
English Grammar Voice Change

      English Grammar voice change by Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami, PGT (English)

 লক্ষ্য কৰিবলগীয়া যে Active Voice ৰ পৰা Passive Voice কৰোতে সদায় 'by' preposition নবহে, কিছুমান verb ৰ পিচত 'to', 'with', 'at' preposition বহে। যেনে-
(a) I know him well.
Ans:-He is known to me well.
(b) He did not know me.
Ans:-I was not known to him.
(c) His conduct has surprised me.
Ans:-I have been surprised at his conduct.
(d) He pleased me.
Ans:-I was pleased with him.
(e) The boy displeased his parents very much.
Ans:-His parents were displeased (with) the boy very much.

মন কৰিবলগীয়া যে Active Voice ৰ verb টো যদি Imperative Sentence হয় (আদেশ, অনুৰোধ, উপদেশ দিয়া বুজোৱা বাক্যক Imperative Sentence বুলি জনা যায়), তেন্তে সাধাৰণতে বাক্যটোৰ আগত 'let' verb বহুৱাই, বাক্যটো Passive Voice কৰিব লাগে। যেনেঃ-
(a) Clean the room.
Ans:-Let the room be cleaned.
(b) Shut the door.
Ans:-Let the door be shut.
(c) Give the boy a glass of water.
Ans:-Let the boy be given a glass of water.

কিন্তু কেতিয়াবা 'request' verb টো বহুৱায়ো Passive Voice কৰিব পাৰি। যেনেঃ-
(a) Please sing a song.
Ans:-You is requested to sing a song.
(b) Please put up a table there.
Ans:-You is requested to put up a table there.

Change the Voice of:-
(Some important additional Question-Answer)
(1) The villagers killed the tiger.
Ans:- The tiger was killed by the villagers.

(2) My sister has written the poem.
Ans:- The poem has been written by my sister.

(3) I bought an umbrella yesterday.
Ans:- An umbrella was bought yesterday by me.

(4) The dead body was removed from the street.
Ans:- People removed the dead body from the street.

(5) Graham Bell invented the telephone.
Ans:- The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.

(6) Rose is called the queen of the flowers.
Ans:- People call rose the queen of the flowers.

(7) The Principal presided over the meeting.
Ans:- The meeting was presided over by the principal.

(8) The chief guest gave away the prizes.
Ans:- The prizes were given away by the chief guest.

(9)They asked the boy many questions.
Ans:- The boy was asked many questions by them.

(10) The policeman will catch the thief.
Ans:- The thief will be caught by the policeman.

(11) He does not know me.
Ans:- I am not known to him.

(12) The workers repair the bridge.
Ans:- The bridge is repaired by the workers.

(13) I know your father well.
Ans:- Your father is known well to me.

(14) He writes a letter everyday.
Ans:- A letter is written everyday by him.

(15) The workers are building a house.
Ans:- A house is being built by the workers.

(16) They knew me very well.
Ans:- I was known very well to them.

(17) Mr. Das taught us English.
Ans:- We are taught English by Mr Das.

(18) She will write a letter tomorrow.
Ans:- A letter will be written tomorrow by her.

(19) They have made me secretary of the club.
Ans:- I have been made secretary of the club.

(20) Anybody can do it.
Ans:- It can be done by anyone.

(21) People speak English all over the world.
Ans:- English is spoken all over the world.

(22) Take care of your health.
Ans:- Let your health be taken care of.

(23) Change the voice.
Ans:- Let the voice be changed.

(24) They caught the thief and handed him over to the police.
Ans:- The thief was caught and was handed over to the police.

(25) The child is looking at the moon.
Ans:- The moon is being looked at by the child.

(26) The news of his death shocked me.
Ans:- I was shocked at by the news of his death.

(27) I saw him coming home.
Ans:- He was seen coming home by me.

(28) Let him do the work.
Ans:- Let the work be done by him.

(29) Who did it?
Ans:- By whom was it done?

(30) What are they looking for?
Ans:- What is being looked for by them?

(31) Can you draw a picture?
Ans:- Can a picture be drawn by you?

(32) Bimal took a bus to the fair.
Ans:-A bus was taken to the fair by Bimal.

(33)By whom was America discovered?
Ans:- Who discovered America?

(34) What is done can not be undone.
Ans:- One cannot undo what one does.

(35) The book was written by Tagore.
Ans:- Tagore wrote the book.

(36) The cat may be killed by the dog.
Ans:- The dog may kill the cat.

(37) Our country ought to be loved.
Ans:- We ought to love our country.

(38) Let the letter be written now.
Ans:- Write the letter now.

(39) A meeting will be held tomorrow.
Ans:- We will hold a meeting tomorrow.

(40) The lion is called the king of beast.
Ans:- People call the lion the king of beast.

(41) I am shocked at his conduct.
Ans:- His conduct shocks me.

(42) Two hundred people were arrested.
Ans:- The police arrested two hundred people.

(43) Do the work quickly.
Ans:- Let the work be done quickly.

(44) Columbus discovered America.
Ans:- America was discovered by Columbus.

(45) One thousand demonstrators were arrested yesterday.
Ans:- The police arrested one thousand demonstrators.

(46) A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Ans:- Moss is not gathered on a rolling stone.

(47) Nobody abuses the child.
Ans:- The child is not abused by anybody.

(48) Call in a doctor soon.
Ans:- Let a doctor be called in soon.

(49) He laughed at me.
Ans:- I was laughed at by him.

(50) Sugar tastes sweet.
Ans:- Sugar is sweet when it is tasted.

(51) That boy is known to me.
Ans:- I know that boy.

(52) The dead body was removed from the street.  (P)
Ans:- Some one removed the dead body from the street. (A)
Ans:- They removed the dead body from the street.(A)

(53) Rose is called the queen of flowers.
Ans:- People call rose the queen of flowers.

(54) The bridge was repaired
Ans:- The workers repaired the bridge.

(55) It will be published by him.
Ans:- He will publish it.

(56) The president is selected by the members.
Ans:-The members select the president.

(57) He was invited to the meeting.
Ans:- They invited him to the meeting.

(58) His address is not known to me.
Ans:- I don't know his address.

(59) A fine chair has been made by him.
Ans:- He has made a fine chair.

(60) English is spoken all over the world.
Ans:- People speak English all over the world.

(61) The answer must be written in ink.
Ans:- You must write the answer in ink.

(62) The chief is being caught by the police.
Ans:- The police is catching the thief.

(63) The thief will be caught by the
Ans: The policeman will catch the thief.

(64) Let the boy be told to get in.
Ans:- Tell the boy to get in.

(65) They have been invited to the function.
Ans:- We have invited them to the function.

(66) He behaviour displeased me.
Ans:- I was displeased at his behaviour.

(67) I was invited to the party.
Ans:- They invited me to the party.

(68) The letters are being delivered by the postman.
Ans:- The postman is delivering the letters.

(69) A letter was being written by the girl.
Ans:- The girl was writing a letter.

(70) Letter are delivered in the morning.
Ans:- The postman delivers letters in the morning.

(71)  By whom was the letter posted?
Ans:- Who did post the letter?

(72) He was made captain of our class.
Ans:- We made him captain of our class.

(73) It is regretted very much that we shall hear his voice no more.
Ans:- We regret very much that we shall hear his voice no more.

(74) By whom was the window broken?
Ans:- Who did break the window?

(75) A letter was being written by Pinki.
Ans:- Pinki was writing a letter.

(76) My pen has been stolen.
Ans:- Someone has stolen my pen.

(77) The work had been done by him.
Ans:- He had done the work.

(78) The book will be read by me.
Ans:- I shall read the book.

(79) Accidents are caused by carelessness.
Ans: Carelessness causes accidents.

(80) We were satisfied at his behaviour.
Ans:- His behaviour satisfied us.

Turn into Active Voice:
(81) The bell was rung by him.
Ans:-He rang the bell.

(82) A snake has been killed by the boy.
Ans:- The boy has killed a snake.

(83) Rice is sold by the grocer.
Ans:- The grocer sells rice.

(84) Let it be done.
Ans:-Do it.

(85) By whom was this news given to you?
Ans:-Who gave you this news?

(86) My umbrella has been stolen.
Ans:- Someone has stolen my umbrella.

(87) I shall be caught by him.
Ans:-He will catch me.

(88) The work is being done by me.
Ans:-I am doing the work.

(89) A story was being told by my grandmother.
Ans:-My grandmother was telling a story.

(90) The lion is called the king of beast.
Ans:- People call the lion the king of beast.

(91) The old man was laughed at by him.
Ans:-He laughed at the old man.

(92) The cart is being drawn by the bullocks.
Ans:- The bullocks are drawing the cart.

( 93) We have a lot of work to do.
Ans:- A lot of work has to be done by us.

(94)  Might I use your phone?
Ans:- Might your phone be used by me?

(95) The President gave away the prize.
Ans:- The prize was given away by the President.

 (96) The boy is known to me.
Ans:- I know the boy.

(97)  It is time to stop the war.
Ans:- It is time the war to be stopped.

(98)  He was invited to the meeting.
Ans:- They invited him to the meeting.

(99)  A thief has stolen his clothes.
Ans:- His clothes have been stolen by a thief.

(100) They made me sing a song.
Ans:- I was made sing a song by them

(101) Please enter by this door.
Ans:- You are requested to enter by this door. 

(102) Mr. Saikia bought a new car last month.
Ans:- A new car was bought last month by Mr. Saikia.

 (103) The thief is being caught by the police.
Ans:- The police is catching the thief.

(104) Do you like him?
Ans:- Is he liked by you?

 (105) Who can trust a liar?
Ans:- By whom can a liar be trusted?

(106) We had to put off our journey.
Ans:- Our journey had to be put off by us.

(107) Did you not invite him?
Ans:- Was he not invited by you?

(108) Work out the sum.
Ans:- Let the sum be worked out.

(109) Decent people dislike bad manner.
Ans:- Bad manner is disliked by decent people.

(110)  Do not hate any one.
Ans:- Let nobody be hated.

(111) The doctor is examining the patient.
Ans:- The patient is being examined by the doctor.

(113) When did you call me?
Ans:- When was I called by you?

(114)  People play football everywhere.
Ans:- Football is played everywhere.

(115) His conduct pleases me.
Ans:- I am pleased at his conduct.

(116)  Bring me a cup of tea.
Ans:- Let a cup of tea be brought.

(117) All know Mahatma Gandhi.
Ans:- Mahatma Gandhi is known to all.

(118) Who did this work?
Ans:- By whom was the work done?

(119) Why do you dislike the boy?
Ans:- Why is the boy disliked by you?

(120) Give up your bad habits.
Ans:- Let your bad habits be given up.

(121)  Some one posted the letter.
Ans:- The letter was posted.

(122) We made the child cry.
Ans:- The child was made cry by us.

(123)  Will you have completed the job by sunset?
Ans:- Will the job have been completed by sunset by you?

(124) The teacher is teaching us a new lesson.
Ans:- A new lesson is being taught by the teacher.

(125) They made him the captain.
Ans:- He was made the captain.

(126) This house is to be let.
Ans:- This house is to let.

(127) Did he do it?
Ans:- Was it done by him?

(128) A storm damaged the house.
Ans:- The house was damaged by a storm.

(129) Don't go there.
Ans:- You are warned not to go there.

(130) The matter should be looked into.
Ans:- We should look into the matter.

(131) Roses smell sweet.
Ans:- The rose is sweet when it is smelled.

(132) He met the saint accompanied by his followers.
Ans:- The saint was met accompanied by his followers by him.

(133) Had she kept her promise?
Ans:- Had her promise been kept by her?

(134) Mr. Das teaches us English.
Ans:- English is taught by Mr. Das.

(135) We must endure what we cannot cure.
Ans:- We must endure what cannot be cured.

(136) Grass grows over the field.
Ans:-  Grass is grown over the field.

(137) His behaviour vexes me sometimes.
Ans:- I am vexed at his behaviour.

(138) Could you help me, Sir?
Ans:- Could I be helped by you, Sir?

(139) What causes an earthquake?
Ans:- What is an earthquake caused by?

(140) The children make a noise.
Ans:- A noise is made by the children.

(141) What are you thinking of?
Ans:- What is being thought of by you?

(142) He has done nothing.
Ans:- Nothing has been done by him.

(143) He loves his sons.
Ans:-His sons are loved by him.

(144) We expect good news.
Ans:- Good news is expected.

(145) Brutus stabbed Caesar.
Ans:- Caesar was stabbed by Brutus.

(146) He has made a mistake.
Ans:- A mistake has been made by him.

(147) He will learn the lesson.
Ans:- The lesson will be learnt by him.

(148) The boys were playing football.
Ans:- Football was being played by the boys.

(149) They can speak English.
Ans:- English can be spoken by them.

(150) Does he speak Assamese?
Ans:-Is Assamese spoken by him?

(151) Will they help us?
Ans:- Will we be helped by them?

(152) He bought a new camera.
Ans:-A new camera was bought by him.

(153) Mr. Sen teaches us English Grammar.
Ans:- We are taught English Grammar by Mr. Sen.

(154) Write a letter to your father.
Ans:-Let a letter be written to your father.

(155) Bring some mangoes.
Ans:-Let some mangoes be brought.

(156) The hunter killed the tiger last night.
Ans:-The tiger was killed last night by the hunter.

(157) We shall hold a meeting tomorrow.
Ans:-A meeting will be held tomorrow by us.

Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.
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December 23, 2022 at 12:44 PM ×

It is really helpful to the students of HS second year.

Congrats bro Unknown you got PERTAMAX...! hehehehe...