
HSLC Make Sentence


HSLC Make Sentence

Deal in (To trade ব্যৱসায় কৰ) : My father deals in rice.
Bring up (to raise ডাঙৰ দীঘল কৰ) : The children are being brought up by the grandmother.
Put up (To hang ওলমাই থ): Many people put up messages on their refrigerators.
Look after (to attend to, or take care of যত্ন ল, প্ৰতিপাল কৰ) : Look after the children when I'm out. 
HSLC-2021 (Special)
Stand by (to abide by লাগি থকা) : She still stands by what I have said.
Make out (to comprehend বুজ, গম পা) : I could not make out what she had said.
Bring up (to raise ডাঙৰ দীঘল কৰ) : The children are being brought up by the grandmother.
Put out (to place outside বাহিৰত থ) : Don't forget to put out the dog.
HSLC - 2020
Make out (to comprehend বুজ, গম পা) : I could not make out what she had said.
Deal in (To trade ব্যৱসায় কৰ) : My father deals in rice.
Carry out (To fulfill পূৰ্ণ কৰ) : She finally carried out her life long ambition.
Give away (To distribute, বিতৰণ কৰা) : The Prime Minister gave away the prizes.

HSLC - 2019
Far and wide (everywhere চৌদিশে) : His fame spread far and wide.
break out (to open or start যুদ্ধ, মহামাৰী আদিৰ উদ্ভৱ হ) : Malaria breaks out during summer.
Fall out (to quarrel কাজিয়া কৰ) : Ram and I fell out after a long argument.
Give up (to quit ত্যাগ কৰ) : They gave up the search when it got dark.

HSLC - 2018
Run over (To exceed the allotted time সময়সীমা অতিক্ৰম কৰ): The previous presentation ran over and ours had to start late.
Deal in (To trade ব্যৱসায় কৰ) : My father deals in rice.
Carry out (To fulfill পূৰ্ণ কৰ) : She finally carried out her life long ambition.
In order to(to express the purpose of something উদ্দেশ্য প্ৰকাশ কৰা) : In order to earn living for herself and her family of five children, she worked hard.

HSLC - 2017
Give away (To distribute, বিতৰণ কৰা) : The Prime Minister gave away the prizes.
Far and wide (everywhere চৌদিশে) : His fame spread far and wide.
Put out (to place outside বাহিৰত থ) : Don't forget to put out the dog.
Turn up (To show up দেখা দে) : Is this your pencil that turned up in my drawer?

HSLC - 2016
Bring up (to raise ডাঙৰ দীঘল কৰ) : The children are being brought up by the grandmother.
Look for (to seek বিচাৰ) : The kittens are looking for their mother.
Give up (to surrender সমৰ্পণ কৰ) : They gave him up to the police.
Look after (to seek বিচাৰ) : If they are not married, they should be looking after a wife.

HSLC - 2015
In order to (to express the purpose of something কিবা এটাৰ উদ্দেশ্য প্ৰকাশ কৰা): In order to understand it, you must study deeply.
All in all (everything considered সৰ্বতোপ্ৰকাৰে) : All in all, it was a great success.
Now and then (sometimes মাজে সময়ে) : Call your mother now and then and let her know you care.
At large (freely স্বাধীনভাৱে) : The children are playing in the field at large.

SLC 2014
Look into (to investigate অনুসন্ধান কৰ) : The police looked into matter seriously.
Call off (to cancel পৰিহাৰ কৰ) : At last, they called off the strike.
Get ride of (to lose হেৰুৱা) : I want to get rid of your influence over my life!

HSLC - 2013
Null and void (Cancel, বাতিল) : The will is now null and void.
By dint of (Because of কাৰণে) : The North Caucasus are part of Russia by dint of history.
With flying colours (extremely well অতিশয় ভাল) : He passed the test with flying colors,as everyone had expected.
All in all (Generally সাধাৰণতে) : All in all, it's not a bad little hotel.

HSLC - 2012
Nook and corner (Every corner প্ৰতিটো চুক) : He traced my missing ring in every nook and corner of the house.
Of late (recently শেহতীয়াভাৱে) : I have not visited them of late, but I hear they are doing well.
With a view to (With an intention এটি লক্ষ্যৰে) : We read the contract with a view to finding a way out of it.
Look after (To watch চোৱা চিতা কৰ) : I looked after the children with much care.

HSLC - 2011
Come about (To change সলনি হ) : The wind is come about.
Give up (to quit ত্যাগ কৰ) : They gave up the search when it got dark.
For good (forever, permanently সদাকাল, স্থায়ীভাৱে) : He left the country for good.
Black sheep (A disliked person এজন ঘৃণিত মানুহ) : He always was the black sheep in the family, as an artist among doctors and lawyers.

HSLC - 2010
Break down (To digest হজম কৰা) : His stomach took a while to break down his food.
Give away (to distribute বিলায় দে) : The principal gave away the prizes to the students.
Look after (to watch চোৱা চিতা কৰ) :The grandmother Kherxuti looked after Sankardev.
Call on (To visit (a person) দেখা কৰ) I really should call on my aunt more often.
Sit for (to care for someone in the role of babysitter )I always loved sitting for Sarah and Jake -they felt like my own kids.

HSLC - 2009
Send for (To order or summon (a person) to one's presence কাৰোবাৰ ওচৰলৈ যোৱা) : The principal asked the chowkhider to send for the student.
Tell upon : Turn up To increase the amount of something কিবা এটা পৰিমাণ বঢ়াই দিয়া) Turn up the radio and sing along.
Run over (to overflow উপচি পৰা) : The bath water nearly ran over.
Put up (To hang ওলমাই থ): Many people put up messages on their refrigerators.

HSLC - 2008
Look into (look চোৱা) : He looked into her eyes.
Make out (to comprehend বুজ, গম পা) : I could not make out what she had said.
In no time (instantly অতিশীঘ্ৰে) : The doctor will reach here in no time.
As soon as (At the moment when; immediately after মূহুৰ্ততে) : As soon as the teacher entered the class, the students became silent.
Look down upon (to hate ঘিণ কৰা) Don't look down upon the poor.

HSLC - 2007
Run over (To drive over, causing injury or death, গাড়ীৰে পাৰ কৰা, ফলত আহত বা মৃত্যু হোৱা) : Can you believe somebody would just run over a cat like that?
Turn down (To refuse, decline, or deny অস্বীকাৰ কৰা, নাকচ কৰা) : He turned down all our offers of help.
Send for (to ask to come মাতি পঠিয়া) : Soniya asked Debyani to send for the doctor.
Bring up (To raise (children) ডাঙৰ দীঘল কৰা) : She did well enough bringing up two sons and a daughter on her own.
Get through (To complete; to finish সম্পূৰ্ণ কৰা) : She got through her book this morning!
Tell upon (to make damage, ক্ষতি কৰা) Over exercise told upon my health.

HSLC - 2006
Call in (To summon someone কাৰোবাৰ ওচৰলৈ যোৱা) : The government called in the army to deal with the riots.
Take over (To assume control of something নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ হাতলৈ নে) : He took over the business from his father.
Look into (to investigate বিচাৰ কৰা) : The police was looking into the matter.
Give away (to sacrifice ত্যাগ কৰা) : He gave himself away for the country.
Fall out (to quarrel কাজিয়া কৰ) : The two brothers fell out over the plot of land.

HSLC - 2005
Get off (To disembark, especially from mass transportation, such as a bus or train গাড়ীৰ পৰা নমা) : She got off the bus and then hired a auto.
Set up (Logically order যুক্তিপূৰ্ণ ক্ৰম) :Set up my books collection.
Run over (To cross by running দৌৰি পাৰ কৰা) The athletes must run over the bridge to reach the finish line.
Call on (To visit a person দেখা কৰা) : I really should call on my aunt more often.
Make up (To compensate থিৰাং কৰা) : He can make up the time next week.

HSLC - 2003
Take to one's bed (stay in bed because of illness ) : He took to his bed for a week with a child.
Keep back (to hold back ধৰি ৰাখা) : Hearing the sad news, the oldman could not keep back tears.
On account of (due to কাৰণে, হেতুকে) : I could not attend the program on account of headache.
Look down upon (to hate ঘিণ কৰা) Don't look down upon the poor.
Take heart (encouraging someone to bear or take up a difficult
situation বিষম পৰিস্থিতিক সহ্য কৰিবলৈ উৎসাহিত কৰা) : Take heart, help will arrive shortly and everything will be fine.
See off (To accompany someone to a point of departure; to ensure someone departs safely কাৰোবাক বিদায় দিয়ালৈকে সংগ দিয়া ) : Many friends came to see me off.

HSLC - 2002
So far as (to the extent that ) : the play was a great success so far as attendance was concerned.
Look into (to investigate, explore, or consider কোনো বিষয়ে চোৱা) : I shall look into the matter.
Look after (to attend to, or take care of যত্ন ল, প্ৰতিপাল কৰ) : Look after the children when I'm out.
By fits and starts (occasionally অনিয়মীতভাৱে) : If you work by fits and starts, you can't save money.
At a loss (not sure হতবুদ্ধি) : I'm at a loss how to proceed.

HSLC - 2001
In black and white (in writing কাগজে কলমে) : I'll believe that when I see it in black and white.
get ride of (to remove আঁতৰ কৰা) : I want to get ride of your influence over my life!
turn up (to appear উপস্থিত হ) : Has he turned up yet?
stand by (to abide by লাগি থকা) : She still stands by what I have said.
break out (to open or start যুদ্ধ, মহামাৰী আদিৰ উদ্ভৱ হ) : Malaria breaks out during summer.
take down (to write down লিখি ল) : If you have a pen, you can take down my phone number.

HSLC - 2000
none but (only কেৱল, মাথোন): None but God will ever know what I suffered.
In no time (instantly অতিশীঘ্ৰ) : The chief guest will arrive here in no time.
bring up (To raise ডাঙৰ দীঘল কৰা) : She promised to bring up the children.
pass away (to die মৃত্যু হোৱা) : Gandhi passed away peacefully.
set up (To ready something for use ব্যৱহাৰৰ বাবে কিবা প্ৰস্তুত কৰা) : We set up the sprinkler.
as soon as (At the moment when; immediately after মূহুৰ্ততে) : I came as soon as I could.

HSLC - 1999
Make out (to see, discern; to comprehend ধৰিব পাৰ, বুজ; গম পা) : In the distance, I could just make out a shadowy figure.
For good (forever, permanently সদাকাল, স্থায়ীভাৱে) : He had left his country for good.
Neither ...nor : I have neither money nor land.
Run over (To drive over, causing injury or death, গাড়ীৰে পাৰ কৰা, ফলত আহত বা মৃত্যু হোৱা) : Two children were run over by a car last night and killed.
At times (On occasion, sometimes সময়ে সময়ে, মাজে মাজে) : I feel lonely at times, but then somebody phones, and I cheer up again.
As soon as (At the moment when; immediately after মূহুৰ্ততে) : As soon as he arrived, everyone gasped.

HSLC - 1998
Take over  (to assume control of a business, management, duties etc নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ হাতলৈ নে) : He will take over the job permanently.
As well as (in the same manner একেদৰেই) : He gave me money as well as advice.
Come round (to recover from মূৰ্ছা যোৱাৰ পাছত সংজ্ঞা ঘূৰাই পাওঁতে) : Give her time, and she may come around and see things your way.
No sooner ....than (suddenly পলম নকৰাকৈ, সেই মুহূৰ্ততে) : No sooner  had he come  than I left.
Fall out (to quarrel কাজিয়া কৰ) : Ram and I fell out after a long argument.
In no time (instantly অতিশীঘ্ৰ) : You will get the book in no time.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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