
Class 11 English My impression of Assam

Class 11 English | Hornbill - Prose : My impression of Assam by Verrier Elwin | SEBA Question Answer HS 1st Year

Word-meaning:- শব্দ অর্থঃ-
fortnight- এক পক্ষ (পোন্ধৰ দিন সময়কাল)
century- শতাব্দী
impression- ও কোনো বস্তুই মনত বহুৱা সাঁচ, ধ্যান-ধাৰণা।
intoxicated- নিচাগ্ৰস্ত
grace- দয়া
charm- সৌন্দর্য
relationship- সম্পর্ক
Courtesy- নম্রতা
ordinary- সাধাৰণ
chap- অচিনাকী লোক
officials- চৰকাৰী বিষয়া
hill folk- পাহাৰীয়া লোকসকল
tradition- পৰম্পৰা, ঐতিহ্য
hospitality- অতিথিপৰায়ণতা
precious- মূল্যৱান
rare- বিৰল
rivalry- অৰিয়াঅৰি
hurry- সোণকালে
Game Reserve- অভয়াৰণ্য
dubious- সন্দেহজনক
hippopotamus- জলহস্তী
rhino- গড়
confess- দোষ স্বীকাৰ কৰা
irritable- খঙাল
co-operate- সহযোগিতা কৰা
poaching- চোৰাংভাৱে চিকাৰ কৰা
ostrich- উট পক্ষী
perfect- সম্পূৰ্ণ
confidence- বিশ্বাস
odd- অদ্ভুদ
creatures- প্রাণী
wrong- ভুল
carnivorous- মাংহসাৰী
violent- উগ্র
brotherhood- ভাতৃত্ববোধ
appeal- আবেদন কৰা
venture- সাহসৰ কাম
civilization- সভ্যতা
of course- অৱশ্যে
museum- যাদুঘৰ, সংগ্রহালয়
formidable- বিপদসংকুল, বাধা-বিঘিনিৰে ভৰা
fantastic- কল্পনাপূর্ণ
unearthy- অপার্থিৱ
splendid- সুন্দৰ
crowns- মূৰত পিন্ধা টুপী
spears- শেল, যাঠি
chanting- আওৰাই থকা
ought- উচিত
folk tale- সাধুকথা
countryside- গ্রাম্যাঞ্চল
prefer- পছন্দ কৰা
myth- ৰূপ কাহিনী, কাল্পনিক কাহিনী
decoration- কাৰু-কার্য খচিত বস্তু
adorn- অলংকৃত কতা
magnificent- মহত্বপূর্ণ, অতি মনোৰম
rarely- বিৰল, কদাচিৎ
extraordinary- বিশেষ
vigour- শক্তি
hand-loom- তাঁত শাল
exquisite- অতুলনীয়া
rapidly- দ্রুত গতিত
attire- পোছাক
pretend- ভাও জোৰা
solution- সমাধান
venture- সাহসৰ কাম
culture- সংস্কৃতি
noble- মহান
rhythm- ছন্দ।

1. What does Verrier Elwin say about the tradition of courtesy and hospitality in the modern world ? What advice does he give to the people of Assam on this point?

Ans:- The author says that the tradition  of courtesy and hospitality has begun to disappear in this modern world of competition and rivalry. People have become so materialistic that they have forgotten the importance of being friendly, hospitable and courteous to their fellow human beings.

        The author is very fond of the people of Assam who have been able to nurture the great and precious tradition of hospitality and friendliness. The grace and charm of the people and the beauty in human relationship are some exceptionally rare qualities not found anywhere in the world. Everybody, from the shopkeeper to the chap who helps to find the way, together with the government official and hill folk,is helpful, friendly and courteous. He calls upon the people of Assam to preserve this tradition.

2. What difference does Verrier Elwin draw between the Game Sanctuaries of Kenya and Kaziranga ?     HS-2022

Ans:- The author Verrier Elwin notices serious differences between the Game Sanctuaries of Kenya and Kaziranga. A commitment is seen in the people of Kenya and Tanganyka  to make the Sanctuaries a success  and a lot of money is spent on them. The animals in the sanctuaries of East Africa do not feel threatened by the presence and movement of human beings near them and so, hundreds of giraffe, zebra, ostrich, lions and wild elephants are seen roaming. The animals feel secure and confident because no poaching takes place. But the situation is quite different in Kaziranga Game Sanctuary where poaching is very common and the animals do not appear easily . The people also do not co-operate in making it a success.

3. What appeal does the author make to the scholars of Assam concerning the songs and poems of the state? Why does he make this appeal?

Ans:- The author lays stress on the need to record and preserve the songs and poems based on the traditions, rituals and countryside of Assam. He feels that there must be something very meaningful and significant in the songs sung by some boys. In his opinion there are immense possibilities in promoting the folk-tales and myths which are popular among the hill-tribes of Assam. The author is against the tendency of schoolboys preferring jazz music from Hollywood because it will make their tradition disappear.

The author makes this appeal because he wants people to get involved in preserving their tradition, culture and literature before it is too late.

4. Why, according to Verrier Elwin, should wood carving be taught and encouraged in our educational centers?

Ans:- The author seems to be very much fascinated by the wood-carvings of the hill tribes. The splendid decorations made on the houses  by the Thangkhuls of Manipur, the Maos and the Marams, the morungs adorned by the Konyaks, the beautiful village gates made by Angamis on their houses bear testimony to their artistic sense and skill. Moreover, the expertise of the Phoms in fashioning images and pipes,the skill of decorating drinking mugs  are some examples of an exceptional skill that should not be allowed to disappear.It is really difficult to find schools in Assam, that teach wood-carving. According to Verrier Elwin, schools should teach carving on wood so that this unique art remains alive.

5. “You have a great treasure there”--- What treasure is Verrier Elwin referring to and what is his suggestion about the treasure?

Ans:- Verrier Elwin is referring to a  treasure that consists of natural resources and wildlife, tradition  of hospitality, courtesy and  friendliness of the people of Assam,the splendid wood-carvings and the expertise of the hill tribes in decorating houses, pots and village gates. Assam is also famous for maidens who produce textiles of the highest quality, taste and colour. Gandhiji once said that ‘the maidens of lovely Assam weave poems on their handlooms’.  All these make the author say that  these great treasures cannot be manufactured by the factory or ordered by an office. They grow out of the ancient soil and once they are lost,they can never be recovered.    


Additional Questions and Answers.

1. Who was Verrier Elwin ? Where did he make his second home ?

Ans:- Verrier Elwin was an eminent British author and anthropologist. He made the north-east his second home.

2. From where has "My Impression of Assam” has been taken?

Ans:- "My Impression of Assam” has been taken from the collected works of Satish Ch. Kakati.

3. For how long did the author, Verrier Elwin live in India?

Ans:- Verrier Elwin lived in India approximately for twenty five years.

4. How long did the author stay in East-Africa ?

Ans:- The author stayed for two months in East-Africa.

5. What animal that chased the author during his visit to East-Africa ?

Ans:- A female hippopotamus chased the author during his visit to East-Africa.

6. For how long did the author live in Assam? 

Ans:- The author lived in Assam for four months.

7. What is the Sola topi ?  HS-2022

Ans:- Sola topi is a form of head-gear long ago abandoned by Europeans in India, or a parody of western dress  to the fine, simple natural attire.

8. What is Verrier Elwin saying to the people of the Assam hill ? 3 marks  AHSEC-2015, 2017

(OR) What does Verrier Elwin have to say to the hill people of Assam? 

Ans:- Verrier Elwin says that the hill people of Assam are very warm, friendly and hospitable. They have a rich and unique tradition free from artificialities and complications. Their skill  in decorating houses and making wood-carvings,is artistic and splendid. According to Elwin, the hospitality shown by the hill tribes of Assam is seen only in a few tribes of the world.

9. What did Elwin notice about our attitude towards wild animals ? 2 marks  AHSEC-2016

Ans:- Verrier Elwin noticed a very peculiar attitude of the people of Assam towards wild animals. They did not have the commitment to make the sanctuaries safe for the wild animals. The animals do not appear readily because they feel insecure and threatened by the presence of human beings. The major concern is poaching and people don't seem to be interested in making the sanctuaries safe and liveable.

10. Why does author Verrier Elwin call him an extraordinary visitor ? 2 marks  AHSEC-2017, 2018

Ans:- Author Verrier Elwin calls himself an unconventional visitor to Assam because what he discovered in a very short span of time, was actually beyond the knowledge of the British rulers who stayed here for such a long period of time. The author found the hill tribes of Assam very friendly and warm. The simplicity of their lifestyle, the tradition of hospitality and friendliness, their skill seen in wood-carvings and house decorations, were too unique to be missed by the author.



1. Who wrote the lesson my impression of Assam?

Ans:- Verrier Elwin

Syllabus of Class 11 English

1. The Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh

Landscape of the soul

3. The Ailing Planet

My impression of Assam


5.  A Photograph by Shirley Toulson

6. The Voice of the Rain by Walt Whitman

7. Childhood

8. Father to son

Supplimentary - Short Stories

9. Ranga Marraige

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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Mini S
April 10, 2022 at 10:09 AM ×

Very helpful for us.Thanks a lot sir.

April 10, 2022 at 10:09 AM ×

Thank you so Much sir

April 10, 2022 at 10:11 AM ×

Thank you very much for theses precious words of appreciation

April 10, 2022 at 10:12 AM ×

It is so nice of you to hear it.Thanks for this valuable feedback

April 10, 2022 at 10:21 AM ×

Helpful post . Thank you.
