
Introduction to Political Theory - Class XI


Introduction to Political Theory 

1. Who first used the term "Politics"?     HS-2013, 2016
Ans:- Aristotle

2. Who is the father of Political Science?     HS-2012
Ans:- Aristotle

3. What is the famous book written by Greek philosopher Aristotle?  HS-2015
Ans:- The Politics

4. The word 'Politics' is derived from which Greek word?
Ans:- Polis

5. "Political Science is Progressive Science"- who said this?     HS-2014
Ans:- Lord Bryce

6. 'The Republic' is written by Socrates/Plato.             HS-2018
Ans:- Plato

7. 'Political Science begins and ends with state.'- Who said this.         HS-2015
Ans:- Dr. Garner

8. What is POlitical Science?        HS-2012
Ans:- 'Political Science begins and ends with state.' (Garner)

9. What is political theory?            HS-2012,2014
Ans:- 'Political theory is a collection of certain ideas, which tries to describe, explain and predict about political event.' (R.E. Riggs and J.G. Plano)

10. "History without Political Science has no fruit, Political Science without History has no root."- Who said this.             HS-2016
Ans:- John Seeley

11. What is 'polis'?
Ans:- city state in Greek

12. Is Political Science Dynamic?
Ans:- Yes, Political Science is Dynamic.

13. Political Science is a social Science. (Write true or false)
Ans:- True.

15. Mention four subject matters of Political Theory. HS-2011
Ans:- The subject matters of Political Theory are mentioned below:
(i) Political theory studies on principles and theories of the state and government.
(ii) Political principles, political parties and pressure group.
(iii) power influence and authority.
(iv) international organization and international relations.
(v) Rights and duties in a society.
(vi) conflicts.

16. Discuss the importance of Political Theory. HS-2018
Discuss the necessity of the study of Political Theory. HS-2017
Ans:- The study of political theory has become important/necessary in the following context:
(i) A study of political theory makes people politically conscious. Without political consciousness people cannot take part in political life.
(ii) A sound knowledge of political principle is essential to get rid of erroneous notions. People develop wrong ideals about Government and politics.
(iii) The lessons of political theories are very fruitful in making people conscious about their freedom, equality, justice, rights and obligations,
(iv) Every individual in a state is directly or indirectly concerned with politics. So its study is very importance.
(v) Political theory helps to know systematically about the state and Government.

17. Discuss the importance of Political Science. HS-2012
Ans:- The study of political Science is very important for various reasons. These are as follows:
(i) Knowledge about state:- By study political science, people can know how and why the state was organized in the past and why its continuation is justified.
(ii) Position of the individual:- Political Science enlightens the people about their position in relation to state authority.
(iii) Rights and Obligations:- Political Science makes people conscious about their right and obligations.
(iv) Political consciousness:- A study of political science makes people politically conscious. Well informed citizens are ever vigilant.
(v) Knowledge of political science indispensable:- Every individual in a state is directly concerned with politics. Hence, its study is of tremendous importance in these days.
(vi) Good citizens:- the study of political science is very essential to become good citizen.

18. Political Science is a true science. Give reasons. HS-2014
Ans:-Aristotle considered political science as the master of supreme science. The following arguments are given to prove that political science is not a true science.
(i) No precision:- Principles of political science are not absolutely precise and clear. This has led to many controversies.
(ii) No scientific methods:- Universally accepted rigorous methods of scientific investigation, observation and experimentation can't be followed in the study of political science.
(iii) Disagreements:- There is no general agreement among political thinkers regarding definition, scope, terminology, methods and principles of the subject.
(iv) Future unpredictable:- It is difficult to predict future course of events in political Science as they do not follow proper sequence like the exact science.

19. Write the relationship of Economics and Political Science. HS-2016
Ans:- Economics and political science are very closely related. They exercise influence on each other.  
(i) Political Freedom cannot be possible without economic freedom.
(ii) Many political parties are constituted on the basis of economic grounds.
(iii) The success and failure of a political system mostly depends upon economic background of a country.
(iv) The energies of economists and political scientists as utilized for the welfare of the community.

21. "History without Political Science has no fruit, Political Science without History has no root."- Discuss.         HS-2020 Marks-4
(or) Discuss the relationship between Political Science and History.

Ans:-Political Science and History are so interdependent that they touch each other frequently. According to Gettel, "The two studies are in fact contributory and complementary." Political Science is concerned with those persons who live under a state but History is concerned with those persons who are not living under a state.

22. Show the difference between politics and Political Science. HS-2014,2012

23. Write two nature or characters of Political Science.

24. Mention four main subject matters of scope of political Science. HS-2014 marks-4
Textual Questions:
1. Which of the following statement true/false about political theory.
(a) It discusses ideas that form the basis of political institutions.

Ans:- True

(b) It explains the relationship between different religious.
Ans:- False

(c) It explains the meaning of concepts like equally and freedom.
Ans:- True

(d) It predicts the performance of of political parties.
Ans:- False

2. Politics is more than what politicians do. Do you agree with the  statement? Give example.
Ans:- Yes, I agree with the statement that politics is more than what politicians do. It is a fact that many politicians use politics to further their own selfish interests. Some people use politics as a ladder to acquire political power. For them it is the best way to gain some kind of public office. Although politicians are an integral part of government but politics is not limited to their activities.
      Political activities encompass participation of people in collective activities whenever they negotiate for promoting social development and resolving common problems. Hence, politics relates to that sphere of life involving power, collective decision-making and solving common problems.

3. 'Vigilant citizens are must for the successful working of a democracy'. Comment.
Ans:- It can be said that true democracy can function only when there are vigilant citizens. Democracy without people's participation degenerates into dictatorship. The success of democracy depends on good citizens who are fully aware of their rights and duties. Citizens are the pillars of democracy. The best definition of democracy 'is a government of the people, for the people and by the people. Citizens must be alert, vigilant, educated and well-informed. They should constantly keep a vigil against any misuse of power. In other words, the citizens have to be vigilant. Only a vigilant populace can enjoy true liberty and freedom.

4. In what ways is the study of Political Theory useful for us? Identify four ways in which Political Theory can be useful to us?
Ans:-Political Theory has very useful in the present scenario of political science and political institution.
(Write the question's answer of no. 16)

5. Do you think studying Political Theory is like studying mathematics? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans:- No, the study of Political Theory is not like studying  mathematics, because in Political Theory we need to study Power, Authority, Legitimacy etc. Political theorists have given various definitions on Power, Authority, Legitimacy etc. But in mathematics there is one definition of cubic or square.

Objective Type Questions:
Choose the correct answers:

(i) The term 'Politics' is derived from:
    (a) Latin word 'Polis'         (b) Greek word 'Polis'
    (c) English word 'Political'    (d) Greek word 'City-state'

Ans:- (b) Greek word 'Polis'

(ii) Theory is derived from the word 'Theoria' which is taken from :
    (a) Greek word         (b) English word 
    (c) Roman word         (d)Latin word

 Ans:- (a) Greek word

(iii) scope of political Theory is:
   (a) Study of political power
    (b) To determine the political principles
    (c) Study of state and government
    (d) All of the above.

Ans:- (d) all of the above.

(iv) Who advocated the theory of Class War?
    (a) Karl Marx        (b) Aristotle
    (c) Plato                (d) Kautilya

Ans:- (a) Karl Marx

(v) We find Gandhian Principles in Indian Constitution in-
    (a) Fundamental Rights
    (b) Directive Principles of State Policy
    (c) Fundamental Duties
    (d) All the above

Ans:- (b) Directive Principles of State Policy

(vi) Aristotle's famous book on political science is the
    (a) Republic        (b) Prince
    (c) Politics        (d) Laws

Ans:- (c) Politics

(vii) The term political was coined by.
    (a) Garner                (b) Bodin
    (c) Gil Christ            (d) Aristotle

Ans:- (b) Bodin  

(viii) "History provides the third dimension of political science" who said this?
    (a) Laski        (b) Mill
    (c) Bentham        (d) Willoughby

Ans:- (d) Willoughby

(ix) "All history is not past politics" Who said  this?
    (a) Garner        (b) Burgess
    (c) John Seeley        (d) Mill

Ans:- (a) Garner

(x) Who said that "politics is but ethics writ large"
    (a) Ivor Brown        (b)Lord Action
    (c) Gil Christ        (d) Bentham

Ans:- (a) Ivor Brown.

Write correct or incorrect
1. Political Theory discusses the concept of political institutions.
Ans:- correct

2. Political Theory discusses the relations between different religions.
Ans:- incorrect

3. Untouchability is abolished in India.
Ans:- correct

4. Who said that the Scheduled Caste must be considered as minority in India?
Ans:- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

5. Political Theory helps us to understand political realities.
Ans:- correct

6. The studying Political Theory is like studying mathematics.
Ans:- incorrect

7. Vigilant citizens are must for the successful working democracy.
Ans:- correct

Dr. Ratanlal Brahma, M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Post Graduate Teacher (Political Science)
H.N.Seminary Model HS School, Bagribari, Dhubri, Assam
Email : brahmaratan@gmail.com
Mobile : 7020477396
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