
Magh Bihu or Maghar Domahi

 Magh Bihu or Maghar Domahi by Dr. Praphulladatta Goswami

1. The Uruka happens to be an important aspect of Magh Bihu. Give an elaborate account of the celebrations associated with Uruka. HS-2022
Ans:- Magh Bihu or Bhogali Bihu is a community festival celebrated by the people of Assam. It is celebrated in the middle of January when people finish gathering harvest and food grains become abundant to make various delicious food items. Community feasts are an indispensable part of Uruka, which is the night before Magh Bihu. Bamboo huts known as Bhelaghors, are built to serve community feasts. It is customary to prepare various dishes, vegetables, meat items and sweets such as Pitha, Laru, mah-karai, takeli pitha, sunga pitha, sunga saul, borarice, fried Pithas, out of sesame, molasses and coconut.Next day, a large bonfire called Meji is lighted and the sacred fire is worshipped with offerings of food. Thereafter people eat traditional Jolpan at breakfast. Games having an indigenous origin, such as wrestling, racing, jumping, buffalo fighting, Egg fighting are arranged on the occasion.People indulge in fishing in the large wetlands .The festival comes to an end with the burning of Bhelaghars. In other parts of India this festival is observed as Makar Sankranti, or the transit of the sun towards the Tropic of Cancer.This festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of longer days.

2. Give a elaborate account of the celebrations associated with Uruka.
(OR)  “Uruka feasting may be a family affair or communal .” Justify the relevance of this above statement with a detailed account of the customs observed during Uruka .
(OR)  The Uruka happens to be an important aspect of Magh Bihu . Give a elaborate account of the celebrations associated with Uruka?
(OR)  How is the uruka celebrated?

Ans-The celebrations and preparations associated with Uruka are familial and communal .Uruka is the night before the Magh bihu. It is the previous day of every bihu. It is also the junction of two months in the Assamese calendar. This is the much-awaited day when the women folk consider it their pious duty to get ready for the next day with chira, pitha, laru, curd, etc. The entire day is whole-heartedly spent on collecting firewood, gathering fish and meat for the feast at night. In tribal surrounding women prepare rice beer.
 The making of Bhelaghars on the auspicious occasion of Magh Bihu is no less significant than the other preparations. Sometimes cowherd pass the night in a Bhelaghar warming themselves by a fire and making use of the vegetable that they steal from the villagers gardens and the eatables that are given them .
 Thus, Uruka is celebrated with great fun and merriment in upper Assam and lower Assam.

3. Give an account of the various food items prepared and eaten during the festival of Magh Bihu.
(OR)  Food is an integral aspect of the celebration of Magh Bihu. Describe the importance of food in relation to the festivity of Magh Bihu.

Ans:- Food is the most significant component of Magh Bihu and Uruka. The womenfolk make week long preparations for the Magh Bihu with chira, pitha, laru, curd and so on. The daytime of the Uruka is spent in gathering firewood and collecting fish and meat.Very often fishing is collectively done in ponds and streams for feasting. The tribal women prepare rice beer .On the night of the Uruka, community feasts are arranged in the Bhelaghar with celebrations and merrymaking.
   As a custom people abstain from eating rice and curry at lunch, on the day of the day of the Magh Bihu.Instead they eat chira pitha, curd, and so on . Some special preparation like mah – karai (mah – kare ), tekeli – pitha, sunga – pitha, milk and molasses(gur)occupy a very important place in the breakfast. The dinner of the Magh Bihu consists of rice, curry of black gram, fried yam etc.
Thus, the various food items are prepared during the festival of uruka or magh bihu.        
4. Describe the manner in which the Kacharis celebrate their festival during the time of Assamese Magh Bihu .
(OR)  How do the kacharis celebrate the magh bihu or uruka?

(OR)  How do the Kacharis observe the ritual of Magh Bihu? HS-2024

(OR)  How do the kacharis consider the Bhela – ghars?
(OR)  What is the prayer of kacharis during the time of setting fire. Why does it pray or what is the theme or reason of the prayer.

Ans:- The Kacharis are one of those communities of Assam, that celebrates the Magh Bihu in their unique traditional way, with fun, merriment and spirituality. They tie cords round fruit-bearing trees. They offer rice to “the flying, the sinking and the moving”, that to birds, to fishes, and to animals like dogs, and pigs .On the auspicious day of Domahi, they put a mark of water mixed with cowdung around their granary. On the seventh day of Magh Bihu (sixth Magh ) they again clean the utensils, sacrifice fowls to Bathou, their god and go out singing and collecting eatables . In their tradition it is a custom of begging or magan. According to the tradition of the Kacharis, the special privilege of making Bhelaghars and setting fire to them, entirely rests on the cowherd boys. Before the dawn, the boys burn the Bhelaghars, praying to the Almighty for affluence and glory of their village. This prayer is meant for warding off diseases and misfortune to their village and increasing the productivity of their crops and livestock.
  Thus, the kacharis celebrate the magh bihu or uruka.

4. What does Magh Bihu mark?
Ans:- Magh Bihu or Bhgali Bihu is a post harvesting community festival of Assam having some religious significance. It marks the end of winter and signals the arrival of Summer. It is observed on the first day of Magh month, which is considered to be auspicious.

5. Which state celebrates the festival Uruka?
Ans:- The festival of Uruka which is dedicated to Lord Agni, is celebrated in Assam. It is celebrated in the middle of January every year at the night before Magh Bihu.

6. What are Mejis made up of?

(OR) How is the Meji made? HS-2023
Ans:- Mejis are made of raw firewood, hay, dry grass and leaves which is lit up by the eldest member of the family. Different kinds of food items like coconut and betel nut are offered to meji before it is set on fire.

7. What type of games are observed during Magh Bihu?
Ans:- Games having an indigenous origin, such as wrestling, racing, jumping, buffalo fighting, Egg fighting are the parts of the celebrations, Collective fishing by the people in the large wetlands is also seen in many places. Formerly martial games, like swordplay and javelin throwing were also in existence.

8. What are the various foods prepared in Magh Bihu?
Ans:- Preparation and consumption of traditional food items like chira, pitha, laru, curd etc are an indispensable part of Bhogali or Magh Bihu.People abstain from eating rice and curry at lunch on this day. These are replaced by oily food items such as mah-karai, takeli pitha, sunga pitha, sunga saul, borarice, fried Pithas. The Tribal people indulge in brewing rice bear.

9. How do the women folk prepare for the celebration of Uruka?
(OR)  How do the women folk get ready for the bihu in the day of Uruka?
Ans:- On the day of “Uruka”, the women folk get ready for the next day with chira, pitha, laru, curd, tekeli pitha, sunga pitha, laru and so on. A lion's share of the daytime is spent on gathering raw firewood and collecting fish or meat for the community or familial feast.

10. What is the importance of the Meji and Bhelaghar built for Magh Bihu?
Ans:- The Meji and Bhelaghar is considered to be an auspicious part of the Magh Bihu. It is the most special for the cowherds who pass the night in a Bhelaghar warming themselves by a fire and making use of the vegetables donated by people.
On the day of Magh Bihu, the male-folk and the children go to the Mejis after taking bath and make sacred offerings of eatables to Agni, the god of fire.

11. Why does the author believe that the fire rituals associated with Magh Bihu  have an Indo-European origin?
Ans:- On the day of the Magh Bihu, the people set fire to the Bhelaghar and Meji uttering prayers to God. The red flames warm the people so long shivering in cold.The half-burnt sticks of the Bhelaghar and Meji are scattered in the fields and the pieces are thrown near the fruit bearing trees in the belief that it will increase the fertility of fields and gardens.The Europeans also perform the fire rituals by lighting lentern and Midsummer fire in the belief of the efficacy of ashes and embers as a means of fertility.
So, the author believes that the fire rituals associated with Magh Bihu have an Indo-European origin

12. How can we assume the influence of vaishnavism in the celebration of Magh Bihu?
(Or) How do the vaishnavism influence in the aspect of the festival magh bihu?

Ans:-On the day of the Magh Bihu,people sit to the accompaniment of kettledrums and large cymbals and hold a session of hymn-singing. The custom of holding nam-prasanga or hymn-singing is a noted feature of the auspicious day .This is where the influence of Vaishnavism is prominently seen.

13. How is the delicacy Sunga Pitha prepared?
Ans- Sunga Pitha is prepared using only "Bora" rice. Bora rice is soaked in water for 2-3 hours. Then it is mixed with molasses and put in a bamboo tube such a way that the tube will be half filled with this soaked Bora rice. Thereafter plantain leaves are wound around these bamboo tubes and put on fire in moderate heat.
14. How is the delicacy sunga saul prepared?
Ans:- Sunga Saul is the sticky Bora rice steamed in a bamboo tube.The sticky roll is made into pieces and eaten in a mixture of molasses and milk.

15. How is the Kati Bihu celebrated?
Ans:- Kati Bihu is not celebrated with fun and merriment. It is observed in autumn  at the courtyards of families. A small earthen lamp with mustard oil is put at the foot of the sacred Tulsi plant and women and children sing prayer song.

16. What does the ploughman do for the protection of his crops?
Ans:- The ploughman is traditionally associated with certain rules for protection and nourishment of his crop.Planting a small bamboo plant,he lights an earthen lamp at its foot . He chants certain mantras to protect the maturing paddy from pests.

17. How does the Kacharis celebrate the kati Bihu?
Ans:- The kacharis put lamps at the foot of the Siju cactus, symbol of their chief god Bathou, in the garden, at the granary and in the field . In this way the Kacharis celebrates the kati Bihu.

18. What is the significance of Uruka? HS-2023

Ans:- Ubruka is the bihueve. On this day all the women of the household makes pitha, laru, curd etc. They also collect fire woods, catch fish from the pond and also get meat for feasting. 

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Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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