
Equality part-B Unit-3


Equality, Class XI

Political Science, part-B Unit-3

1. Mention a feature of Modern liberalism. HS-2018
Ans:- Modern liberals are the advocates of political liberty.

2. Give an example of economic equality. HS-2016
Ans:- Equal payment for equal job between man and woman.

3. What is equality?
Ans:- Equality means that all human beings are equal and that all are entitled to equal opportunity and treatment.

4. Name a type of equality. HS-2013
Ans:- Political Equality

5. What is the meaning of political equality? HS-2016,2012
Ans:- Political equality means that all people shall have the equal
Right to participate in the affairs of the state. There is political equality, when all People enjoy the same political rights. There must be universal adult suffrage.

6. Mention three principles of modern liberalism. HS-2013
Ans:- Secularism, Individual liberty and Universal Adult Franchise.

7. What is Marxism?
Ans:- The conception based in the thinking of Karl Marx is called Marxism.

8. What is socialism?
Ans:- Socialism is a range of economic and political systems based on Marxian ideas characterized by social by social ownership of the means of production and worker’s self-management.

9. Mention a means of Eradication of inequality .
Ans:- Removal of special privileges from the society.

10. What is Feminism?
Ans:- Feminism is a movement for equality among men and women which started in America in the 1960s.

11. What are the different types of equality? HS-2014
Ans:-The concept of equality has new dimensions today because of the emergence of democracy. According to Bryce there are four kinds equality : civil, political, social, and natural.
(i) Civil Equality:- It is synonymous with equal civil rights for all citizens. Civil
equality prevails in a state, where all citizens are subject to the same law. Civil equality as a concept has been accepted in a democratic state. The state must not discriminate against any citizen on grounds of race, color, wealth, birth, sex etc.
(ii) Natural equality:- The supporters of natural law of the 17th century are of
the view that all men have equal and inalienable rights. It is said that all men one
born free and equal. But it is not true.
(iii) International Equality:- It implies the extension of the principle of equality in the international sphere. International equality means that all nations of the world should be treated equally irrespective of their demographic, geographical, economic or military compositions.
(iv) Legal Equality:- The demand for legal equality was raised in the 18th century.
Legal equality means that all persons are equal in the eye of law. So the reach and
the poor, the high and low people should be treated alike by the law court in giving
judgement and there should not be any different treatment.

12. Write four features of equality.     HS-2011
Ans:- The main features of equality have been discussed below :
(i) Impossibility of Absolute Equality: In practical case, inequality is
more widespread than equality. For example, due to absence of opportunities
to overcome problems like lack  of intelligence, physical disability, poverty etc.
more than half of the world population is unequal and backward.
(ii) Absence of Special Privileges: In practical sense equality means absence of special privileges. All people irrespective of race, casts, religion,
gender etc. should get same  opportunities. Otherwise equality will be impossible.
(iii) Presence of Equal Opportunities and Resource necessary for development: absence of special privileges is never enough to ensure equality.There is the need of some positive steps to ensure complete equality. It means that everyone should get the opportunities.
(iv) Ensuring minimum standard of living for everybody: Removing natural differences and ensuring equal opportunity will establish unity and balance in society. For this every individual in society should be provided with a minimum standard of living.

13. Discuss the various dimensions of equality. HS-2018 marks-6
(or) Write three dimensions of equality.    HS-2012

Ans:- While identifying different kinds of inequalities namely political, social, natural, Civil and economic (inequalities) that exit-in society, various thinkers and ideologies Have highlighted three main dimensions of equality.
(i) Political Equality:- Political equality means that all people shall have the equal Right to participate in the affairs of the state. There is political equality, when all People enjoy the same political rights. There must be universal adult suffrage. We are to note that political equality exist only in a democratic state. Political equality Cannot be real, unless it is accompanied by economic equality. Political equality Will prevail, when equal political rights are given to all and everyone has access To political power.
(ii) Social Equality:- Social equality implies that citizens must be treated as equal members of society. There should be no distinction in the status of man based on race, caste, color etc. There should not be any social, caste or class barrier. There can be only social equality, if there is social discrimination.  Practice of caste in India, apartheid in South Africa and Negro segregation in the United States are Considered as opposed to social equality.
(iii) Economic Equality:- Without minimum economic equality democracy becomes meaningless. It is the basis of all other types of equality. It means the removal of economic disparities. There should not be inequality of wealth in the society. It demands, equality to the margin of sufficiency. People have the equal right to work and to get wage.The primary necessities of life should be given to all persons. Equality of this type stands for the fair distribution of wealth in the state. Without economic equality, all other forms of equality will be meaningless.

14. "Political liberty without economic liberty is meaningless." -Explain.
Ans:- It is undeniable truth that economic equality and political equality go hand in hand. If people want to be politically free, they should be economically equal. Political liberal means the right to vote, right to contest election, right to hold office, etc. Political liberty is often associated with money and power. It is seen that only people with money and power stand for election and win the election. We don't see a poor man standing for election. Economic disparity make him/her a second class citizen. Due to poverty, he/she does not get adequate education and he/she is not able to exercise his political rights. Therefore in order to achieve true political liberty, the person should have economic equality in society.
    So, we can say that economic liberty is very significant for enjoying political equality.

15. What do you mean by equality before law? HS-2015
Ans:- Equality before the law is known as equality under the law, equality in the eyes of the law, legal equality, or legal egalitarianism, is the principle that all people should be protected by the law equally. Equality before the law is one of the basic principles of some definitions of liberalism.
    Equality before Law basically means that all persons should be treated equally no matter whether they are poor or rich, male or female, upper caste or lower caste. The government can't provide any special privileges to anyone in the state. This can also be known as legal equality.

16. Write a note on Right to equality. HS-2015 marks 4
Ans:-Right to equality refers to the equal rights or opportunities to the peoples. Right to equality emphasis on the equal treatment to the peoples in any field irrespective of caste, religion, region, language, sex, etc.. So, every people can get equal opportunities in the nations by which they can develop their  personality and talent. No one can get special treatment based on his rank and prosperity.
    Right to Equality means to the balance within the eyes of the law, removing of any shamefulness on grounds of caste, culture, creed, place of birth sex. It moreover includes uniformity of prospects in things of business, annulment of untouchability as well as annulment of titles.
    In India, right to equality is a fundamental right of India Constitution from articles 14 to 18 of the Indian Constitution highlight the Right to Equality in particular. This right is the major establishment of all other rights and benefits allowed to Indian citizens.

17. What is civil or citizen equality?
Ans:- It is synonymous with equal civil rights for all citizens. Civil
equality prevails in a state, where all citizens are subject to the same law.

18. What is social equality?
Ans:- Social equality implies that citizens must be treated as equal
Members of society. There should be no distinction in the status of man based on
Race, caste, colour etc.

19. What is economic equality?
Ans:- There should not be inequality of wealth in the society. It demands, equality to the margin of sufficiency. People have the equal right to work and to get wage.

20. What is the echo of French revolution?
Ans:- Liberty, equality and Fraternity.

21. Objective Type Questions :
(i) Most of the democracies today try to make equal opportunities available to all ( Write Yes or No)

Ans:- Yes

(ii) Marxism and Liberalism are two important political ideologies of our times. ( Write Yes or No)
Ans:- Yes

(iii) Name the eminent socialist thinker of India.
Ans:- Ram Manohar Lohia

(iv) Write one essential of positive aspects of equality.
Ans:-Every individual should get equal opportunities

(v) In which country apartheid prevailed?
Ans:- South Africa

22. Choose the correct answer:
(i) For Marxist the fundamental equality is :
(a) social equality           (c) political equality
(b) economic equality            (d) legal equality
Ans:-social equality

(ii) The demand for legal equality was raised in :
(a) 17th century                (c) 19th century     
(b) 20th century                (d) 18th century

Ans:- 19th century

Dr. Ratanlal Brahma, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., PhD.
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email : brahmaratan@gmail.com
Whatsapp : 7020477396
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