
Class 11 English Childhood - Markus Natten

Class 11 English Childhood - Markus Natten

শব্দাৰ্থঃ- Word meaning
Childhood- শৈশৱ কাল
Realized- উপলব্ধি কৰিছিল
Heaven- স্বৰ্গ
Hell- নৰক
Therefore- এতেকে
Hidden- লুকাই থকা
Could not be-
Forgotten- পাহৰি গৈছিল
Infant- কেঁচুৱা
Alone- অকলশৰে
Preach- প্ৰচাৰ কৰা
Seemed- বোধ হৈছিল
Choose- পছন্দ কৰা, নিৰ্বাচন কৰা

1. Identify the stanza that talks of each of the following:
Individuality       rationalism           hypocrisy

Answer:- Individuality : stanza no. 3
         Rationalism : stanza no. 1
         Hypocrisy  : stanza no.2

2. What according to the poem is involved in the process of growing up?
(or) What, according to the poem, childhood is involved in the process of growing up? HS-2017

Ans:- According to the poem, there are three processes of growing up. First of all it begins with the stage to differentiate between reality and imaginary things, between truth and fiction. The second step is reached when a child turns into a hypocrite. The last step in the process of growing up is independent thinking.

3. What is the poet’s feeling towards childhood? HS-2018
Ans:- The poet seems to be obsessed about his childhood and so as its loss. Hence he feels nostalgic about his childhood. But it has been lost and will never come back. He seems to suffer from a sense of loss.

4. Which do you think are the most poetic lines? Why?
Ans:- The following lines are the most poetic lines in the poem.
‘It went to some forgotten place,
That’s hidden in an infant’s face.
These two lines form a rhyming couplet. The poet realises that his childhood went to some hidden places and it could be found in an infant's innocent face.

Additional Question-Answers
5. How did the poet feel about heaven and hell in his childhood? What does he think about them now?
Ans:- The poet, in his childhood, believed that Heaven and Hell were real places. But when he grows up he becomes rational and realizes that Heaven and Hell are imaginary things. They cannot be found anywhere.

6. When did the poet realize he had lost his childhood? why?     HS-2019
Ans:-The poet began to realize that he had lost his childhood when he completed eleven years old because with the passing of years he became rational and began to question the existence of Heaven and Hell as they could not be found in geography.

7. What does the poet say about adults?
Ans:- The poet says that the adults are not what they appear to be. They talk of love, preach of love, but they don't act with love. The adults are hypocrite.

8. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
(a) 'When did my childhood go?         HS-2015
Was it the day I cease to be eleven.
Was it the time I realized that Hell and Heaven Could not be found in Geography, And therefore could not be, Was that the day!
(i) What is the poet asking for?     1

Ans:- The poet is asking for his childhood.
(ii) What does Hell and Heaven' stand for?     1
Ans:-According to the poet 'Hell and Heaven' stands for two imaginary places. Hell is full of sorrow and Heaven is full of happiness.
(iii) What phase of life does the stanza reveal?    1
Ans:- The stanza reveals the period of childhood of his life.
(iv) How does the poet describe the process of being grown up?    2
Ans:- According to the poem, there are three processes of growing up. First of all it begins with the stage to differentiate between reality and imaginary things, between truth and fiction. The second step is reached when a child turns into a hypocrite. The last step in the process of growing up is independent thinking.

(b) When did my childhood go?
Was it the time I realized that adults were not
all they seem to be,
They talk of love and preached of love
But did not acts so lovingly
Was that the day!
(i) Who is the poet of the quoted lines?     1

Ans:- Markus Natten
(ii) Is the poet happy with his lost childhood?        1
Ans:-The poet is not happy with his lost childhood.
(ii) What is the poet's idea about adult people?        1
Ans:-The poet's idea about adult people is that they are hypocrite.
(iv) What sort of difference does the poet notice in the words and practice of the adult people?        2
Ans:- The poet says that the adults are not what the appear to be. They talk of love, preach of love; but they don't act with love. They are hypocrite.

9. According to poet, what could not be found in geography text books in the poem 'Childhood?    HS-2011
Ans:-According to poet, Heaven and Hell could not be found in geography text books in the poem. He began to realize that he had lost his childhood when he completed eleven years old because with the passing of years he became rational and began to question the existence of Heaven and Hell.

10. Describe the poet's feeling of Childhood.    HS-2011, 2018
Ans:-The poet seems to be obsessed about his childhood and laments about its loss. He feels very nostalgic and lament over the fact that his childhood will never come back.  

11. why is the age of eleven so important for the poet? HS-2016
Ans:- The age of eleven is important for the poet because he was able to differentiate between reality and imaginary things, between truth and fiction. At this age, the poet could realize that his childhood has gone. He has become much rational at this stage of his life.

12. In the poem 'Childhood' the poet asks two questions- one is about the time and the other about the place. Why does he ask these questions? HS-2015
Ans:- He has used these two questions to interpret the time and place of way of going is childhood away. “When” indicates the process of being rational and “where” means the place where the innocent world of childhood lives.

Syllabus of Class 11 English

1. The Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh

Landscape of the soul

3. The Ailing Planet

My impression of Assam


5.  A Photograph by Shirley Toulson

6. The Voice of the Rain by Walt Whitman

7. Childhood

8. Father to son

Supplimentary - Short Stories

9. Ranga Marraige


Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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