
Solved Question Paper of HSLC by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami

District Level Internal Examination Board
Pre-Board Examination, 2022
Class- x English

15. Use appropriate determiners and fill the blanks. 1/2x2=1

(a) ______ poor are not always unhappy

Ans:- The

(b) _______ of the boys have been rewarded.

Ans:- Each

16. Choose appropriate preposition from the choices given in the brackets 1/2x4=2

(a) The poor man lives _____ begging. (on/by/in)

Ans:- by

(b) Belinda laughed ______ Custard. (at/to/after)

Ans:- at

(c) The meeting was presided _____ by our principal. (under/over/with)

Ans:- over

(d) I can not make _____ what you are saying. (by/to/out)

Ans:- out.

17. Use the correct form of the the sentences and rewrite Sentences    1x3=3

(a) "You" (be) a pronoun.

Ans:- You is a pronoun.

(b) My father is not at home now; he (go) to market.

Ans:- My father is not at home now; he has gone to market.

18. Change the voice.

(a) I was ordered to go there.

Ans:- They ordered me to go there.

(b) Paste the photograph on the wall.

Ans:- (i) Let the Photograph be pasted on the wall.

(ii) You are requested to paste the Photograph on the wall.

19. Change the speech of the following. 1x2=2

(a) Robert says to his sister, "I like fruits".

Ans:- Robert tells his sister that he like fruits.

(b) Priya exclaimed with sorrow that India had lost the match the previous day.

Ans:- Priya said, "Alas! India have lost the match yesterday.

20. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into a single sentence. 1x2=2

(a) Lachit Borphukan defeated the Mughals. He was the hero of Assam.

Ans:- Lachit Borphukan, hero of Assam defeated the Mughals.

(b) He gave me a new dress. The colour of the dress was green. 

Ans:- He gave me a new dress which is green in colour.

21. Choose the correct alternative from the choices given in brackets and rewrite the sentence.        1x2=2

(a) He (denied/refused) that he had stolen my pen. 

Ans:- denied

(b) Mr. Albert is the (person/parson) of the church. 

Ans:- parson

22. Make sentences to illustrate meaning. (any two) 1x2=2

carry on, look into, give in, come round. 

Carry on (to continue doing something) : He wo't be able to finish the task if he carries on like this.

Look into (to investigate অনুসন্ধান কৰ) : The police looked into matter seriously.

Give in (to finally agree to what someone wants, after refusing for a period of time) : The state govt can't be seen as giving in to ULFAs' demands

Come round (to recover from মূৰ্ছা যোৱাৰ পাছত সংজ্ঞা ঘূৰাই পাওঁতে) : Give her time, and she may come around and see things your way.

23. Correct the errors of any one of the following.     1x2=2

(a) Rewrite the sentence.

Ans:-Rewrite the sentence again.

(b) One should not boast of his wealth.

Ans:-One should not boast of one's wealth.


24. A. Translate into English: (any one group of the following) 1x3=3


(a) আলিবাট পাৰ হওঁতে সাৱধান হ’বা।

Ans:- Be careful while crossing the road.

(b) মোৰ ভণ্টিয়ে কৈছিল, “এইটো কি সুন্দৰ পুতলা !” 

Ans:- (i) My younger sister said, "What a beautiful doll it is!"

(ii) My younger sister said, "What beautiful this doll is!"

(c) তেওঁ যেতিয়া আহিছিল, মই বাতৰি কাকত পঢ়ি আছিলোঁ।

Ans:- I was reading newspaper when she came.


(a) রাস্তা পার হবার সময় সাবধান হবে।

Ans:- Be careful while crossing the road.

(b) আমার বোন বলেছিল, “এটি কি সুন্দর পুতুল!” 

Ans:- (i) My younger sister said, "What a beautiful doll it is!"

(ii) My younger sister said, "What beautiful this doll is!"

(c) তিনি যখন এসেছিলেন, আমি খবর কাগজ পড়ছিলাম।

Ans:- I was reading newspaper when she came.


(a) रास्ता पार होने समय सावधान होना।

Ans:- Be careful while crossing the road.

(b) मेरी बहन ने कहा, “यह कितना सुन्दर पुतला है।” 

Ans:- (i) My younger sister said, "What a beautiful doll it is!"

(ii) My younger sister said, "What beautiful this doll is!"

(c) वह जब आया था मैं समाचार पत्र पढ़ रहा था।

Ans:- I was reading newspaper when she came.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.


HSLC Examination 2021/2022
            English Subject

20. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with right determiners:     2
(a) Mr. Barua is a man of ___ words.
Ans:- few
(b) Ms. Manisha married ___ European gentleman.
Ans:- a
(c) I want only ___ encouragement from you.
Ans:- a little
(d) ___ of the participants will be given a certificate.
Ans:- each

21. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition from among the choices given in the brackets :
(a) They are sitting ____ the dining table. (on/at/upon)
Ans:- at
(b) Ravi is senior ____ me by two years. (from/than/to )
Ans:- to
(c) He was prevented ____ going to Delhi. (for/from/with)
Ans:- from
(d) Flour is made ____ wheat. (from/by/with )
Ans:- from

22. Rewrite the sentences given below putting the verbs in the brackets in their correct tense form :    1x3=3
(a) He (ring) the bell when I was reading.
Ans:- He rang the bell when I was reading.
(6) Nobody (know) where he lives.
Ans:- Nobody knows where he lives.
(c) The guests (arrive) before the dinner was set.
Ans:- The guests had arrived before the dinner was set.

23. Change the narration of the following:    1x2=2
(a) Mitali asked me if I had a pen to spare.
Ans:- Mitali said to me, "Do you have a pen to spare?"
(b) Mother said to Rafique, “Do not keep evil company in your life.”
Ans:- Mother advised Rafique not to keep evil company in his life.

24. Change the voice of the following sentences:    1x2=2
(a) Shakespeare wrote the play, Hamlet
Ans:- Hamlet, the play was written by Shakespeare.
The play, Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
(b) My pen has been stolen.
Ans:- Someone has stolen my pen.

25. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into a single sentence:    1x2=2
(a) He is not sincere. He is not honest.
Ans:- He is neither sincere nor honest.
(b) The earth moves round the sun. Everybody knows it.
Ans:- Everybody knows that the earth moves round the sun.

26. Choose the correct alternatives from the choices given in the brackets and rewrite the sentences:    1x2=2
(a) Nobody likes his (child-like / childish) behaviour.
Ans:- childish
(b) The two men arrived at an (amiable / amicable) settlement.
Ans:- amicable

27. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any two of the following: 1x2=2
deal in, bring up, put up, look after
Deal in (To trade ব্যৱসায় কৰ) : My father deals in rice.
Bring up (to raise ডাঙৰ দীঘল কৰ) : The children are being brought up by the grandmother.
Put up (To hang ওলমাই থ): Many people put up messages on their refrigerators.
Look after (to attend to, or take care of যত্ন ল, প্ৰতিপাল কৰ) : Look after the children when I'm out. HSLC-2002, 2010, 2016, 2012

28. Correct any three of the following sentences : 1x3=3
(a) Haren was appointed in the post.
Ans:- Haren was appointed to in the post.
(b) It is raining since last night.
Ans:- It has been raining since morning.
(c) How much money you need? HSLC-2019
Ans:- How much money do you need?
(d) Five kilograms are not so heavy to carry.
Ans:- Five kilograms is not so heavy to carry.
(e) The old man died from COVID-19.
Ans:- The old man died of COVID-19.

29. Translate into English (any one group) of the following:
(a) অসমৰ চাহপাত জগত বিখ্যাত।
Ans:- The tea of Assam is world famous.
(b) মানুহজন সিমান চহকীও নহয় নাইবা সিমান দুখীয়াও নহয়।
Ans:- The man is neither too rich nor too poor.
(c) গুৱাহাটীত এখন চিৰিয়াখানা আছে।
Ans:- There is a zoo in Guwahati.
(d) ৰমেন ক'ত থাকে তুমি জানানে?
Ans:- Do you know where Ramen lives?
(e) চোৰটোক গাঁৱৰ পৰা খেদি দিয়া হৈছিল।
Ans:- (i) The thief was driven out of the village.
(ii) The thief was driven away from the village.
(f) ৰূপ সোণৰ সমান মূল্যবান নহয়।
Ans:- Silver is not as precious as gold.

(a) আসামের চা বিশ্ববিখ্যাত।
Ans:- The tea of Assam is world famous.
(b) মানুষটি এত ধনীও নয় বা এত গরীবও নয়।
Ans:- The man is neither too rich nor too poor.
(c) গুয়াহাটীতে একটি চিড়িয়াখানা আছে।
Ans:- There is a zoo in Guwahati.
(d) রমেন কোথায় থাকে তা কি তুমি জানো?
Ans:- Do you know where Ramen lives?
(e) চোরটিকে গ্রাম থেকে তাড়িয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছিলো।
Ans:- (i) The thief was driven out of the village.
(ii) The thief was driven away from the village.
(f) রূপা সোনার মতো দামী নয়।
Ans:- Silver is not as precious as gold.

(a) आसामनि साहा बिलाइया मुलुगनाङै मुंदांखा।
Ans:- The tea of Assam is world famous.
(b) मानसिया बारा दोहोनिबो नङा बारा निखावरिबो नङा।
Ans:- The man is neither too rich nor too poor.
(C) गुवाहाटीयाव गंसे जुनारसालि दं।
Ans:- There is a zoo in Guwahati.
(d) रमेना बबेयाव थायो नों मिथिगौना?
Ans:- Do you know where Ramen lives?
(e) सिखावखौ गामिनिफ्राय होखारहरनाय जादोंमोन।
Ans:- The thief was driven out of the village.
(Or) The thief was driven away from the village.
(f) रुफाया सनानि समान बेसेनगोनां नङा।
Ans:- Silver is not as precious as gold.

(a) असम की चाय विश्व-विख्यात है।
Ans:- The tea of Assam is world famous.
(b) वह व्यक्ति न उतना धनी है, न उतना गरीब।
Ans:- The man is neither too rich nor too poor.
(c) गुवाहाटी में एक चिड़ियाघर (चिडियाखाना) है।
Ans:- There is a zoo in Guwahati.
(d) रमेन कहाँ रहता है क्या तुम जानते हो?
(e) चोर को गाँव से बाहर भगा दिया गया था।
Ans:- The thief was driven out of the village.
(Or) The thief was driven away from the village.
(f) चाँदी (रूपा) सोने की तरह मूल्यवान् नहीं है।
Ans:- Silver is not as precious as gold.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.

Solved Question Paper
HSLC Examination 2021 (Spl.)

18. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with right determiners
(a) ____ water in this pot is not clean.
(b) Only ____ guests attended the function.
Ans:-a few
(c) Rajanikanta Bordoloi is called ____ Scott of Assam.
(d) His brother is ____ MA in English.

19. Fill in the blanks with correct prepositions from among the choices given in the brackets:
(a) The old man died ____ Covid-19. (from/of/in)
(b) Death is preferable ____ dishonour. (than/to/of)
(c) Mina comes ____ a rich family. (of/with/from)
(d) Butter is made ____ milk. (of/from/with)

20. Rewrite the following sentences putting the verbs in the brackets in their correct tense form:
(a) Please call me as soon as the Cricket team (arrive).
Ans:-Please call me as soon as the Cricket team arrives
(b) He (go) to the function yesterday.
Ans:-He went to the function yesterday
(c) The glass (break) by somebody last evening.
Ans:-The glass was broken by somebody last evening.

21. Change the form of narration of the following sentences:
(a) The stranger said to Ramen, "How can I go to the station?"
Ans:-The stranger asked Ramen how he could go to the station.
(b) Ramen answered that he (the stranger) might hire a taxi cab that would take him to the station.
Ans:- Ramen said, "I may hire a taxi cab that will take me to the station ."

22. Change the voice of the following sentences:
(a) Assamese is spoken by the people of Assam.
Ans:- People speak Assamese in Assam.
(b) Did you do this?
Ans:- Was this done by you?

23. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into a single sentence:
(a) Water evaporates when it is heated. Everyone knows this.
Ans:-Everyone knows that Water evaporates when it is heated
(b) He cannot read. He cannot write.
Ans:- He can neither read nor write.

24. Choice the correct alternative from the choices given brackets and rewrite the sentences :
(a) She works in a (dairy/diary) farm.
Ans:- dairy
(b) Milk is a good (food/drink).
Ans:- food

25. Make sentences to illustrate the meaning of any two of the following :
Stand by (to abide by লাগি থকা) : She still stands by what I have said.
Make out (to comprehend বুজ, গম পা) : I could not make out what she had said.
Bring up (to raise ডাঙৰ দীঘল কৰ) : The children are being brought up by the grandmother.
Put out (to place outside বাহিৰত থ) : Don't forget to put out the dog.

26. Correct any three of the following sentences :
(a) My aim in life is to become doctor.
Ans:-My aim in life is to become a doctor.
(b) We cannot look in the dark.
Ans:-We cannot see in the dark.
(c) How much money you need?
Ans:-How much money do you need?
(d) He has bought this car last year.
Ans:-He bought this car last year.
(e) I do not know who are you.
Ans:-I do not know who you are.
(f) It can rain tonight.
Ans:-It may rain tonight.

27. Translate into English (any one Group) of the following :
(a) অৰুণাচলৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক দৃশ্য মনোৰম।
Ans:-The natural scenery of Arunachal is attractive.
(b) ইটানগৰ অৰুণাচলৰ ৰাজধানী চহৰ।
Ans:-Itanagar is the capital of Arunachal.
(c) ৰাজীব গান্ধী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অৰুণাচলৰ ৰোনো হিলচত অৱস্থিত।
Ans:-Rajiv Gandhi University is situated in Reno Hills.
(d) নানা জাতি-উপজাতিৰ লোক এইখন প্ৰদেশত বাস কৰে।
Ans:-Different tribes and communities live in this state.
(e) অৰুণাচলক সূৰ্য উঠাৰ দেশ বুলি কোৱা হয়।
Ans:-Arunachal is called the land of rising sun.
(f) তুমি কেতিয়াবা অৰুণাচললৈ গৈছানে?
Ans:- Have you ever gone to Arunachal?

 --The End--

HS Second year

 5.Change the form of narration in the following sentences: 2x3=6
(a)"Let's buy some yeast and make our own bread," said Rashmi."The bread we are getting now is absolutely tasteless."
Ans:-Rashmi suggested that they should some yeast and make their own bread. She added that the bread they were getting then was absolutely tasteless.
(b)M.Hamel said to the children, "Have I not often sent you to water my flowers instead of learning your lessons?And when I wanted to go fishing, did I not just give you a holiday ?"
Ans:-M.Hamel asked the children if he had not often sent them to water his flowers instead of learning their lessons. He further asked them if he had not given a holiday when he had wanted to go fishing.
(c)His mother exclaimed in joy that her son had again won the scholar badge.I gave her my congratulations.
Ans:-His mother said, "Hurrah! My son has again won the scholar badge. I said to him, "Congratulations."

6. Change the voice of any four of the following sentences: 1x4-4
(a) What are you doing now?
Ans:-What is being done by you then?
(b) Whom does this rogue not cheat?
Ans:-Who is not cheated by this rogue?
(c) He was encouraged to donate freely during the epidemic.
Ans:- They encouraged him to donate freely during the epidemic.
(d) We have a lot of work to do.
Ans:-A lot of work has to be done by us.
(e) Let personal rivalries not spoil the working environment.
Ans:-Let the working environment not be spoiled by personnel rivalries.
(f) There is no time to waste.
Ans:-There is no time to be wasted.

7.Put the verbs in brackets in their correct tense forms(any six). 1x6=6
(a) He (visit) the place several times.
Ans:- He has visited the place several times.
(b) It started to rain while we (play) tennis.
Ans:-It started to rain while we were playing tennis.
(c) The train (arrive) before we reach the station.
Ans:-The train will have arrived before we reach the station
(d)There was a rumour that he (die)of Covid 19.
Ans:-There was a rumour that he had died of Covid 19.
(e)If you had tried hard, you(succeed).
Ans:- If you had tried hard, you would have succeeded
(f) You(wash)your hands before every every meal?
Ans:- Do you wash your hands before every every meal?
(g) I tried to learn English for several years, but I (not succeed)yet.
Ans:-I tried to learn English for several years, but I have not succeeded yet.

8.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions (any four):
(a)The arrested man was acquitted-------the charge of murder.
(b)Wild animals abound-----Indian forests.
(c)He complied-----my request.
(d)He is deaf------an ear.
(e) She excels----painting.
(f)He has great aptitude ----Mathematics.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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Mini S
March 16, 2022 at 9:41 PM ×

I appreciate your selfless contribution.Thanks a lot sir!
