
A Thing of Beauty by John Keats

A Thing of Beauty (Summary in Assamese) by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami (PGT, English)

    কবি জন কীটছৰ মতে এটা সুন্দৰ বা ধুনীয়া বস্তু সীমাহীন আনন্দৰ উৎস।ইয়াৰ এটা চিৰস্থায়ী সৌন্দৰ্য্য থাকে যিটো কাহানিও শেষ নহয়। এটা ধুনীয়া বা সুন্দৰ বস্তু হ'ল  দেহা শাত পেলোৱা গছৰ তলৰ এডোখৰ ছা দিয়া ঠাইৰ নিচিনা য'ত আমি জিৰনি লোৱাৰ লগতে টোপনি যাওঁ। এই টোপনিত দেখা মিঠা মিঠা সপোনবোৰে আমাৰ মন পুলকিত কৰে আৰু আমাৰ সুস্বাস্থ্য বৰ্ধন কৰে।

    এই পৃথিৱীৰ ভৌতিক বস্তু বা দ্ৰব্যসমূহৰ লগত থকা আমাৰ সম্পৰ্ক এধাৰি পুষ্পমালাৰ নিচিনা। এই সংসাৰত পোৱা বস্তুবাদী সুখবোৰে ভৌতিক দ্ৰব্যসমূহৰ প্ৰতি আমাৰ আসক্তি বঢ়াই তোলে আৰু চিৰস্বাশ্বত সুখ-শান্তিৰ পৰা আমাক দূৰত ৰাখে।পৃথিবীখনত বসবাস কৰা মানুহবিলাকৰ মনত হিংসা, ঘৃণা, লোভ আদিৰ দৰে বহুতো নেতিবাচক অনূভূতি আছে। কবিৰ মতে এই নেতিবাচক দিশবোৰে সৃষ্টি কৰা দুখ আৰু গোমা পৰিবেশক নাইকিয়া কৰিবলৈ আমাৰ চৌপাশে কিছুমান সুন্দৰ বা ধুনীয়া বস্তুও আছে যাৰ পৰা অহা যোগাত্মক অনুভৱে আমাৰ অন্তৰামাক চানি ধৰিব বিচৰা দুখ দূৰ কৰে।

        প্ৰকৃতিৰ সকলো সুন্দৰ বস্তৱেই মানবতাৰ বাবে আশীৰ্বাদস্বৰূপ।আমাৰ চাৰিওফালে থকা সুন্দৰ বস্তুবোৰৰ এখন তালিকা কবিয়ে আমাক দিছে।তেওঁ কৈছে যে ইশ্বৰে সৃষ্টি কৰা বিভিন্ন বস্তুৱে আমাক বিভিন্ন ধৰনেৰে উপকৃত কৰে।জীৱজগতৰ কল্যাণৰ তথা জীৱনধাৰনৰ বাবে প্ৰয়োজনীয় সূৰ্য্যৰ পোহৰ, চন্দ্ৰৰ সৌন্দৰ্য্য আৰু শীতলতা,ছা আৰু ফলপ্ৰদানকাৰী বৃক্ষবিলাক আমাৰ চৌদিশে থকা সৌন্দৰ্যৰ সাক্ষী হৈ আছে।

        আমাৰ চৌপাশে বিচৰণ কৰা ভেড়া আদি জন্তুবিলাকক বৃক্ষসমূহে উৎকট গৰমত ছা আৰু খাদ্য যোগান ধৰিছে। দাফ'দিলৰ নিচিনা সুন্দৰ ফুলবোৰে আমাৰ ধৰনীখন সেউজীয়া আৰু ধুনীয়া কৰি ৰাখিছে। পাহাৰৰ পৰা বৈ অহা সুন্দৰ জুৰিবোৰে গ্ৰীষ্মৰ দিনবিলাকত শীতলতা প্ৰদান কৰাৰ উপৰিও চৌপাশৰ উদ্ভিদবোৰক জীয়াই থকাত সহায় কৰিছে। অৰন্যত থকা "মাষ্ক" গোলাপ ফুলবোৰে এক অপূৰ্ব দৃষ্টিনন্দন পৰিবেশৰ সমাহাৰ ঘটাই আমাৰ চকু জুৰ পেলাইছে। এই বিনন্দীয়া পৰিবেশ আৰু সৌন্দৰ্য্যৰ গাম্ভীৰ্য "কয়ামতৰ" দিনা হ'বলগা   বিচাৰৰ গাম্ভীৰ্যৰ নিচিনা (grandeur of the dooms) যিদিনা আমাৰ মৃত মহান পূৰ্বপুৰুষসকলক(the mighty dead)।

        তেওঁলোকৰ কৰ্ম অনুসৰি বিচাৰ আৰু পুৰস্কৃত কৰা হ'ব। যিসকল সাহসী সৈনিকে নিজৰ দেশবাসীক ৰক্ষা কৰিবলৈ প্ৰান আহুতি দিছিল সেইসকলৰ সুন্দৰ কাহিনীয়ে ভবিষ্যত প্ৰজন্মক অনুপ্ৰেৰণা যোগাই যাব। এই প্ৰাকৃতিক সৌন্দৰ্য্যৰ উৎপত্তি হৈছে সৰগৰ এটা হ্ৰদৰ (fountain) পৰা, য'ৰপৰা অমৰত্ব প্ৰদানকাৰী এক সুধা (অমৃত, immortal drink) আমাৰ অন্তৰলৈ নিগৰি পৰিছে (pouring unto us)।

Questions' Answers:-

1. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.


Describe any four things of beauty mentioned in the poem, 'A Thing of Beauty'.  HS-2024

Ans:- Nature abounds in beautiful things which are a perennial source of pleasure. Some of these things mentioned in the poem are: the sun, the moon, old and young trees, daffodil flowers, small streams with clear water, mass of ferns and the blooming musk-roses. These things of beauty remove the pall of sadness and gives us joy and pleasure.

2. List the things that cause suffering and pain.
Ans:- No living being can remain above suffering and pain.But certain types of suffering are caused by man himself. Human beings suffer from malice and disappointment which are"the biggest source of our suffering. Unfortunately, the absence of human qualities and the dominance of unhealthy and evil ways pave the way for many troubles and sufferings. They act as a pall of sadness on our lives.

3. What does the line, 'Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth' suggest to you?
Ans:- Keats is a sensuous poet who employs his senses to discover the immense beauty of the earth. The link of man with nature is eternal and unbroken. The things of beauty are like wreaths of beautiful flowers. We seem to weave a flowery band that keeps us attached to the beauties of this earth.

4. What, according to Keats, makes human beings love life in spite of all its problems and miseries?     HS-2019

(OR) What, according to Keats, makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?  HS-2023
(OR) What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?
Ans:- Troubles and sufferings are brought about by many things which are sometimes rooted in the human mind and thoughts. They dampen our spirits. However, 'some shape of beauty brings love and happiness in our lives in spite of such unpleasant things. A thing of beauty removes the pall of sorrow and sufferings. It makes human beings love one another.

5. Why is 'grandeur' associated with the 'mighty dead'?
Ans:- The mighty dead were very powerful and dominating persons during their lifetime. Their mighty and heroic deeds are preserved in their tales of grandeur and heroism.Our eyes are dazzled by their acts of bravery. Such mighty dead ancestors are sure to attain more grandeur on the doomsday. Hence Keats associates the 'mighty dead' with grandeur and beauty.

6. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us?
Ans:- It is stated in the very first line of the poem that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. It creates an everlasting impression on us. It is a permanent source of joy and pleasure. Its beauty remains undiminished and unabated. Its loveliness goes on increasing every moment. It never passes into nothingness. It removes the pall of sadness rooted in our mind.

7. What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?
Ans:- John Keats uses a very beautiful image to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth. The bounty of the earth is like an endless fountain of immortal drink. It pours constantly into our hearts from the heaven.

8. How is a thing of beauty a joy forever?
Ans:- According to John Keats a thing of beauty is a joy of forever. It is a perennial source of joy and happiness. Its loveliness goes on increasing every moment. There is no question of its becoming nonexistent and meaningless.A thing of beauty continues to retain its charm at all events.

9. How does a thing of beauts provide us shelter and comfort?
Ans:- John Keats is a great Romantic poet who gives emphasis to an unbreakable bond of man with nature and the earth. Nature abounds in things of rare beauty. It keeps a bower quiet for us. A bower is a pleasant place in the shade under a tree. A thing of beauty also provides us peace and security. We enjoy a sound sleep full of sweet dreams, health and peace.

10. How do we bind our self to the earth every morning?
Ans:- Like all the Romantic poets, Keats stresses upon the affinity between man and nature. He believes in the existence of an eternal bond which binds man with nature and the earth. Man is drawn to the beauties of the earth. Every object of nature is a source of joy and happiness. A wreath of beautiful flowers is woven everyday. This flowery band binds us to the beauties of this earth.

11. What are the things that cause miseries, sorrows and sufferings to man?
Ans:- No living being is beyond the grip of miseries, sorrows and sufferings. However, most of our sufferings are caused by our malice and disappointment. All our sorrows, sufferings and troubles are brought about by a dearth of noble human qualities and a natural tendency for unhealthy and evil ways. Our life becomes gloomy.

12. What spreads the pall of despondence over our dark spirits? How is it removed?
Ans:- The pain, suffering, anguish and woes of human beings are an outcome of man's own nature actions and evil ways. A pall of despondence covers his dark spirits. Amid these miseries and sufferings, a thing of beauty provides a ray of hope to humanity. It works wonders. It is a thing of beauty that removes the pall of despondence over our dark spirits.

13. Name the beauties of nature that are constant source of joy and happiness to man.
Ans:- Nature is a granary of beauty. The beauties of nature are endless. Examples of some beautiful things mentioned in the poem are the sun, the moon, old and young trees, beautiful daffodil flowers and green surroundings. Small streams with clear water, thick mass of ferns, thickets of forest and musk-rose are some other things of beauty. All such things of beauty are an everlasting source of joy and happiness to man.

14. Why and how is 'grandeur associated with the 'mighty dead'?
Ans:- The dooms day is considered to be the day of judgement, when the actions of the dead will be judged. They will receive what they really deserve. Our mighty dead ancestors earned name and fame with their noble deeds and acts of bravery. The poet hopes that they will be be rewarded with rare magnificence and grandeur.

15. What is the source of the 'endless fountain' and what is its effect?
Ans:- A fountain of eternal joy and immortality pours into the heart and soul of man. It flows right from the heaven's brink and pours into the human heart. It is like a nectar of immortality that nature's endless fountain pours into our hearts. It becomes a source of immense joy for us.

16. What is the message for the theme of the poem 'A Thing of Beauty?
Ans:- The message of the poem which Keats wants to convey, is embedded in the very first line of the poem. As an ardent worshipper of beauty, Keats talks of the everlasting nature of beauty. For him beauty is truth and a thing of beauty is a joy forever. Beauty remains undiminished and unfaded. It never passes into nothingness. When we are overpowered with sorrows and sufferings, some form of beauty comes to our rescue. It removes the pall of sadness and sorrows and gives us joy and pleasure. Thus, beauty is a boon for human beings.

17. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever Its loveliness increases, it will never Pass into nothingness; but will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing."
(a) Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
(b) How is a thing of beauty a joy for ever?
(c) What do you understand by a 'bower'?
(d) What kind of sleep does it provide?

Ans:- (a) The poem is" A Thing of Beauty". The poet is John Keats.
(b) A thing of beauty is the everlasting source of constant joy. Its beauty goes on increasing. There is no possibility of its becoming nonexistent.
(c) A bower is a pleasant place in the shade under a tree. It provides us shelter against the hot rays of the sun.
(d) It helps us to have a sound sleep, full of sweet dreams, health and peace.

18."Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing A flowery band to bind us to the earth, Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth Of noble natures, of the gloomy days, Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways Made for our searching: yes, in spite of all,"
(a) What do we do everyday?
(b) Why are we despondent?
(c) What removes the pall from our dark spirits?
(d) Find words from the passage which mean (i) malice, (ii) gloomy, (iii) covering

Ans:-(a) We weave a wreath of beautiful flowers everyday to remain attached to the beauties of this earth.
(b) The possession of our minds with the evil qualities of malice and disappointment makes us suffer from the lack of noble qualities. That is why we feel despondent.
(c) Some beautiful shapes or a thing of beauty removes the pall of sadness from our hearts or spirits.
(d) (i) spite (ii) sad (iii) pall

Syllabus of HS Second year English (Prose)


Syllabus of HS Second year English (Poetry)

Syllabus of HS Second year English (Supplementary Reader : Vistas)

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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January 26, 2022 at 6:40 AM ×

It is very important to us. Sir

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...