
The Bond of Love by Kenneth Anderson

The Bond of Love
    Kenneth Anderson

1. Name the author of the prose "The Bond of Love".
Ans:- Kenneth Anderson.  

2. Choose the correct answer from the alternatives given bellow:
(a) The sloth bear was sent to the zoo at-
(i) Bangalore    (ii) Mysore     (iii) Delhi

Ans:- (i) Mysore.

(b) The sloth bear's name was changed to-
(i) Baba (ii) Bruno (iii) Bear

Ans:- (i) Baba.

(b) An island was made for Bruno at the author's residence which was-
(i) twenty feet long and five feet wide.
(ii) Ten feet long and fifteen feet wide.
(iii) twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide.

Ans:- (iii) Twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide.

(c) Bruno was sent to the Zoo of Myshore because-
(i) The writer and his wife disliked him
(ii) The Zoo authority wanted to get him
(iii) Bruno was getting too big to keep at home
iv. Bruno was just as sweet as mischievous.

Ans:- (iii) Bruno was getting too big to keep at home.

(d) One day Bruno accidentally ate-
(i) Sodium Hydrochloride.
(ii) Barium Carbonate.
(iii) Sulphur Dioxide
(iv) Sodium Sulphate.

Ans:- (ii) Barium Carbonate.

(e) Bruno loved most-
(i) The narrator (ii) The narrator's wife
(iii) The narrator's
iv. The children of the tenant.

Ans:- (ii) The narrator's wife.

(f) The main food of the sloth bear is-
(i) Meat    (ii) Termite
(iii) carrot    (iv) Rice

Ans:- (ii) Termite.

(g) The narrator tried to capture-
(i) The mother bear
(ii) the motherless cub
(iii) the couple of bear
(iv) his gun to shoot

Ans:- (ii) The motherless cub.

(h) To keep Bruno they made-
(a) an island     (b) a box     (c) a cage

Ans:- (a) an island

(i) The person who consented Baba's staying with his master is-
(i) the curator     
(ii) the ranger     
(iii) the superintendent

Ans:- (iii) the superintendent

(j) Bruno was found in the-
(i) Sugarcane field (ii) zoo (iii) street (iv) paddy field (ii) a hunter

Ans:- (i) Sugarcane field

(k) The author's wife has changed the pet bear's name from Bruno to -
(i) Papa
(ii) Raja
(iii) Baba
(iv) Jaggu

Ans:- (iii) Baba.

(l) As an infant Bruno took-
(i) Pudding
(ii) biscuits
(iii) brute
(iv) milk

Ans:- (iv) milk.

(m) The mother bear was shot by-
(i) the writer
(ii) the writer's companion
(iii) a hunter.

Ans:- (ii) The writer's companion.

(n) Sloth bears live in-
(i) desert area
(ii) forested area
(iii) snowcovered area.

Ans:-  (ii) Forested area.

3. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words:
(a) It scooted into the sugarcane field.
(ran after/ran away/ran into)

Ans:- Ran away.

(b) All the keepers at the zoo said he was fretting.

Ans:- Worried.

Answer the following questions.
4. Who was Bruno?

Ans:- Bruno was a baby bear.

5. “I got him for her by accident.”
(i) Who says this?
(ii) Who do ‘him' and 'her' refer to?
(iii) What is the incident referred to here?

Ans:- (i) The author says thiş.
(ii) Here ‘him’ is referred to the baby bear and 'her’ to the author's wife.
(iii) The incident refers to the catching of the baby bear after his mother has been shot.

6. “He stood on his head in delight.”
(i) Who does he' refer to? (ii) Why was he delighted?

Ans:- (i) Here, 'he' is referred to the baby bear.
(ii) He was delighted as he saw, the author's wife after a long time.

7. "We all missed him greatly: but in a sense "we were relieved.”
(i) Who does 'we all stand for?
(ii) Who did they miss?
(iii) Why did they nevertheless feel relieve?

Ans:- (i) 'we all' stands for the author, his wife and son.
(ii) They missed the baby bear.
(iii) They felt relieved because the baby bear was growing big. So it was getting difficult to keep him at home.

8. How did the baby bear spend his time?
Ans:- The baby bear spent his time playing and running into the kitchen of the author's house. He even slept on their bed. Soon the baby bear became attached to two Alsatian dogs. He also became friendly with the children of the neighbourhood. He started enjoying himself freely.

9. How did Baba feel on the island which was made specially for him? What did he do?
Ans:- Baba stood on hind legs. He used to point gun and cradle his baby. He was very delighted on the island that was specially made for him. The author's wife spent hours sitting on a chair while he sat on her lap. He was only fifteen months old but was pretty heavy too.

10. What had happened to Bruno when he ate the poison Barium Carbonate?
(Or) Describe the two occasions when Bruno ate/ drank something that should not be eaten.

Ans:- Bruno was a loving and playful pet. There were two incidents where Bruno ate and drank something which he should not take.
    On the first occasion Bruno ate some Barium Carbonate which the author K. Anderson kept in his library to kill rates and mice. Immediately after eating the poison Bruno could not stand and move. He started vomiting after eating Barium Carbonate. He was given medical treatment and he somehow recovered from that danger.
    On the second occasion Bruno drank one gallon of engine oil. That time also the engine oil could do no harm to Bruno.

11. Give a brief account of Bruno's food chart.
Ans:- Bruno ate porridge made from any ingredients, vegitables, fruit, nuts. He also liked pork meat, curry and rice regardless of condiments. Chillies, bread, eggs, chocolates sweets, pudding, ice-cream etc. were also in the food chart of Baba. As for drink he took milk, tea, coffee, lime juice, aerated water, buttermilk, beer and alcoholic liquor etc. He could even drink engine oil though it was not in his food chart.

12. What does the author describe about in the story "The Bond of Love".
(Or) What is the moral that “The Bond of Love' teaches?

Ans:- "The Bond of Love' has a great moral. It shows the love and affection between human beings and animals. It teaches us that we must love and respect the animals. They have the same feeling and emotions as we human beings have. In this way Bruno entertain the family of the author.

13. What arrangement were made when Baba was brought back to the author's house?
(Or) Describe the Island made for Baba.

Ans:- The author and his wife brought back Baba home from the zoo. In the author's compound a squad of coolies were engaged to make an island for Baba. The island was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide and was surrounded by a dry pit or moat. The pit was six feet wide and seven feet deep. A wooden box was put there for Bruno to sleep in at night. Straw was placed inside to keep him warm. In a few days the colies hoisted the cage on to the island and Baba was released fo free moving. He was very delighted.

14. What new name was given to Bruno? Who gave that name?
Ans:- The new name of Bruno was Baba. The author's wife gave that name.

15. Why was Baba sent to the zoo of Mysore?
Ans:- Baba, the baby bear was growing big. It was getting difficult to keep him at home. So, he was sent to the zoo.

16. Who took milk as an infant?
Ans:- Bruno took milk as an infant.

17. How did Bruno spend his time?
Ans:- Bruno spent his time playing and running into the kitchen.

18. Why was the baby bear given to the zoo at Mysore?
(Or) Was Bruno a loving and playful pet? Why, then, did he have to be sent away?

Ans:- Bruno was a loving and playful pet. He was mischievous. He had to be sent away because he had grown many times than his original size. So, he was getting too big to be kept at home. So he was sent to the zoo of Mysore.

19. What were the tricks done by Bruno to entertain the author's family?
Ans:- Bruno could do a few tricks to entertain the author's family. Bruno could follow the commands of the author's wife. At he command, Bruno could wrestle or box and tumble. He could even hold a stick like a gun pointing at a person.

20. How did the writer get Bruno?
(Or) Describe how did the author get a baby bear for his wife?
(Or) How did the author catch the baby bear?

Ans:- One of the companions of the author killed the mother of the baby bear. The little bear ran around his mother's dead body and ran away into a sugarcane field. The author tried to follow the bear with his companions. At last the author was able to grab the baby bear by the scruff of its neck.

21. Why did Bruno's health deteriorate?
Ans:- Bruno was a loving and playful pet. One day Bruno ate some Barium Carbonate which the author K. Anderson kept in his library to kill rates and mice. Immediately after eating the poison Bruno could not stand and move. He started vomiting after eating Barium Carbonate. He was given medical treatment and he somehow recovered from that danger.

22. What kind of place was made for Bruno at the author's house?
Ans:- Bruno was kept freely in the author's house. He spent his time in playing and running into the author's kitchen.

23. How was Baba taken back to Bangalore?
Ans:- Baba was driven into a small cabin. He was hoisted on the top of the car. The cage was tied security. A careful return journey was under taken to Bangalore. Baba reached Bangalore in this way.
24. Describe the meeting of the author's wife with Baba in the zoo.
(Or) How did Baba react when he saw the author's wife in the zoo?

Ans:- When Baba saw the author's wife in the zoo he recognized her. He howled with happiness, Author's wife ran up to him,petted him through the bars. Baba began to cry Author's wife also wept bitterly. She requested the superintendent of the zoo to send Baba back. The superintendent was a kind hearted man. He also lent them a cage for transporting Bruno back to Bangalore. Baba was driven into a small cage.

25. Where did the author keep Barium Carbonate? Why did he keep it?
Ans:- The author kept Barium Carbonate in his library. He kept it to kill mice and rates.

26. What did the sloth bear take in the writer's library?
Ans:- The sloth bear took Barium Carbonate in the writer's library.

27. 'The hardened curator' means —
(a) hard curator
(b) firm curator
(C) hard-hearted curator
(d) determined curator

Ans:- (c) Hard-hearted curator.

28. The word 'conjectured' means -
(a) thought
(b) thinking about
(c) guessed
(d) meditated

Ans:- (c) Guessed.

29. Bruno ate curry and rice regardless of condiments and chilies. (grass/oils pices)
Ans:- Spices


Mr. Rupjyoti Goswami
Post Graduate Teacher (English)
Bhogeswar Hazarika Girls' Higher Secondary School, Bebejia, Nagaon, Assam.
Email: rupjyotigoswami983@gmail.com
Mobile: 9864425896.

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