of the state has broken down, then the President will President's declare emergency in the state. Emergency in the state is known as Rule. If President's Rule is implemented then the President can take over the administration of the state.
(i) The State Assembly is either dissolved or suspended.
(ii) The Council of Ministers is dissolved once the emergency in the state is declared.
(e) Financial Emergency: The Article 360 talks about the power of the President to declare financial emergency. If there is economic crisis in the entire country or a part of it, then the President can declare financial emergency. His emergency will have to be ratified by both the Houses of Parliament within two months of declaration.
(i) The central government can make economic laws for the states and ask them to implement these laws. 
(ii) President can bring changes to the division of revenue between the Centre and States.

17. Write four executive functions of President of India. HS-2015 4
Ans:- The president of India has the following executive functions:
(i) He appoints the Prime Minister and other other ministers.
(ii) He appoints state Governor, Chief Justice and other Judges o the Supreme Court and High Courts, members of Union Public Service Commission, the Attorney-General, the members o Election Commission, etc.
(iii) As supreme commander of the armed forces, he appoints the top officers of the armed forces.
(iv) He appoints and receives ambassadors. (V) He can declare war and make peace.
(v) He can make rules for the maintenance of law and order in the Union Territories, etc.

18. What are the main legislative powers of the Indian President? 
Ans:- The Indian President enjoys the following legislative powers:
(i) No bill can become a law unless the president signs it.
(ii) He can summon and prorogue the sessions of either houses of the Parliament. He can also call the joint session of the both houses of the Parliament.
(iii) He can address either house of the Parliament or both the houses assembled together.
(iv) President can dissolve the Lok Sabha even before the expiry of its term.
(v) When the Parliament is not session, he can issue an ordinance which has the same effect as the Act passed by the Parliament 
(vi) He nominates 12 members to the Rajya Sabha and two members to the Lok Sabha, etc.

19. What are the financial powers of the Indian President? 
Ans:- Indian President has the following financial powers:
(i) He is required to get the Annual Budget introduced in the Parliament.
(ii) No money bill can be introduced in the Lok Sabha without the recommendation of the President.
(iii) The President after every five years appoints a Finance Commission, etc.

Dr. Ratanlal Brahma, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email : brahmaratan@gmail.com
Whatsapp : 7020477396
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