
Class 11 English The Ailing Planet

Class 11 English Chapter 3 | Hornbill-Prose : The Ailing Planet : The Green Movement's Role by Nani Palkhivala | SEBA Question Answer HS 1st Year

Word-meaning শব্দ-অর্থঃ-
recall- মনত পেলোৱা
movement- আন্দোলন
imagination- কল্পনা, চিন্তা
entire- গোটেই
nationwide- গোটেই দেশ জুৰি
shifted- স্থান সলনি কৰা।
irrevocably- অপৰিৱৰ্তনীয়ভাবে
mechanic- যান্ত্রিক
view- দৃষ্টিভঙ্গী
ecological- পৰিবেশ সম্পর্কীয়।
consciousness- সচেতনতা
organism- জীৱ, জীৱন্ত প্রাণী জগত
being- প্রাণী
declining- হ্রাস হোৱা।
ethical- নৈতিক
obligation- বাধ্যবাধকতা
steward- কোনো সম্পত্তি ৰক্ষণাবেক্ষণ দিওঁতা
responsible- দায়িত্বশীল
legacy- পৈত্রিক সম্পত্তি
generation- প্রজন্ম
concept- ধাৰণা
sustainable- বহনক্ষম
environment- পৰিবেশ
resources- প্রাকৃতিক সম্পদবোৰ
agencies- সংস্থা, অনুষ্ঠান-প্রতিষ্ঠানবোৰ
awareness- সজাগতা
domination- প্রাধান্য
as regards- সম্বন্ধে
biologist- জীৱ বিজ্ঞানী
reckon- গণনা কৰা
languish- অৱহেলিত হৈ পৰি থকা
inter-alia- অন্যান্য বস্তুৰ মাজত
ignominus- অখ্যাত
successors- ভৱিষ্যত প্রজন্ম
scorch- পুৰি যোৱা
deserts- মৰুভূমি
ailing- ৰোগাগ্রস্ত
global- গোলকীয়
crop-lands- কৃষিভূমি
virtually- প্ৰকাৰান্তে
synthetics- ৰাসায়নিক দ্রব্য
collapse- ভাগি পৰা, ধ্বংসপ্রাপ্ত হোৱা
barren- অনুর্বৰ
deteriorate- ক্রমে ক্রমে বেয়া হোৱা
decimate- ধ্বংস কৰা
procure- সংগ্রহ কৰা
expensive- ব্যয়বহুল
extinction- নিঃশেষ, বিলুপ্তি
precede- পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী হোৱা
patrimony- পৈত্ৰিক সম্পদ
erode- ক্ষয় হোৱা
evolution- ক্রমবিকাশ
estimate- গণনা কৰা
endeavour- প্রচেষ্টা
saveguard- সুৰক্ষা দিয়া
abolish- ৰদ কৰা
depletion- লাঘৱ হোৱা
catastrophy- বিপর্যয়
distort- বিকৃত কৰা
condemn- অভিশপ্ত কৰা
voluntary- স্ব-ইচ্ছাকৃত
coercion- শক্তি প্রয়োগ কৰি
huntsmen- পর্জাঘৰেৰে ভৰা গাওঁবোৰ
priority- প্রাধান্য
transcending- পাৰ্থিৱ জগতৰ উধ্বত
existence- অস্তিত্ব
holistic view- গুৰুতৰ ধাৰণা
dissociate- আলগ কৰা, পৃথক কৰা।
Role- ভূমিকা
Excel- চেৰ পেলেৱা
performance- কৰ্ম
Felicitous- অভিনন্দনৰ যোগ্য।

Questions' Answers:-
1. What is the Green Movement and what are its aims?   HS-2012 Marks-2
(OR) What is the Green Movement? Explain briefly.

Ans:-The Green Movement is a movement that is concerned regarding the people aware of the importance of environment. It is the awareness among the people to stop deforestation of nature and its resources. Its aim is to create a holistic and ecological view of the world.

2. What are the principal biological systems of the earth? HS-2018 Marks-2
Ans:-There are four principal biological systems of the earth. These are fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. They form the foundation of the earth's principal biological systems. Due to man's increasing demands day by day these systems are reaching an unsustainable level.

3. How are the earth's principal biological systems being depleted? HS-2014 Marks-2
(OR) Name the earth's four principal biological systems and their importance.
Ans:- There are four chief biological systems of the earth as fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands. They form the foundation of the earth's principal biological systems. Due to man's increasing demands day by day these systems are reaching an unsustainable level. When this happens, fisheries collapse, forests disappear, grasslands are converted into barren wastelands and croplands deteriorate.

4. What do you understand by the concept of 'Sustainable development' as explained in ‘The Ailing Planet”. The Green Movement's Role?   HS-2015, 2018 Marks-3
Ans:- The concept of sustainable development was popularized in 1987 by the World Commission on Environment and Development. In its report it was defined the idea as ‘Development that meets the needs of the present without harming the needs of future generations to meet their needs.' In other words, the present generation should not deprive the natural resources of the world for the future generations should need.
    The people have to maintain balance. The earth's principal biological systems should be used judiciously so that fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands can be used by the future generations. If the people go on using excessive the natural resources it may lead to a serious consequences.

5. How is man the most dangerous animal in this world?   HS-2016
Ans:- Man is the most dangerous animals in this world because man doesn't treat the fellow human beings properly. Due to man's increasing demands day by day the earth's biological principal such as fisheries collapse, forests disappear, grasslands are converted into barren wastelands.

6. What does the notice ‘The world's most dangerous animal' at a cage in the Zoo at Lusaka, Zambia' signify?   HS-2017 Marks-3

Ans:- There is a notice outside a cage in the Zoo at Lusaka, Zambia written ‘The world's most dangerous animal'. But there is no animal inside the cage except a mirror where one can see his image. It signifies that man is the most dangerous animal in the world who has depleted the natural resources and environment.

7. “We have not inherited this Earth from our forefathers- We have borrowed it from our children' Justify this statement.      HS-2015, 2016, 2018 Marks-6

Ans:- Once Mr. Lester Brown said, 'We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children.' This statements signifies that the natural resources of the earth is valuable for the survival of human race. But the natural resources are limited. With the increase of population, their demands for more food for more people have also increased. As a result, pressure for growing more food falls on the earth. This pressure has destroyed the ecological balance of the earth and the earth has been losing its sustainability. Therefore the author has made us conscious of the fact that we must take immediate measures to protect the earth with its natural resources for the survival of human race. He says that the earth is not our patrimony to be used and exhausted as we like. It is rather an asset which we have borrowed from our future generations. That means we must keep up the natural ecological balance of the earth for a healthy survival of human race.

8. 'The earth's vital signs reveal a patient in declining health.' Elucidate.  HS-2017 Marks-6
Ans:- The author Nani Palkhivala in his lesson "The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement's Role" has explained the different elements that have depleted our earth. One vital element that has made our earth ailing is the demand of human race on fisheries, forests, grasslands and croplands which are the foundation of the earth's principal biological systems. Due to man's increasing demands day by day these systems are reaching an unsustainable level. Fisheries are being ruined, forests are being cleared, grasslands and croplands are being converted into wastelands. The aim cause for these depletion of the earth's principal biological systems is the uncontrollable growth of population, which needs immediate attention from the human beings.

9. 'Are we leave our successors a scorchid planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes and ailing envionment.' Justify the statement. Marks-6

10. When and where was the world's first nationwide Green Part formed?
Ans:- The world's first nationwide Green Part was formed in New Zealand in 1972.

Syllabus of Class 11 English

1. The Portrait of a Lady by Khushwant Singh

Landscape of the soul

3. The Ailing Planet

My impression of Assam


5.  A Photograph by Shirley Toulson

6. The Voice of the Rain by Walt Whitman

7. Childhood

8. Father to son

Supplimentary - Short Stories

9. Ranga Marraige

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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